School setup Fredericksburg, VA


I dig chicks with rics
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Oct 12, 2007
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I've been a high school math teacher in Stafford County, Virginia, since 2002. My first saltwater tank was a 55g with a miniatus grouper in college, circa 1997. Call me clueless. I started up a new tank during my first year of teaching, thanks to RC and my local reef club, WAMAS. That tank was a drilled 42 hex, with a 20L frag tank connected, both feeding into a 100g stock tank that acted as my sump...and took up the entirety of my 1763 built row house 'pantry'. That tank came to house mostly LPS, including a massive elegance, a basketball size frogspawn that I paid $35 for, a breeding pair of GSMs, rbta, a maxima or crocea (can't remember). Anyway 2008 my then fiance (now beautiful wife) purchased our first house. Two broke teachers made reef keeping prohibitive. The tank suffered from the move and never recovered. We had our first child in 2012, next in 2014 and money became tighter still with two kids in daycare, student loans and a mortgage. We've finally become a bit more financially solvent over the last five years. About 9 months ago I told my wife I wanted to start another reef tank and to my surprise, she thought it sounded great. I purchased a waterbox 15g peninsula in early February of this year. Followed by a guy in FB basically giving away this setup:


I took the 30 to school and kept the 2 IM 20s at home. That left me with 5 nanos at home and a 30 at school.


The thirty houses a pair of black storms, two neon cabbages, a maxima, few other softies, a rbta and a red mini carpet. I had a precipitation event recently where my doser siphoned 400ml of part B into the tank. Oops. pH spiked to 9.6. Thanks to my apex I caught it quickly enough. Fridmani made a jump for it. Took his chances on the floor (didn't work out for him). Otherwise everything else was moved home and has done okay with the transition. Working on getting that tank back on track before re-introducing the inhabitants.

Long story brings us to the next adventure. I'm now a certified earth science teacher according to VDOE, which opens up the possibility of oceanography. Not today though. Today I'm working on the new setup.

My buddy gave me a 28 lowboy that he was using to quarantine corals. And I picked up a 20 fiji cube locally. Starting thinking about what I could do...

Rough plan is to setup the 28 lowboy as a Caribbean mangrove biotope. A few black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) on some tall (very subjective....the lowboy is only 10" deep) rockwork to the far left. Sand and rock sloping down to a lagoon housing rock flower anemones (Phymanthus crucifer). Probably come in with ricordea sprinkled in. As far as fish...should I stick true to the biotope? Probably. Will I? I do have three pairs of clowns that are grossly oversized for their current 10g tanks. Pairs of black storms, black extreme snowflakes, and black and white ocellaris. The black and whites (Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce thanks to my 11yo swiftie) are particularly nasty. Taylor is just a miserable clown, attacking anything that looks at her cross, let alone enters her domain. As I'll have 3 tanks setup up at school, including the 30, I will have suitable (within reason) tanks for the 3 pairs of clowns. Let's call the pair that ends up in the biotope invasive and say that some uneducated hobbyist dumped them in the tank. I drilled the lowboy for a Fiji cube overflow and two returns. First time drilling glass. No problems. As it's not a rimless tank, I had to cut away black moulding a bit to account for the overflow and returns.

In the meantime, here's the kicker, Tampa Bay Saltwater @LiverockRocks was having a giveaway here on r2r. Member @Miclmcorallover won, but decided to pass on their good fortune and I happened to win the grand prize in a redraw. This was very exciting as I was planning on a Caribbean biotope anyway. (To boot, my 42 hex that was set up some 20 years ago, was done so with a purchase from TBS!!!). Once the TBS team found out this was for a school system they kicked in more. So my first shipment (of two), arrives on June 24th! Holy time crunch.

20 fiji cube: current plan is a rock tower with some anemones, most likely the entamacea quadricolor variety. One of the pairs of clowns is being hosted by a nice little green variety at home. Not sure what else will end up in that tank. Probably some lps and zoanthids. I've always had a massive soft spot for euphyllias. Particularly frogspawns. Currently I've got a nicrew 150, for either tank and I figure I'll add another nicrew for the other. I'll also have to figure out the lighting for mangroves.

