The Dutch Synthetic Reefing method (DSR) has made its way to the USA!

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Fight The Good Fight
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I find socks annoying. they overflow constantly, water splashes all around, they are hard to clean , take up to much space in the sump.
They don't discolour the water enough.
My socks do none of that lol.
I am installing a powerfilter right now.
Never ran one and cant wait to see what it does.
Thanks for all the info.


DSR Master
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I know some reefers do use a refugium, but i am just saying it has no added value in DSR.
As long as you understand that, you can try to tweak the system to fit your needs.
I am no expert in refugiums. i only know i use one before and it did not give me the joy and satisfaction i expected.

"Mandatory" waterchanges...
Who would not want to get rid of that nasty work. Most spouses would applaud that
The only reason i developed DSR is to get rid off the mess , work involved and money spend on waterchanges.
If i were to do regular WC on my reeftanks i would have never lasted this long in this beautifull hobby.

To stay in PAR with DSR you may use minimal amouth of EZCarbon.

EZCarbon is also food for bacteria and corals and Iron is a beneficial trace element for corals and macro algae's.
Some reefers with seahorse tanks and macro algae did benefit from Fe dosing
Tweak i to your own standard ( again i am no expert in refugiums)
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DSR Master
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My socks do none of that lol.
I am installing a powerfilter right now.
Never ran one and cant wait to see what it does.
Thanks for all the info.
In all these years i've been in the hobby I designed, tried and build every possible mechanical and biological filtering, still i prefer the plain and simple PF.
For me designing, Building and testing these projects was a important part of the hobby.

Unless you tried it you will never know the difference.
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I dont see why not.
I run esv 2 part and just the EZ Trace on my 45 frag system.
I also do not carbon dose and do no scheduled water changes and I run no fuge.

Do you use the same ratio with ez trace even with the esv?

Bradley C

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I find socks annoying. they overflow constantly, water splashes all around, they are hard to clean , take up to much space in the sump.
They don't discolour the water enough.
180g w/o sump. Friend makes 6x12 socks for 2 overflows, saves HOURS over clean time. Check sock for stupid wildlife, wring out and toss. Supposed to change every 3-4 days, I am not good at scheduling. Socks rarely clog and spill over into down tub with skimmer due to my lack of diligence. Find a friend who sews, so easy to make even a caveman could do it (she tells me)! Fold, stitch down and across, done.


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This sounds like the "Triton Method," without ICP tests, no suggested refugium, and an all in one trace supplement that makes a lot of assumptions about the rates at which trace elements are consumed relative to one another.

The suggestion that carbon should be dosed proportionally to N and P levels is concerning. I've seen first hand how badly carbon dosing can jack up a system when accidents happen and a normally suitable dose is added to a system which hasn't been dosed in some time.


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As has been asked (but can't yet see the answer), what is the difference between the 4 main dosing bottles and (say) Red Sea's equivalents, which all look identical? The only one I am not sure about is the trace elements as don't know if RS's version has all the other elements in as well.

And why is a PF any better than my circ pumps (that move the ditritus and sand sufficiently) and a sump with a skimmer pre-filtered with a sock that needs minimal maintenance? I have been struggling with zero nitrates for months so not interested in any more carbon dosing (that clogged things up even at minimal quantities).

Might sound negative but I love the idea of zero water changes, but just want to know why I don't just carry on with my RS dosing but without the water changes, rather than switching over to a different brand of what seems to be the same chemicals?

Belgian Anthias

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Hello Reefers!

We are thrilled to announce the awaited arrival of the revolutionary Dutch Synthetic Reefing method (DSR) product line to the USA and on R2R as a new platinum sponsor!

For the first time in the US, we bring you the all-in-one reef aquarium maintenance solution. Founded in 2012 by Glenn Fong in The Netherlands, this method has proven by achieving incredible results all over the world. The DSR method is an effortless process of keeping a thriving reef aquarium without the need of hectic weekly water changes. By adding major and minor trace elements through the EZ DSR method, spectacular results can be achieved with far less maintenance. The DSR Method has made it possible to establish a stable and controlled reef environment, with little to no effort necessary.

How does it get any better than that? The costs of running the DSR method are a fraction of the price compared to the cost of salt needed for your tanks weekly water change. We assure that shortly after applying this method, you will begin to fully understand the science behind the groundbreaking products. Which will allow you to gain more control of the biochemical process in your reef aquarium.

The EZ-DSR method is a straightforward process with 4 instant dosing solutions. The EZ-Buffer, EZ Calcium and EZ Trace can be initiated at a fixed ratio of 5:1:0.5. The EZ-Carbon solution decreases PO4 and NO3 very efficiently and is dosed according to your phosphate and nitrate levels.

Follow DSR USA on Facebook!

