Hi, I just recently purchased a pair of Wyoming White clownfish and they have been in quarantine with copper and nitrofurazone. Today is the 6th day and I noticed a long white string hanging from one of the cowfishes belly along with irregular swimming patterns and a damaged back fin. I am having a hard time getting photos of the long white thing but you can briefly see it in some of the videos below.
I also have a few photos below and in the first one you can see the small bit of damage to the clear part of its rear fin.
I have also been administering a 100% water change every 3 days in the QT. If I need to switch medications to treat this I am currently using copper and nitrofurazone and have prazi pro, metro, and formalin available to use.
I also have a few photos below and in the first one you can see the small bit of damage to the clear part of its rear fin.
I have also been administering a 100% water change every 3 days in the QT. If I need to switch medications to treat this I am currently using copper and nitrofurazone and have prazi pro, metro, and formalin available to use.