The Dutch Synthetic Reefing method (DSR) has made its way to the USA!

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Hello Reefers!

We are thrilled to announce the awaited arrival of the revolutionary Dutch Synthetic Reefing method (DSR) product line to the USA and on R2R as a new platinum sponsor!

For the first time in the US, we bring you the all-in-one reef aquarium maintenance solution. Founded in 2012 by Glenn Fong in The Netherlands, this method has proven by achieving incredible results all over the world. The DSR method is an effortless process of keeping a thriving reef aquarium without the need of hectic weekly water changes. By adding major and minor trace elements through the EZ DSR method, spectacular results can be achieved with far less maintenance. The DSR Method has made it possible to establish a stable and controlled reef environment, with little to no effort necessary.

How does it get any better than that? The costs of running the DSR method are a fraction of the price compared to the cost of salt needed for your tanks weekly water change. We assure that shortly after applying this method, you will begin to fully understand the science behind the groundbreaking products. Which will allow you to gain more control of the biochemical process in your reef aquarium.

The EZ-DSR method is a straightforward process with 4 instant dosing solutions. The EZ-Buffer, EZ Calcium and EZ Trace can be initiated at a fixed ratio of 5:1:0.5. The EZ-Carbon solution decreases PO4 and NO3 very efficiently and is dosed according to your phosphate and nitrate levels.

Follow DSR USA on Facebook!

You can find all of our EZ DSR products here:

Join the DSR USA GROUP Facebook page to be part of the discussion:

Still have questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact our team! We’re here to answer all questions or concerns you may have regarding using this method.


Always Making Something
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There are many dosing solutions available that offer calcium, alkalinity, magnesium and trace. Most manufacturers also offer an organic carbon that can be dosed to reduce nutrients. How is DSR different? What does it bring to the table that Red Sea/ESV/Triton/Tropic Marin/et al. don't?


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@Abhishek, @chipmunkofdoom2 I would recommend going through the FAQ. There are two programs one being the full and the other EZ DSR.

Under the technics and testkits used you will see reference to the power filter, requirements, etc. There is another forum whereas Glenn goes into more detail on how it works. There is also their forum which provides a lot of useful information. Balling, Triton, or otherwise additive base solutions are many as you point out. Not sure which is better, best, or if it matters. What does matter though, in my opinion, is if this is the route you go you follow their processes and design completely. Do not try to pick and choose.

At least that is how I see it. All the stuff I've read over the years it seems like a solid program. Glad to see some local distributors finally.



Always Making Something
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@Abhishek, @chipmunkofdoom2 I would recommend going through the FAQ. There are two programs one being the full and the other EZ DSR.

Under the technics and testkits used you will see reference to the power filter, requirements, etc. There is another forum whereas Glenn goes into more detail on how it works. There is also their forum which provides a lot of useful information. Balling, Triton, or otherwise additive base solutions are many as you point out. Not sure which is better, best, or if it matters. What does matter though, in my opinion, is if this is the route you go you follow their processes and design completely. Do not try to pick and choose.

At least that is how I see it. All the stuff I've read over the years it seems like a solid program. Glad to see some local distributors finally.

I've already seen all the FAQs. I've seen the DSR posts on R2R. I've seen the posts on The reason I asked is because I still don't get it. The FAQ on is pretty lousy. It tells you that you must read all the posts on for a full explanation of the method. It also provides a link to a video that shows you how to use a calculator, but the calculator is entirely in German. Not very useful since the US is a predominantly English-speaking customer base.

If you're trying to sell me a product I shouldn't have to read pages of posts and FAQs to understand what it is. I shouldn't have to play with an Excel calculator to derive how the system works. The execution might take pages to explain, but just telling me what the system is should not. There should be a simple statement like "DSR is a method of maintaining a reef tank. You don't have to do water changes with it. The method works by testing salinity and 11 crucial elements in seawater with home test kits. You then supplement as necessary. Nutrients are controlled with liquid Fe supplements." From all my reading about DSR, this appears to be the general idea of the method. But, I don't know because I didn't read all the posts on like the FAQ said.


Fight The Good Fight
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I use a modified DSR method.
The only product I use is the EZ Trace.
I run a carx and dose strontium too.
Bare Bottom and p04.02, no3 2-<5.
Never needed to carbon dose.
13 months since setup and no water changes.
I run a filter sock in place of the return wrapped in floss.
I also run lower alk at 7-7.5.
Cal 450
Mag 1350
Startup pic and now.
All grown from frags.
I love the EZ trace.