You can find all of our EZ DSR products here:

Join the DSR USA GROUP Facebook page to be part of the discussion:

Still have questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact our team! We’re here to answer all questions or concerns you may have regarding using this method.
As phosphate and nitrate level control is carbon based and dosed accordingly the nitrate levels, DSR can not be considered to be coral and system safe. High nitrate levels can not be reduced at low phosphate levels without increasing the risk for phosphorus starvation. Dosing organic carbon based on the nitrate level removes autotrophic carrying capacity and it has been proven to harm carols as dosing organic carbon based on the nitrate level does not prevent overdosing. Once the systems carrying capacity is mainly based on heterotrophic growth, growth rates must be maintained to support the bio-load as not sufficient autotrophic carrying capacity may be present. For reinstalling the autotrophic carrying capacity ( nitrification) the system must be recycled and reconditioned wich is not easy once the system is matured. This means, once using DSR, one has to continue to use it. Or any other organic carbon based (reef safe?) product. ref:


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I haven’t looked at what the powerfilter looks like. Is it something like this product that attaches to a pump.



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May 6, 2020
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I haven’t looked at what the powerfilter looks like. Is it something like this product that attaches to a pump.

You don't need to spend more than a couple bucks for pvc pipe, a threaded adapter and your time.


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@glennf you seem to be actively posting in this thread and not the other one devoted to this. I've posted a couple of unanswered questions about the ez dosing trace elements and how switching into and out of the DSR method affects the nitrifying bacteria. Just wondering if you could give a little more detail about both:


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This system sounds interesting.

Can you use it in a modified way? I assume so as I saw prior post about someone using a calcium reactor. I use ESV B-ionic for alkalinity and calcium controlled by a Neptune trident. Using the trident would seem to alleviate the testing as Trident keeps my parameters in a set range. Granted I could use your calcium and alkalinity solutions but has good success with B-Ionic.

So would I be able to use the trace elements and carbon dosing to achieve similar results?


DSR Master
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180g w/o sump. Friend makes 6x12 socks for 2 overflows, saves HOURS over clean time. Check sock for stupid wildlife, wring out and toss. Supposed to change every 3-4 days, I am not good at scheduling. Socks rarely clog and spill over into down tub with skimmer due to my lack of diligence. Find a friend who sews, so easy to make even a caveman could do it (she tells me)! Fold, stitch down and across, done.
That could work as a pre filter, but no match for the powerfilter (for it's function as defined in DSR).

You can however do without a powerfilter, but the result for using DSR is best with one.

It's up to you guy's how you want to apply the system. Partially or go for the full performance.

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DSR Master
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This sounds like the "Triton Method," without ICP tests, no suggested refugium, and an all in one trace supplement that makes a lot of assumptions about the rates at which trace elements are consumed relative to one another.

The suggestion that carbon should be dosed proportionally to N and P levels is concerning. I've seen first hand how badly carbon dosing can jack up a system when accidents happen and a normally suitable dose is added to a system which hasn't been dosed in some time.

There is a significant difference to other systems
In DSR we don't target all NSW parameters, but we try to find the values that really make a difference.
We go our own way and the results has been just fine and a benchmark for dutch reefers.
When you apply product without the knowledge it always goes south. So before you apply something find out the pro's and con's and look at the result of others.

In DSR Any parameter can be individual controlled.
You can even mix your own salt
The DSR system is designed by a reefer and for reefers. We empower reefers, so they can take control over their own tank.

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DSR Master
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Nov 10, 2013
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As has been asked (but can't yet see the answer), what is the difference between the 4 main dosing bottles and (say) Red Sea's equivalents, which all look identical? The only one I am not sure about is the trace elements as don't know if RS's version has all the other elements in as well.

And why is a PF any better than my circ pumps (that move the ditritus and sand sufficiently) and a sump with a skimmer pre-filtered with a sock that needs minimal maintenance? I have been struggling with zero nitrates for months so not interested in any more carbon dosing (that clogged things up even at minimal quantities).

Might sound negative but I love the idea of zero water changes, but just want to know why I don't just carry on with my RS dosing but without the water changes, rather than switching over to a different brand of what seems to be the same chemicals?
First point: never change a winning team. If You're happy with one stick with that, because you still need to learn to manage the new system.

Although the basic element of saltwater are the same (without taking in account the contaminants), every system has it's own design and interpretation, so don't mix and match, because it's hard enough to manage one system, let alone trying to combine things you don't know much about. That may even be counter productive.
DSR is a proven system, specifically designed and tested for years. Just to be running a reeftank succesfull without waterchanges.

Carbon is not only to lower nitrate, it's also food for you bacteria which serves as food for corals. Wonder why DSR have so wide diversity of healthy and flourishing corals?
The DSR Carbon has something to do with that.
We also were the first to have PO4+ and NO3+ to take control over deficiencies. That's what make this reefing program so complete.

Read the previous answers about the PF.
Read this also :
Read more about flow:

Don't assume all systems works the same, that's the way for failure. Reading about and Following the set of rules from the system you operate is the way to succes.

Here is a description of the EZ dosing system

Although ....Eliminating waterchanges is a big advantage. It saves time en money and you get rid of the messy weekly routine with saltwater al over the place.

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  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

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