I worked on the stand this week and this is what I came up with:


I wanted the two tanks to be at the same level at the top. I need to square things up a bit but I do dig it. In the meantime, underneath is a trigger emerald 39 sump that i picked up locally (along with an overflow). Both tanks will feed into the sump. Skimmer is a ConeS Q1 that I purchased for 50% off on closeout from BRS. Next will be either a fuge or an ATS depending upon which way I want to go. The return pump is a DC hygger 800gph which should suffice. If it's too small for both tanks, I'll get another and run on separate returns instead of just the one. A lot of this has been out of pocket, though the school did kick in a pretty penny for the apex and trident for data logging purposes. Some of my local reef club members (WAMAS) have been generous, selling items at a discount, but it's till pricey. I've got to get it plumbed and water tested before the 24th and I'm writing this from the road to Hilton Head where I'll be until Thursday!

Needs: heaters and whatever other lighting I'm going with. Sand. Lots of sand. I've got some coming in from TBS, but I know I'll need more especially if I go with the fuge. Water movement. I've got a hygger gyre in the 30 and I do like it. I was thinking about two more, one for each tank. I'm going to apply for an innovative teaching grant in the fall ($1200) but even though I'm fairly sure I'll be awarded one (I was awarded one about 7 years ago for a gardening project), the funds won't be distributed immediately and I'm on a time crunch. We'll get there though. It'll happen.

In the meantime, Skyler @ReefLegends from ReefLegends has been helping get some cultures going. I won another contest here on r2r (srsly, I don't win anything) and Skyler has helped me since getting a chlorella and tetraselmis chui culture going and I've just started some pod cultures (plan to add a mandarin to the 30 and feed him all the pods he'd ever want).


Pod stations (L->R)
Tigriopus californicus
Tisbe biminiensis
2 x Apocyclops panamensis

That's where we stand. On Friday I hope to get plumbing and stand sealing taken care of. More later!



For all your phyto, rotifer and copepods needs
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Glad things are doing well for you! Hopefully you enjoyed this months package!


I dig chicks with rics
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Oct 12, 2007
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Fredericksburg, VA
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Always happy to support schools!
The first shipment arrived today. It was a push to get everything out together in time, but I'm glad for the deadline. Got plumbing sorted over the weekend and ran the tanks for about 48hrs to make sure there weren't any leaks. I still need to figure out the standpipes to quiet everything down, but it's holding water (and circulating it as well). My wife helped get the stands, tanks, and sump over to my classroom today and then I got to work getting it set up. Bare bones right now.

Can't say thank you enough to TBS and @LiverockRocks

TBS is awesome. Whoever handles cargo for southwest at Richmond International, not so much. Plane arrived at 1:23 and I didn't get my shipment until after 4:30.

Not much to say. Got the sand put into the tank and the base rock as well. Everything is awesome. Quite a few hermits and snails. Looks like small nassarius. Also a crab. Immediately into the sump. And then this was in the water!


I know those beady eyes. I got an order from TBS circa early 2000's and had a few cirolanid isopods that presented. I had to catch my clowns at night when the little predators would attach and manually remove them. Fun times. This one will never see the tank.

Apologies for the lack of pictures. I'll get some tomorrow when everything has settled down.


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I'm off to Asia on the 3rd for two weeks. If you want me to grab it beforehand I can. If you're okay with waiting, I am too. Either way works.
All up to you buddy!! Let me know what works best for you. My wife is off all day on the 2nd so she will be home.


I dig chicks with rics
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Oct 12, 2007
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Back to it. Finished plumbing yesterday. Added more water (still didn't have enough mixed up at home as I only have 2-20g Brutes for my mixing station). Brought over another 8-9 gallons this morning (should have brought one more bucket....) to get everything topped up and running. No apparent water leaks though it is a bit noisy. Especially the sump area. Still haven't completed my standpipes, but I don't feel as if that's the issue. I've got a bit of splashing in the sump to contend with.


I'm a plumber no more than I'm a carpenter, but I fake my way as best I can. The third chamber will eventually house a fuge once I add sand and get more lighting. I know the manifold isn't level. I cut the return lines a bit short and they are pulling a bit. I added plenty of room on the manifold to run another line off of down the road...uv, ats, etc. Oh, and I didn't fell like ponying up for gate valves so ball valves it is. There's a heck of a horizontal run coming from the 20 cube. Probably close to 48". The return pump will be dialed back quite a bit and each return has ball valve so I can play with the flow there as well.


