new popbloom rs90


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Maybe, recommended height is 8", but it looks way higher, probably just picture....


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I just got a pair of these and wanted to give some feedback. I can’t take really good pictures right now since I don’t have anything but my phone and these lights have a lot of blue in them.

This is my first light that isn’t a cheap pet store light so I’m a little inexperienced in this area. The first thing I noticed was that the presets are all very bright. I set up my own custom day night cycle with the intensity turned down a bit, especially the white. I have noticed algae getting worse since running these.

The tank currently has no corals and no fish. The tank is only a few months old (using very established live rock and live sand) and the fish started getting ich so I decided to go the eradication route. Im 3 weeks in to my 6 week fallow period with the water at 80 degrees.

I’m looking forward to getting the fish back into the DT to see them under these lights, then getting some corals in there.
Not sure of your intentions but there are alternate ways to space the lights (also don't know if you have cross bracing)

This is an idea of getting a more even light field over the tank. As you have it spaced the center is quite "hot" which if that was your intention ok.. Just be aware that this does sort of define which corals would be best where..
BRS has some good vids on this concept using ai primes.



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Not sure of your intentions but there are alternate ways to space the lights (also don't know if you have cross bracing)

This is an idea of getting a more even light field over the tank. As you have it spaced the center is quite "hot" which if that was your intention ok.. Just be aware that this does sort of define which corals would be best where..
BRS has some good vids on this concept using ai primes.

I’ll check out BRS video on it. Right now I just have them 16” apart because it’s a 48” tank.


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I've had my p90 now for a week and getting algi out break on my glass , looks lie green dust , i have it set to slow acclimate


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Or try reduce algae, or even better set power % low.....

Specialy channels 1 and 4.....


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Dear all,

I have a new discovery that the hobbier in USA is like less Blue: White than in Euro.

RS90, nobody said "too blue" in Euro. But many friends in USA strongly suggested me the Blue: White 2:1.

Would please do you think RS90 is too blue? where are you ?
If you think it is too blue, what is your advice of the Blue: White? ( the current B:W is 6:1)


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Blue white ratio is ok for me.

Blue gives power, white balanced things, and in equal % power settings output is not too blue.

But, blue channels (both of them) lacks UV, or u may call it "purple", or true actinic, or 380-420-ish part of spectrum.

So maybe shift channel 2 to actinic?

Or make 2 versions, one existing (with modified colors on channel 2 and 4), and another with more whites, like other manufacturers do, something like "ocean blue" and "ocean day" variant ;)

But biggest point of improvement should be controller. Yes, its good up to some point, but real pain is that one settings override another, no possibility to edit and customize available presets, limited moonlight option...

It all can be tweaked, but, like i said, tweaking one option kills another....

For example, i like for my lights to go off at 23:00 (11 pm). And i like to be turned on at 9:00.
So, setting offset to +2 hours and selecting lets say "show vivid colors" - don't work. Moonlight is set to 21:00 OFF (that's 23:00 with time offset), and to ON at 7:00 (that's 9:00 with offset).

That part is ok. But, this change don't affect preset, so, in 9:00 there is no slow light turning, increasing, sunrise, just flash of light, just like turning on t5 lamp, because, preset is still on default programing, and he thinks that is 7:00, and turn light at that settings, which is very high on all channels to be starting point. And it starts in 4:00

Same problem is with, let's say "4 season" presets, in winter time.... Yes, my moonlight is on at 23:00, great, but preset says that light will go full dark in 20:30 (for example). So, i have 2,5 hours of darkness, and then moonlight turn on...

So, what i want to say - give us option to select preset, select on and off time, select when moonlight turns on/off... and the rest is automaticaly...

Really like and find usefull presets, but, there's no way to customize it at any way other than time offset, and that is not good. Or at least, give us some chart, like there is on "vivid" preset, do that for all available presets, so that one can copy settings and adjust it to own needs and likes in program mode,.... ;)

Other than that, great lights....
alain Bouchard

alain Bouchard

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colors are perfect for me. personally, I wouldn't change a thing on the LED configuration. But, like koh23 mentioned, maybe having a simpler to understand, more graphical controller, would help people set their light to the color they like. I understand that a more complex controller with color graphic and maybe even BT and WIFI would cost more, but it could be offered as an optional accessory. The light are great, the price is great, but IMAO the weak point is the controller. I wouldn't mind paying 200$ extra to have better controller.


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I'm not too demanding, just option to edit available presets, to modify on/off time on them, really dont see a need for my light to turn at 4am ;)

Or like i said before, you provided us time stamps and intensity for vivid mode. Do that for all modes, and then each one of us can replicate otherwise great presets in programing mode.