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@Deltec USA - could you please explain how does EZ carbon work to reduce nitrates and phosphates ? Does it have iron to bind with phosphates in water column ?
I know Glenn uses a power filter as a mechanical filteration . But is that necessary ?
What is EZ-carbon?
EZ-carbon is designated to remove both PO4 and NO3. Containing a well-balanced mixture of Fe+ and CarbonVS.
Carbon feeds the bacteria in the system which consumes NO3 using a small portion of PO4. The cultivated bacteria stabilizes the system as well as providing food for corals. The Fe (iron) component reacts with PO4 and precipitates, which makes it unmeasurable in the water column. Both the precipitate and the bacteria are removed from the system by the power filter and protein skimmer. EZ-carbon has been around since 2016 and proven itself to many EZ reefers.

Is the powerfilter necessary?
The use of a powerfilter is an important part of the DSR system. In some cases, DSR powered systems may be successful without the need of a skimmer, but never without the powerfilter.


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What is EZ-carbon?
EZ-carbon is designated to remove both PO4 and NO3. Containing a well-balanced mixture of Fe+ and CarbonVS.
Carbon feeds the bacteria in the system which consumes NO3 using a small portion of PO4. The cultivated bacteria stabilizes the system as well as providing food for corals. The Fe (iron) component reacts with PO4 and precipitates, which makes it unmeasurable in the water column. Both the precipitate and the bacteria are removed from the system by the power filter and protein skimmer. EZ-carbon has been around since 2016 and proven itself to many EZ reefers.

Is the powerfilter necessary?
The use of a powerfilter is an important part of the DSR system. In some cases, DSR powered systems may be successful without the need of a skimmer, but never without the powerfilter.

Thank you for the detailed response. Only question is why power filter is a must ? Its a form of mechanical filtration which can be achieved in multiple ways like filter rollers or socks ! Wondering if there's a very valid scientific reason that power filter is a must rather than other forms of mechanical filtration .



Fight The Good Fight
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Thank you for the detailed response. Only question is why power filter is a must ? Its a form of mechanical filtration which can be achieved in multiple ways like filter rollers or socks ! Wondering if there's a very valid scientific reason that power filter is a must rather than other forms of mechanical filtration .

Its just what Glenn uses to filter the water before returning it to the tank.
Imo a sock works just as well.


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Thank you for the detailed response. Only question is why power filter is a must ? Its a form of mechanical filtration which can be achieved in multiple ways like filter rollers or socks ! Wondering if there's a very valid scientific reason that power filter is a must rather than other forms of mechanical filtration .

It really is simply placing strong pump with filter wool on the intake to remove small particles and clouding from the water. This also prevents detritus from settling in low flow areas. It’s essential to manage an optimal flow, to keep the dirt into suspension, so it can be picked up by the power filter. A optimal working power filter can produce a crystal clear result, without any additional filtering media.


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Can this be used with a refugium? I have a 80g with a fuge and skimmer and sock. The nutrients hang around 0.07 for po4 and 2 for nitrate so I am guessing I don't need any carbon dosing as I certainly don't want them lower.

I wouldn't mind suppliments if I could stop water changes as I don't do them often enough as it is and I feel like my reef is missing some important trace minerals because of it even though I feed heavy.

For debris removal...I am assuming we can remove them other ways? Like vaccume the sump through a sock for floss but replace the water and so on? It seems to me you just want a way to remove it so it does not accumulate but doubt it would matter how that happened.

How do you determine the dosage? My understanding is the calc is for the full method and not the ez method.
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@Deltec USA - well if only you could add PayPal as an option . Also am sure there’s reason enough but 30$ for shipping DSR is a little steep ..



DSR Master
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Thank you for the detailed response. Only question is why power filter is a must ? Its a form of mechanical filtration which can be achieved in multiple ways like filter rollers or socks ! Wondering if there's a very valid scientific reason that power filter is a must rather than other forms of mechanical filtration .

- It's a must to get the most out of the DSR system (which is an integral system).
- It's optional when you settle for less than perfect. The choice is for the reefers to make themselves.