28g lowboy - This is set to be the Carribean biotope. I just placed an order of 80# of sand. Now, I don't need 80# of sand, but it was on closeout from BRS and stupid cheap so I purchased more than I needed. The plan is to build up the left side of the tank with eggcrate/rockwork/sand, sloped down to the right. The elevated left side will house mangroves, which I need to figure out the lighting for. I'm thinking just a cheap growlight from amazon. I'm sure I'll have to 3D print a shade, but that will be a project for the students. On the right side I've got a Nicrew 150 which I'm sure is way overkill, but I can dial it back. I had to trim out some of the tank frame to account for the mount. Dremel to the rescue. For water movement I only have the returns running at the moment. I've got a Hygger wavemaker on my IM 30 which I like so I'm thinking about one of them for each the lowboy and the 20g cube. Definitely planning on crucifers and ricordeas, understanding that touching will not be good. As far as the fish selection goes, unfortunately I've got 3 pairs of captive bred ocellaris at home that are in undersized tanks in my house (all 10g nanos). I'll now have 3 tanks at school. This biotope may have to house a pair of non-native ocellaris that some careless hobbyists has released into the wilds of my aquarium. The other option is that I ditch one of the pairs of clowns. I currently have: black storms, black extreme snowflakes, and black and white ocellaris. If I ditched a pair, it would be the black and whites (Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce thanks to my 11yo Swiftie). Of course I could leave them to suffer in a 10g nano as well. Moving all of thee guys over leaves me open for adding fish to each tank at home. Taylor is particularly nasty and I'm ready for her to bite someone else. Other than that, red lip blenny? Neon gobies? Royal Gramma? Probably got to have a Gramma, right? That's the initial plan.

Speaking of BRS... shout out to @Bulk Reef Supply . I reached out to see if there was anything they could do to support my classroom project and man did they come through.


2 heaters which I desperately needed and two inkbirds as well!!! They also provided a 6 month supply of reagents for the trident and also a ton of reef nutrition. Can't say thank you enough to them and their support.

20g Cube - not yet situated. I've added all of the base rock and sand from TBS @LiverockRocks to this tank as when it arrived on Monday the lowboy wasn't completely plumbed. It will get moved over the lowboy in keeping with the Carribean biotope plan. In the meantime, it settled in and cleared up immediately. I had my son with me this morning and was scrambling to get other stuff taken care of so I didn't just stare for an hour, which I am want to do. I'm not sure what I'm going to light this one with. I do like the Nicrews. Aesthetically the 50 would fit so much better. Is it enough punch? Should I go with the 100? Down the road as things change and student interest promotes it, I want to have a lighting system that could support anything we decide to add. As far as theme... I'm researching. Again, I've got a pair of Ocellaris that will for sure end up in this tank. And an entacmaea quadricolor (I've got a rainbow and a pretty green at home). Outside of that it's pretty wide open. Both of these tanks are designed to be viewed/studied from above. I wish the lowboy was rimless, but it was free. Clams are so nice to look at from above. I've got a maxima that was in my IM30 and got moved home in a precipitation event. That tank is void of life save for a few rhodactis which I am not sure could survive an apocalypse. So no theme just yet, but I'm still researching.

My desk is bright red btw, hence the red hardware on the cabinet. My classroom is an absolute mess atm. Literally crap everywhere. Two coworkers have decided that they are going to use my room as the summer overflow for the maker's space and the clothing closet. This doesn't explain why my room is a mess, it just adds to it.

