After a cross country move and some time getting settled in, I'm getting back into the hobby. Meaning more than my old quarantine tank that currently hosts my 6 yr old clown.
I've learned some lessons and have some goals that will be guiding me through this process. My previous tank was a hand-me down 150 gallon custom tank that was a beast. It was heavy and it was too tall. I couldn't reach the bottom. Not a great tank for corals. I tried and had some success. My new tank, I want it short enough that I don't need a step stool to work on to reach the bottom of the tank. A clean tank is a healthy tank, and anything that makes it easier (tank height) is a win for me.
My new tank I hope to have the following (this is a goal, I know this will take time)
Corals: acro's, monti's, and hammers. Likely have others, but those are my focus (for now).
Fish: Tang(either yellow or bristletooth), clownfish, Mandarin, Midas Blenny. Those are my must have's probably try others that fit that as well.
The Tank:
Based on wanting a short height and a tang, I've decided to go with a 125 gallon ~(72"x18"x23").
The Stand:
I will be building a custom stand to fit my refugium. Again, will focus on ease of access yet still try to hide those components. This is the currently in process. Below is my design for the frame. Haven't worked out the trim on it yet, but it will be simple.
Below the tank:
The rocks: Have some dry marco reef saver rock that I will be using to aquascape.
The powerheads: Still researching.
The lights: Still researching (having a tough time with this, if you have success with acro's let me know ones that work!)
Test kits: Got a bunch, need to sort through which are expired and which are good.
Let me know if you have any constructive criticism, if you see anything that you think I've missed. Also any gear that you think should be swapped out or suggestions for lighting.
After a cross country move and some time getting settled in, I'm getting back into the hobby. Meaning more than my old quarantine tank that currently hosts my 6 yr old clown.
I've learned some lessons and have some goals that will be guiding me through this process. My previous tank was a hand-me down 150 gallon custom tank that was a beast. It was heavy and it was too tall. I couldn't reach the bottom. Not a great tank for corals. I tried and had some success. My new tank, I want it short enough that I don't need a step stool to work on to reach the bottom of the tank. A clean tank is a healthy tank, and anything that makes it easier (tank height) is a win for me.
My new tank I hope to have the following (this is a goal, I know this will take time)
Corals: acro's, monti's, and hammers. Likely have others, but those are my focus (for now).
Fish: Tang(either yellow or bristletooth), clownfish, Mandarin, Midas Blenny. Those are my must have's probably try others that fit that as well.
The Tank:
Based on wanting a short height and a tang, I've decided to go with a 125 gallon ~(72"x18"x23").
The Stand:
I will be building a custom stand to fit my refugium. Again, will focus on ease of access yet still try to hide those components. This is the currently in process. Below is my design for the frame. Haven't worked out the trim on it yet, but it will be simple.
Below the tank:
- Refugium: Using my old one (don't recall brand)
- Refugium Light: Still researching
- Protein Skimmer: Currently have super reef octopus (RO-PS-2000Int)
- Return pump: Still researching
- Heaters: Likely get a hygger 500w heater (open to suggestions)
- ATO: Currently have JBJ ATO.
- Reef Controller: Still researching.
- Dosing pumps for acros: Still researching.
The rocks: Have some dry marco reef saver rock that I will be using to aquascape.
The powerheads: Still researching.
The lights: Still researching (having a tough time with this, if you have success with acro's let me know ones that work!)
Test kits: Got a bunch, need to sort through which are expired and which are good.
Let me know if you have any constructive criticism, if you see anything that you think I've missed. Also any gear that you think should be swapped out or suggestions for lighting.