The definition of "DSR powerfilter" is better than most mechanical filters, because the difference is that it can work with (under)pressure, which normal filter doesn't because they lack the power.
Where most filters stops because the wool get cloggedup, the powerfilter start filtering smaller particles out of the water. When the water has some coloring it can even remove the coloring when you let it cavitate (microbubble) for a few hours up to a day. That's why i have crystalclear water in all my reeftanks without the use of activated Carbon or charcoal. (Even with systems running for near 16 years without waterchanges.
This proces is supported by Fe and (EZ)carbon(VS) dosing, which make it a whole working system itselves

When water is clear and other parameters are manage through gained knowledge waterchanges are a thing of the past.

In europe many reefers adopted the PF. It's a cheap solution with great results. Innitialy it was discouraged by most LFS because they prefered to sell highend filters with more provit.
Now most dutch LFS actively sell Modified version or build to DSR specs powerfilters.

Scientific proof is nice thing, but i prefer to go for the results. The scientific explanation/proof will follow after the facts. This may provide material for a nice educational discussions.
After all results is the only thing that really matters

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DSR Master
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Its just what Glenn uses to filter the water before returning it to the tank.
Imo a sock works just as well.
I find socks annoying. they overflow constantly, water splashes all around, they are hard to clean , take up to much space in the sump.
They don't discolour the water enough.


DSR Master
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Can this be used with a refugium? I have a 80g with a fuge and skimmer and sock. The nutrients hang around 0.07 for po4 and 2 for nitrate so I am guessing I don't need any carbon dosing as I certainly don't want them lower.

I wouldn't mind suppliments if I could stop water changes as I don't do them often enough as it is and I feel like my reef is missing some important trace minerals because of it even though I feed heavy.

For debris removal...I am assuming we can remove them other ways? Like vaccume the sump through a sock for floss but replace the water and so on? It seems to me you just want a way to remove it so it does not accumulate but doubt it would matter how that happened.

How do you determine the dosage? My understanding is the calc is for the full method and not the ez method.
DSR is about simplifying the setup requirements and maintenance. Use the brains instead of labour.
IMO a algea refugium is one more complication and more maintenance. Some even battle to keep algae alive.
That's why the DSR sump is plain and simple. just a container to place heater, MRP, PF, skimmer and mix your dosings.
Nothing fancy..

If you're in control with dosings you can even pull out the skimmer.
Most of my tank are now without skimmer


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This is now:
The usual maintenance shedule of the EZ550reef tank:
- Feeding fish, 2 times a day
- Daily autodosings EZBuffer, EZCalcium, EZTrace, EZCarbon. (When required NO3+, PO4+)
- Cleaning windows, once in 2-3 days
- Replacing powerfiĺter wool, once in 2-3 days
- Measure water parameters; Alk and Ca once in 2 weeks. PO4, NO3, Mg, K, B, I once in 4-6 weeks
- Checking dosing system, once in 2 weeks
- Pruning corals, once in 2 months
- Cleaning light fixture, once in 2 months
- Replacing T5 bulbs, once in 6 months
- Rescaping due to growth rate, once a year (6- up to 18 months)

Visual check and action when required, when ever i feel like or required

- NO skimmer since nov 2019, due to EZCarbon, powerfilter Corals growth
- NO waterchanges since 2015, due to dosings
- NO cleaning gravel since 2016, due to archaster typicus and planulata maretia
- NO algea issue, due to cleaning crew urchin and tangs

Read more about it here:


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DSR is about simplifying the setup requirements and maintenance. Use the brains instead of labour.
IMO a algea refugium is one more complication and more maintenance. Some even battle to keep algae alive.
That's why the DSR sump is plain and simple. just a container to place heater, MRP, PF, skimmer and mix your dosings.
Nothing fancy..

If you're in control with dosings you can even pull out the skimmer.
Most of my tank are now without skimmer

The thing is, I like the refugium and I want to keep it. I use it to breed certain snails and the algae is thriving and gorgeous (I don't use cheato but display macro's so it is almost like a mini display of its own). I am not looking for super simple... but I am in an apartment so making water means buckets all over in the living room area. I would like to remove the water change part but keep the macros.

So I guess can the DSR be used with the 3 bottles but not the carbon? since I don't need to carbon dose?


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

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  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

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  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

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  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

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  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

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  • Other (please explain!)

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