maxima clam

  1. TommyGo

    Clam PM Help

    My maxima clam (size ~3") has had what looks to me like pinched mantle since December 13th. I though it might be agitated from the algae growing on its shell so I brushed it off. It doesn't seem to be getting better. What can I do to remedy this? Thanks in advance for the help. Tank Parameters...
  2. Waynerock

    Anyone order a clam from Algae barn?

    Just got a great deal from them on an ultra gold maxima. I had no idea they did clams so I took the chance. They have a 100% arrive alive shipping so not worried about that. Has anyone else ordered clams from them? How did they look when you got them. They are all ORA and very well priced, I got...
  3. GentlePuffer

    What coral would you plant around your maxima clam?

    Have had my baby maxima clam for about a year now sitting in it's little cradle. It's about time I start preparing a spot in the tank for it. Looking for ideas of what corals would look nice around it or growing on the clam holder cradle. I was thinking a nice slow growing eye catching zoanthid...
  4. P

    Do Maxima Clams Move?

    I bought a maxima clam about 1.5in a week ago. Placed it in the sand bed. After trying to move it I felt it had dug in my shallow sand bed and attached itself to the glass. After being put of town for 2 days. I come back and it looks to have loved a few inches. Is this normal?
  5. SteedC

    Hermit Crab ate my Maxima Clam

    I purchased a small Maxima Clam about 2 months ago and everything was going great, it was growing and had great color. I did my nightly dose of photo-plankton and went to bed. Woke up this morning and the hermit crab was inside the clam eating the remains! Has anyone had this happen before...
  6. Peach02

    Bristle worms keep showing up on my clam

    i got a small maxima clam for my 33g last Thursday and it seems perfectly healthy however in the mornings and at night I’ve seen a total of 4 on it and 1 several weeks before I had it, I’ve killed all the ones I’ve seen on the clam but couldn’t find the bigger one again, does anyone know if they...
  7. Peach02

    Bristle worm predators?

    So I recently added a Maximus clam to my 30g reef tank and it is adapting great but every night and sometimes in the mornings it will have a bristle worm or two on the shell, I've been removing them with tweezers but I know that this is not sustainable. I always wanted to get a clam so removing...
  8. YourReef

    YR New Year Celebration Sale- 500+ WYSIWYG frags

    Come celebrate with us! Over 500 new WYSIWYG frags available- all marked down! Acropora, SPS, LPS, Hammer, Torch, Maxima Clams, Micromussa's & more.
  9. YourReef

    Your Reef- Cyber Monday Website Update & Sale (SALE EXTENDED)

    SALE EXTENDED! There is still time to save! :)
  10. Evan28395950

    Joe’s Juice

    Hi all, I’ve got about 3 aiptasia and I’m going to purchase joes juice. Only question I have, is it safe to use around my good anemones, they’re somewhat close to aiptasia, and also is it safe to use for one attached to my maxima clam? When injection I’ll turn off flow to maximize accuracy
  11. Evan28395950

    Aiptasia on Maxima Clam

    So I tried getting this Aiptasia out of my tank, but my pliers just wouldn’t reach into that area. I’m thinking I’ll try something different in the morning, is it ok to leave it like this?
  12. Evan28395950


    I tried sucking up an aiptasia from the sand bed near a maxima clam. Wasn’t able to get it, but surely disturbed both of them. Should I be concerned about anything?
  13. D. Torres

    Clam and hermits ok?

    Sorry if this has been posted already but I really need to know. My main question is are blue leg crabs safe to have around Maxima clams? ;Nailbiting Got a great deal on a couple maxima clams on a recent visit to California (1/3 of the price asked for in Las Vegas) I should have done my research...
  14. HenryF

    Nano Build Henry’s Mighty Fluval Evo XIII 1/2

    Setup was on Jan 1st 2018. Fluval 13.5 Sump Chambers/Filtration: Chamber 1: Aqueon Large Filter Cartridge ( Folded), Red mangroves, extra bag of Fluval Biomax & a sexy shrimp that keeps going in there. Chamber 2: Fluval Stock Foam with Carbon & Biomax, Another extra bag of Biomax Chamber 3...
  15. M

    Tridacna clams?

    So I have been thinking about buying a tridacna clam for a couple of weeks. I'm not planning to buy it soon but around late spring/early summer. I was just wondering if anyone can give me any good tips on taking care of these guys, best places to get them, personal experiences, etc. I have a...
  16. FLSharkvictim

    All most 1 yr old got it @ Reef-A-Polazza 2017 Orlando

    A 1 yr old Ultra Blue Tridacna maxima!
  17. YourReef

    Maxima Clams- Just uploaded to the site! (3-4 Inch & 5 Inch)

    We have just uploaded a batch of Maxima Clams to the website. Several different sizes/prices available. Maxima Clam 1 3-4 Inch WYSIWYG- $99 Maxima Clam 2 3-4 Inch WYSIWYG- $99 Maxima Clam 3 - Large 5 Inch WYSIWYG- $109 Maxima Clam 5 -...