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colors are perfect for me. personally, I wouldn't change a thing on the LED configuration. But, like koh23 mentioned, maybe having a simpler to understand, more graphical controller, would help people set their light to the color they like. I understand that a more complex controller with color graphic and maybe even BT and WIFI would cost more, but it could be offered as an optional accessory. The light are great, the price is great, but IMAO the weak point is the controller. I wouldn't mind paying 200$ extra to have better controller.
I think one of the biggest misses here besides what you have stated is the ability to control via GHL/Apex/etc. A simple 0-10v and/or PMW plug would make the lights amazing. Being able to add them to my automation system and able to control when away from home would be a boon. :)


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colors are perfect for me. personally, I wouldn't change a thing on the LED configuration. But, like koh23 mentioned, maybe having a simpler to understand, more graphical controller, would help people set their light to the color they like. I understand that a more complex controller with color graphic and maybe even BT and WIFI would cost more, but it could be offered as an optional accessory. The light are great, the price is great, but IMAO the weak point is the controller. I wouldn't mind paying 200$ extra to have better controller.
there will be a surprise for you at the middle of the MAY。 :-)


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Dear Koh23

there are 2 pcs UV in Ch2. please set Ch1 0%, Ch2 1%, Ch3 0%, Ch4 0%, and look at the led bubble, you will see there are 2 pcs leds dark in Ch2. They are 400nm.
-- Offset
The Offset support sunrise and sunset. would please try the following setting,
1, choice "show Vivid color".
2, select moon type by : menu->select nightmoon->"resum cycle set " (run as the preset cycle define)
3, set offset 5 housr. 4+5=9
Then at 9:00 it begin to bright step by step. 23:00 all full Channels are dim bright. at 1:00 only moon until 9:00
is it what you want ? the run time is longer than you want?

The following is the setting of the preset for your reference.


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I think one of the biggest misses here besides what you have stated is the ability to control via GHL/Apex/etc. A simple 0-10v and/or PMW plug would make the lights amazing. Being able to add them to my automation system and able to control when away from home would be a boon. :)
it is easy to support GHL/Apex, I have done it for some friends.
the following step FYI.
1, find out a waterproof cords to connect the GHL/Apex to the light. (just like controller). I am happy to give you it FREE and you only pay the shipping cost.
2, connect the Ch1 (blue cord) to GHL/Apex 1. .... 2...3...4. and set the GHL/APex high pulse (10V ) is on.
3, connect the FAN to GHL/Apex, and set low pluse (0V) is on.
4, connect the GND to GHL/Apex GND.
5, using the GHL/Apex power itself.

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need my hands.

Maybe the detail electrical issue is too boring for most,but maybe very attractives to others .
Would please may it possible you open a new topics (forums ) do discuss them. such as (GHL/APex replace PopBloom Turing controller)


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The Offset support sunrise and sunset. would please try the following setting,
1, choice "show Vivid color".
2, select moon type by : menu->select nightmoon->"resum cycle set " (run as the preset cycle define)
3, set offset 5 housr. 4+5=9
Then at 9:00 it begin to bright step by step. 23:00 all full Channels are dim bright. at 1:00 only moon until 9:00
is it what you want ? the run time is longer than you want?
Thank you for your help! Really appreciated!

Maybe i didn't explain very well, so, i'll try again....

Above works perfectly, yes, i agree... Time offset funcion simply shift starting points from time A to any given time, depending of offset value.

So, in "vidid" preset, in fact in all of them except "reduce algae", starting point is 4:00AM.

Based on time shift value, you can make starting point in any time u want, +1, +3, +8, it work flawlessly.

But, here's the catch, aka the "problem"....

Yes, i want for my light to go ON in 9AM, slowly ramps up, simulating sunset. I can do that. But i DONT want for my light to light until 1:00AM. And that's exactly what i get with using +5 offset.

Ok, there's a workaround, i can use time offset to delay ON, and have sunrise feature, and then, using MOON TIME option simply set moon time to any value lower than 21PM. With limits, of course.... Lowest value for moon time on is 18PM... + 5, that's still 23AM. Great. Problem solved, right? No. Not at all ;)

Moon time had "command" to activate moonlight in 23PM (in fact in 18PM +5 hours of offset), and override preset settings, and that settings says that in 18PM lights are still on with values ranging from 60-80%. So, basically, it's just like pulling out power plug... ;)

Looking on the other side, let's say - eliminate moon time completely, leave it default.

Use preset. Any preset will do. Lowest % point of any channel in 21PM is 10%. Great. Works excellent on some days in month. ;) Why? Well, moon time programming actually have few days when moonlight setting is BELOW 10%. So, in few days you will have this order:

Lights working full (depends on preset), then slowly ramps down emulating sunset, then moonlight, low intensity.

But, on other days, you will have

Lights working full (depends on preset), then slowly ramps down emulating sunset, then moonlight, with HIGHER light intensity.... I assume that this is not such a big problem, but sudden jump from 10% to 30%....

