
  1. R

    Fishless cycle

    Hey everyone! Need some guidance, I’m new to the hobby, when I started my fishless cycle I added dr Tim’s one and only and I added ammonia, I didn’t test the water until week 3 cause I thought I was meant to just wait weeks on end and be patience, and I didn’t get the memo that I was suppose to...
  2. Mizu

    Feeding Questions

    Hi Everyone! My 32 gallon tank currently consists of the following: (I just added the bottom 3 fish two days ago) 2x Black storm Clownfish (on the smaller side about 1 inch) 1x Helfrichi firefish (also on the smaller side) 1x Citrinis Clown goby (hes my biggest fish about 2 inches) 1x Yasha...
  3. T

    Ammonia won’t go away

    I purchased a tank off of Facebook marketplace. I was understood it to be a cycled tank. But when purchased I was only given 5 gallons of the water. There for I made all new water. I know my tank is acting a little funny and not opening up like it should. I bought the regular test kits and all...
  4. R

    Ammonia spike problem

    Hi can someone please help! I am very new to salt water tank and probably have zero knowledge on corals or any water parameters and i have made some massive mistakes i believe because of my impatience. As i was just going by what the LFS guy suggested hoping to learn the hobby slowly, I was...
  5. F

    A very stupid and embarrassing question… is my cat causing ammonia in my tank?

    Long story short, got a new tank, purple life rock, and aragonite substrate. I tested my ammonia to get a base reading and I was showing 1.0 ppm on the api test and .8 on the Red Sea ammonia test. I was puzzled to why I’m showing ammonia within a few hours of setting up my new tank (20g nano)...
  6. T

    Ammonia in Red Sea Coral Pro & Ammonia mystery

    I had an issue with a reef tank, and was chasing down the cause of high ammonia, when during the process of testing everything, I checked a fresh sample of RO mixed with CP in a glass container. I was surprised to see that the reading on the Hanna was 0.1 To follow that up, I tested both the...
  7. T

    Ammonia in Red Sea Coral Pro? & ammonia issue in established tank.

    I had an issue with a reef tank, and was chasing down the cause of high ammonia, when during the process of testing everything, I checked a fresh sample of RO mixed with CP in a glass container. I was surprised to see that the reading on the Hanna was 0.1 To follow that up, I tested both the...
  8. K

    My fish tank cracked

    So my fish tank cracked when I was moving it, I used rags to collect some water and through my corals and fish and rock in a bucket, I ran to the store and bought premade saltwater, now the next day I tested my tank and it’s at ammonia is through the roof!!! Not sure what I can dose to lower...
  9. J

    Losing everything!

    150 gallon new tank was set up and cycled with bottled ammonia for a month. After a month, added a Foxface and scopas tang. Several weeks later, added a powder blue tang, pair of clownfish, and a melanuras wrasse. During that time I also added a clean up crew and several small coral frags. The...
  10. jbonez_

    Day 5 of cycling question

    Hello everyone, Five days ago I started my fishless cycle using Dr Tim's one and only, my water volume is 14.5 gallons and I dosed the whole 4oz bottle. The reading for each day are the same each day Ph 8.0, Ammonia 1.0 and Nitrite 0. I tested my Nitrates today and it's at 5. Is my tank...
  11. hexcolor reef

    What’s the longest you’ve let your coral feed?

    I spent all day tending to my tank, after cleaning, changing filter socks, and checking chemistry. I felt like feeding my coral which I never do. It tempt me today when I seen my scoly stick its feeders out full blown and felt this was the perfect time to feed mysis shrimp with a little reef...
  12. seefour5

    Nano Build High ammonia for an unknown reason, pls help!

    Hi, I have a Fluval Evo 5. The tank has been running for about 6-7 months now, absolutely no issues until now. I had a pike blenny and a elongate dottyback (too small of a tank and overstocked, I know, was planning on moving them to a 16 gallon) until both vanished one day. I pulled apart the...
  13. fotuskyt

    Cycling: water change or leave it be?

    On day 8 of Dr Tim’s fishless cycle with one and only and ammonium chloride in an IM Nuvo 15. Set up is mostly 15lbs dry rock and dry aragonite with maybe 5lbs of live rock from my 20gal so not starting with a large established bacterial population. followed the chart but only dosed the...
  14. E

    Is ammonia necessary?

