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SPS Coral Sale - I'm Moving, So They're Priced to Go (UPDATED)

Item Price
$15 - $100
Selling Terms Of Service
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I'm moving cross-country in a couple of months and will need to break down and sell my tank, unfortunately. However, that's a great situation for YOU!

I have a healthy and great mixed reef tank (see below) that has been going for about 2 years now, and will be posting all of my corals for sale in the NYC area.
This thread is specifically for my SPS corals, but you can find the Softies and LPS corals that i'm selling with the links below

FISH: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/f...ang-wrasse-clowns-gobies-and-inverts.1031200/
Softies: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/softy-coral-sale-im-moving-so-theyre-priced-to-go.1028768/

I've attached a file that has the names of the corals, the origins of purchase, and rough sizes of the frags or mini colony. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions, I'm happy to be super transparent, as I'd like these corals to go to fellow hobbyists and LFS who can appreciate and enjoy them, like I have.
Here are list of the SPS corals.

Apologies if photos aren't the best, I'm no professional. Ha.

Prices are somewhat negotiable :)

(UPDATED: 2/1/24 11:00 AM EST)

TypeNameDescription (Size, # of Heads/Polyps etc.)Selling PriceOrigin
SPSMiyagi Tort Mini Colony3" across, multiple branches, on frag$70Battle Corals
SPSYellow Head Stag Acro1" plug, encrusted, 2-3 branches, on frag$40Battle Corals
SPSPurple Bonsai Acro (x3)1" plug, each has multiple branches, on frag$15LFS
SPSPoletti Yellow Tip Acro1" plug, encrusted, multiple branches, on frag$40Battle Corals
SPSUnknown Acro (Saturated Green)1" plug, branching, on frag$15Top Shelf Aquatics
Purple Bonsai 3.png Mystery Acro.png Poletti Yellow Tip Acro.png Purple Bonsai 2.png Purple Bonsai.png Miyagi Tort 4.png Miyagi Tort 3.png Miyagi Tort 2.png Miyagi Tort 1.png Yellow Head Stag Acro 3.png Yellow Head Stag Acro 2.png Yellow Head Stag Acro.png
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A great pickup of pest free corals from a thriving tank. Thanks for the warm welcome!

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