Ok, my head hurts now.... ;)

But, wait, there's more... ;) ;) ;)

Ok, forget presets, lets simply program your own light, there u have total freedom, right? Ahem, well, no, not really...

Yes, i can set starting point of any given channel at any given time, up to 23:50PM. Yes, i can program end point at any given time. Great.

But, i CAN'T have moonlight. Wait, really? ;) Yes. I mean, i can have moonlight, but, not as i want it.

Why? Well, let's say that i program everything and my lights went off in 23PM. I cannot set moonlight to ON in 23PM... Latest time point in moonlight is, you guess 21PM. That brings me back to workaround.

Simply setting wrong time, or use time offset +2, and then program lights with that +2 in mind (9AM becomes actually 7AM, so, that, when counting offset, lights will still go ON in 9AM as planned). But that brings me back to "moonlight intensity problem".

Ok, time for another workaround, kind of. Forget moonlight, i will just program my lights to fixed intensity moonlight, simply by running them and fading to 23PM, and then, i will have moonlight set at 5% for example. And i want it to run.... wait, that's it - you CANNOT run channel past 23:50PM mark. Shoot, so, i cannot have moonlight until 3AM, and then darkness to 9AM.... well, u guess, time for another workaround... ;)

Using offset, shift time +4, then program lights calculating that offset in value, then set any channel at low % in time from 21PM - 23PM, which will give me that extra 3 hours of "fake moonlight", and then simply don't use built moonlight feature, which will turn off completely my lights at 23PM, aka 3AM...

Well, at this point, head explodes.... ;)

I apologies for such long, and complicated post, just want to clarify every little step, and summarize all of this in simply line - just allow custom times, "smart" presets with their timings, which automatically correct itself based on users ON and OFF times.... I want to run it from time A to time B, and controller automatically "adjust" timings to fit my time frame, and have real emulation of sunrise and sunset.

I don't want to be misunderstood, this is GREAT lights, i love them. I WANT them, i NEED at least one more (sadly, don't have money for it, but...)....

All of above can be corrected, improved, to have even better product.


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Maybe the detail electrical issue is too boring for most,but maybe very attractives to others .
Well now you got my curiosity up.
A couple of quick questions:
1) I believe in the past you used linear IC drivers on the old DSunY boards.
Still using linear or buck?
2) So the dimming protocol is 10v analog in your Turing controller?
3) Do you current dim or PWM?


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Ok, i took liberty to play a little, and create "alternative" timings, on paper....

This is modification based on "show vivid color" preset, just in shorter time span, to have same levels and spectrum as original settings, just in more acceptable 12 (+3) hours span.

This is not recommended settings, by any means, just my way to maintain same spectrum as preset, same intensity, in shorter time... So, sunrise is little faster, but, this will not be a problem, i prefer faster ramping up.

Alternatively, you can move in channel 2 starting point to 7:00 or 7:30, and ending point to 22:00 (or up to 23:50 if you want prolonged sunset....)

Of course, i don't claim that this is 1:1 intensity/spectrum copy in any time point, but i thing it's close, and close is good enough for me.

Will it work, is it good, who knows, i will try and see...

Hope this will be useful to someone.... If someone have better recommendation, or anything, feel free, please...

Oh, yes, i hope that this is not some kind of copyright, intellectual property or something violation, if so, please say and i will remove settings...
Channel 1.jpg Channel 2.jpg Channel 3.jpg Channel 4.jpg
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Well now you got my curiosity up.
A couple of quick questions:
1) I believe in the past you used linear IC drivers on the old DSunY boards.
Still using linear or buck?
2) So the dimming protocol is 10v analog in your Turing controller?
3) Do you current dim or PWM?
2)dimming protocal is 3V-12V in light to support many kind of PWM signal.
dimming protocal is 3V in Turing v1 , 6V turing V2.
3) PWM.
1). if you mean light panel control signal.(dimming protocal ) NO, we never useing linear IC driver. from the first board ,it is PWM
if you mean the power of the controller. it is buck (DC 24/36V input)

Please the power should be much careful .
in Turing, the power is come from the light. (24V or 36V ). the buck to 3V (V1) or 5V (v2) to MCU.
in GHL/Apex , seems they only accept 12V.
1, so it is impossible drive them from the light.
2, so driver it using it own power.
3, connect the GND togeter .



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detialed and accurate description is OK for me and it help me completely understand that.
yes, you are right. when lunar moon (moonlight ) it jump. same when fix moon.
you are great!

--i hope that this is not some kind of copyright, intellectual property or something violation, if so, please say and i will remove settings...

of course not :) , we should say "thank you" to you.

Would please do me a favor?
We will launch Beta version of next version "controller" before the end of the May. ( will show more information at middle of the May)
May I ask you help do the test? the sample is free include shipping.

very thank you for your kindly support. thank you


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

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  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

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  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

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