I should address the IM30 as well. It's been in my room for a few months and spurned me on to add the science endorsement to my license and start using the tanks for more than display, but for education as well. Like I said above, I had a fun overdose event and had my pH spike to 9.6. Thanks to the Apex, I caught it quickly enough (3hrs later as it happened at 4:30am) and was able to get everything moved home. It is typically home to a pair of clowns (see a theme here? I'm not even a huge clown fan (love my premnas at home)), but they came with the 5 nanos I purchased. It also has a pretty maxima, an rbta, two neon cabbages (sinularia brassica), an as yet unidentified (by me) neon green finger leather, the aforementioned rhodactis and a red mini carpet anemone (Homactis tapetum). I'd like to get something to encrust the tonga branch. Zoanthids, cypahstrea maybe. Could go easy with some GSP or xenia. (Hate away people!) The softies will be a good start for the students to propagate, save for zoanthids. I've never been a softie fan, but some of the yellow fiji leathers are nice as well. Maybe a nice sarcopython. The plan, just prior to the overdose, was to add a green mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) which we could feed from the pod cultures I've got going. I know the 30 is way undersized for a mandarin, but I do have the 4 pod cultures going as well as two current phyto strains, chlorella and tetraselmis chui (the phyto is at home, but I'll bring it in as well for the students to maintain and study).

I leave for Asia next Wednesday. One of my best friends moved to HK about 16 years ago and I last went out there to see him in 2010 (the World Cup was a lot of fun to watch with a bunch of European expats). He finally convinced me to come back that way so I decided to go for it. I think my wife (also a teacher) okayed it as she led an educational trip to Costa Rica last summer. So July 3 to HK, then off to Phuket and Bangkok, before heading back home on the 14th. I've got to get things stabilized and mostly self sufficient before then. Next up I'll get an ATO setup. Still need to get a reservoir to handle that. I think a 20g high will fit, and I know it will fit with some modifications. Worst case I'll just pick up a cheap 10g from Petco and plan on filling it more often.
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I dig chicks with rics
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Leave in 8hrs for Hong Kong and then Thailand. Very excited. Ran over this morning to top up ato reservoirs and leave directions with coworkers to add more water and feed the pod cultures. I've shut down my phyto cultures while I'm away so I'll have to restart those right away upon returning. Picked up a mandarin for the IM30. I've probably added 10k pods over the last few weeks to that tank. He should be fine for two weeks.

On the other side of the room I've been working on the rock scaping for the lowboy. 80% of the live rock is the base rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater. I had two other pieces unused that I tossed in as well. I'm getting another shipment from TBS in August (I think). The cube is empty now and just has some sand in it. Of course when I was chasing a bulkhead leak last weekend I forgot to put acrylic backing on the lowboy so I'll have to address that at some point. Still searching for a few more lights and wave makers. Otherwise I feel like everything is progressing (knock on wood).


I dig chicks with rics
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Returned one week ago from an 11 day Asian adventure. Visited the goldfish market in HK. Husbandry practices are certainly....questionable. There are probably 100 or more fish shops. Most are fairly small, probably 12-15' wide and however deep. But boy do they pack a lot into the space. 50L tanks with 100 clowns or 40 tangs are quite common. Only every fourth or fifth shop had SW as it was mostly fw. Clowns were marked as 50HKD, about $6.50. Not much in the way of corals and no pics as they don't like photos being taken. Beautiful fw planted setups.

Back to work on the school tanks. Moved over a few mangroves into the lowboy and got a light hung for them. Also added a ricordea/zoanthid rock that I picked up on FB and goes with my Caribbean plan. Ordered some p. crucifers and a royal dottyback as well for that tank. Added a hygger gyre to each tank (prime day special) and went with a 60w smatfarm light for the cube. I shut down my phyto cultures while I was gone so I restarted upon returning. I had a coworker feed the pods while I was gone. The tisbe and tigriopus did fine, but I'm afraid I ran out of phyto for the Apocyclops. Those little buggers are hungry. Their population took quite a hit while I was gone. I'm trying to nurse them back now.

The cube is mostly empty. My second shipment from TBS doesn't come in until the third week in August and the plan will be to use the LR that I get them to put in the cube as the lowboy looks good as is. Still haven't completely decided on how I'll utilize it. Clowns/bta for sure. Otherwise...I do like the idea of a theme for the students to study, just not sure which way go...



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Returned one week ago from an 11 day Asian adventure. Visited the goldfish market in HK. Husbandry practices are certainly....questionable. There are probably 100 or more fish shops. Most are fairly small, probably 12-15' wide and however deep. But boy do they pack a lot into the space. 50L tanks with 100 clowns or 40 tangs are quite common. Only every fourth or fifth shop had SW as it was mostly fw. Clowns were marked as 50HKD, about $6.50. Not much in the way of corals and no pics as they don't like photos being taken. Beautiful fw planted setups.