    I’m new to saltwater tanks and this is my first post. I have almost finished my cycle and I haven’t bought any fish yet. Since I would have to quarantine them for a couple of weeks, I was wondering if I have to dose with ammonia until a few days before i add my first fish? Any advice would be...
  15. Volv

    My clowns acting weird, ammonia or oxygen?

    Hello, I'm very new here but I was hoping I could get some help with my recent issue. I started my nano tank end of last year and had a pair of clowns and some inverts in 10 gallon. Never any issues, even though my clowns were eating like pigs. Recently I moved everyone to a new 10 gallon tank...
  16. CWH

    Alk & Amm increasing; pH decreasing??!!??

    Howdy fellow reefers! I need some assistance: I have a 89g Redsea Reefer (Total Column is 112g) that is about 8m old. At month ~4 (Feb/March '23), the Alk suddenly spiked at >20 overnight. I was dosing insane amounts of Alk to keep up with all the frags I had in there, then out of nowhere it...
  17. AquaFX - Katie

    Have Chloramines? You WANT our Chloramine Blaster Carbon!

    Having chloramines can be quite a nightmare! Burning through DI Resin, ruining your RO Membrane, algae problems, coral health issues & more! Our Chloramine Blaster Carbon is a medical-grade carbon that is designed for use in dialysis where ammonia removal is crucial. Available in pre-filled...
  18. H

    <= 0.25 ppm Ammonia, 0 Nitrate and 0 Nitrite, 30 Gallon

    I set up my tank a week ago and I followed the BRS guide and bought a clown as well as Dr. Tim’s One and Only Nitrifying Bacteria and put both in the tank. I’ve been checking every other day for the levels using the API Saltwater Master Test Kit and those same levels are practically stagnant. I...
  19. newreef1

    Ammonia Nitrite Ph

    Quick question guys. My ammonia, nitrite, was zero, nitrates were in the usual range, ph a little low. Did WC, added ph buffer to bring ph to 8.2 , ammonia 0, nitrite 0. Added 4 new fish. The ammonia increased to .25, fish were doing fine, I was adding fritz turbo 900. The nitrite was still 0...
  20. Zokki

    EMERGENCY Help needed ‍♀️ high ammonia

    Hello, I don’t know how exactly all started but I have high ammonia for over 3 weeks now. I’m adding api ammonia lock, prime, api quick start and stability.I did water change 4 times and ammonia is still the same. I had star fish that my puffer was picking all the time and die and one small...
  21. B

    I still have ammonia!

    Hi everyone. So I started my tank 3 weeks ago and started off with Dr Tim’s one and only. 5 days later I added 2 clown fish, then a week later 2 hermit crabs. I’ve been testing waters every day to keep an eye. My ammonia has gone up to about 1.5 at the most. I dose Prime and Stability every...
  22. JGMeredith

    Tank Won’t Cycle… HELP!!

    I’m beyond confused. I’ve been in this hobby for almost 20 years and this has never happened to me. I sat up a 32g AIO, 2 months ago. RODI water, plenty of rock, and used Fritz Turbo Start (like I have many times before) and introduced a couple gobies to the tank. It’s been over 2 months now...
  23. fishscale1

    New Tank Cycle

    Question for you guys..I used Dr Tims One & Only and the Dr Tim’s Ammonia Chloride fishless method. The instructions were to add 4 drops of the ammonia chloride per gallon. I have a 20 gallon Waterbox. After doing so I’ve read reviews of insane ammonia spikes using the 4 drops per gallon...
  24. D

    0 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates

    Hi all I am new to the hobby. I started my fishless cycle on the 1st of December. I added dry reef, coral sand, decor (I believe resin; LFS said it is safe for saltwater tanks), a heater, a wave maker, and a filter with an active carbon filter. I filled the tank with RODI saltwater I bought...
  25. Wuffletoast

    Cycle not lowering ammonia levels.

    Looking for advice on lowering ammonia in my 30 Gal tank with one Clownfish. Two months ago I tried a fishless cycle with live rock. All my levels were low, ammonia was at zero and nitrate levels were there, but not high. I thought it was cycled and added the clownfish. A month later ammonia...