Received 3 Yellow Tangs direct from Biota on 11/13/24. Due to a shipping issue they spent an extra day, about 36 hours in the shipping container. Temp acclimated (not drip) and placed into a 20 gallon cycled QT. Discarded the shipping water.
Temp 78
SG 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
1 gallon per day water change from my display AWC discharge.
HOB filter and inside foam air stone filter
Tested daily, never saw an ammonia or nitrite spike. (API)
Very lethargic at first, it took several hours for them to revive, start eating, exploring and so forth. Thought I was out of the woods.
35 days later in observation only QT, no treatments, no dip. 2 of the YT look great, eating frozen, pellets and nori. Fat and happy. One does not look so good. Has a red fin and inflamed gill, breathing faster and I haven't seen him eat for some time. I did not notice the red fin or gills when they first arrived and I thought all 3 were eating after a day or so. Although the one was never quite right. Didn't zoom around with the other 2 and just hung out by himself in the corner of the tank. I don't see any signs of disease at first or now other than this fin/gill issue.
Seems like because of the shipping delay this may be ammonia burn but I would think the other 2 would show some signs of it?
I don't want to put the two in my 210 Gallon display if there is something else going on. Also don't want to needlessly treat the apparently healthy 2.
Where would you go from here?
Thanks for your replies.
Temp 78
SG 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
1 gallon per day water change from my display AWC discharge.
HOB filter and inside foam air stone filter
Tested daily, never saw an ammonia or nitrite spike. (API)
Very lethargic at first, it took several hours for them to revive, start eating, exploring and so forth. Thought I was out of the woods.
35 days later in observation only QT, no treatments, no dip. 2 of the YT look great, eating frozen, pellets and nori. Fat and happy. One does not look so good. Has a red fin and inflamed gill, breathing faster and I haven't seen him eat for some time. I did not notice the red fin or gills when they first arrived and I thought all 3 were eating after a day or so. Although the one was never quite right. Didn't zoom around with the other 2 and just hung out by himself in the corner of the tank. I don't see any signs of disease at first or now other than this fin/gill issue.
Seems like because of the shipping delay this may be ammonia burn but I would think the other 2 would show some signs of it?
I don't want to put the two in my 210 Gallon display if there is something else going on. Also don't want to needlessly treat the apparently healthy 2.
Where would you go from here?
Thanks for your replies.