Back to work on the school tanks. Moved over a few mangroves into the lowboy and got a light hung for them. Also added a ricordea/zoanthid rock that I picked up on FB and goes with my Caribbean plan. Ordered some p. crucifers and a royal dottyback as well for that tank. Added a hygger gyre to each tank (prime day special) and went with a 60w smatfarm light for the cube. I shut down my phyto cultures while I was gone so I restarted upon returning. I had a coworker feed the pods while I was gone. The tisbe and tigriopus did fine, but I'm afraid I ran out of phyto for the Apocyclops. Those little buggers are hungry. Their population took quite a hit while I was gone. I'm trying to nurse them back now.

The cube is mostly empty. My second shipment from TBS doesn't come in until the third week in August and the plan will be to use the LR that I get them to put in the cube as the lowboy looks good as is. Still haven't completely decided on how I'll utilize it. Clowns/bta for sure. Otherwise...I do like the idea of a theme for the students to study, just not sure which way go...

Excited about your build for the kids!
We've found that misting mangroves with a spray bottle of RODI helps the leaves rid themselves of salt. You might consider a designated RODI spray bottle stationed by the tank.
Rock on.


I dig chicks with rics
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Oct 12, 2007
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Fredericksburg, VA
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Excited about your build for the kids!
We've found that misting mangroves with a spray bottle of RODI helps the leaves rid themselves of salt. You might consider a designated RODI spray bottle stationed by the tank.
Rock on.
Good call. Anything to get them doing maintenance, while learning, is a definite win.


I dig chicks with rics
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Oct 12, 2007
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So on 9/20 we introduced a few students to fragging. These young men had next to no prior knowledge of coral reefs coming into the year. The biology teacher has been working with them in advance of Friday's festivities. They were excited to learn about coral propagation. I identified a nice neon green cabbage that was a prime candidate for fragging.
Then I used a scalpel to show them how we would slice. We removed 6"x 1.5" piece of cabbage from the periphery of the coral.
Each student then had the opportunity to slice off a piece of coral for their individual frag. The corals were affixed to plugs using rubber bands and they chose which of two tanks to place them in and under what lighting conditions.

We took measurements of each frag including size (using calipers), and weight in grams using a digital scale. Every two weeks we will pull the plugs to take new measurements and talk about progress and the tank conditions that influence them. We'll let the students drive the discussion and formulate their own conclusions.

This is a group of students that hasn't had much exposure educationally. They were excited, polite, inquisitive. As they were leaving one of them said to my co-worker, "I feel like we just stepped out of the Great Barrier Reef." He and I are looking forward to ongoing work and collaboration.

Part 2: I wrote this up about a week ago, but then the fun begins:
I'd placed a group order with my local reef club (WAMAS) this past week to close out the stocking on my Caribbean biotope. One pygmy angel (centropyge argii), and two yellowhead jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons). The order was placed Monday morning to hopefully be shipped Tuesday for Wednesday arrival. Which was all well and good until I woke up 1:30am Tuesday morning with appendicitis. Off to the hospital for an appendectomy. The order shipped and was slated for delivery Wednesday. They kept me overnight Tuesday as things were a bit messy in there and wanted to keep me overnight again on Wednesday. Wasn't going to work so off I went to rescue the delivery. I felt bad that I wasn't in much shape to conversate with the other members of the group buy, but they were very understanding an gracious. Afterward, my wife drove me and my stuff up to school. Into the quarantine with the fish. Into the tanks with the inverts. Unfortunately the centropyge looked rough from the get go and didn't make it through the night. One of the jawfish only lasted a few hours later. I'm quite disappointed, but the other guy is still in quarantine as of this morning. Changed out a few gallons of water on Saturday and I'll hope to do another water change tomorrow. I still can't make water here at school so I have to bring it from home and being on a lifting restriction (<10lbs), bringing in water is a bit of a challenge.

That's where we stand as of right now. I'm back to work officially this morning, though I did come in Friday afternoon for a staff meeting.
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