pistol shrimp goby

  1. FortyAloha

    Adding Fish! Nano Tank

    Currently in the cycling stage, but I'm looking to prepare for adding fish. I have a Fluval evo 13.5, and I have a plan for the tank (short term at least). I want to get a pair of clowns, a shrimp goby & pistol shrimp for sure, & if possible another cleaner shrimp, emerald crab & some snails (as...
  2. ZanaZoola14

    Pistol shrimp killing fish?

    Hello, The latest introductions to my tank are a hi fin banded goby and what was meant to be a randalls pistol shrimp. While the two have paired, myself and other reef keepers have decided its colours and patterns are much more tiger like — especially with how large it is. (I have attempted...
  3. C

    Trying to increase nitrates in a 14g nano mixed reef

    TLDR: How do you increase nitrate levels safely and easily? I have a 14g nano cube (build thread linked below) that currently just houses a small CUC and a maroon clownfish named Little Evil because he is small but thirsts for blood. It’s only been up about a month now but it was started with...
  4. J

    Goby Pistol pair

    Just got a yasha goby and tiger pistol from my lfs yesterday, they went separate ways yesterday but paired and burrowed earlier today. Haven’t seen my yasha goby and it hasn’t come out for any feedings. How long does it take for these guys to adjust? Tank is freshly cycled, only thing in it...
  5. NHDude47

    Goby and Pistol Disappeared - Under the Substrate?

    Looking for an opinion from experienced reefers. I have a Wheelers Goby and Candy Pistol. They paired up and the shrimp started burrowing. Goby stood by the top of the burrow for about a week as the shrimp did its thing. Goby never tried entering the burrow (the shrimp is TINY — about 1cm long —...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Goby and shrimp pair for a 16 gallon

    I’ve got a 16 gallon biocube with only a four stripe damsel in it. He’s old so eventually he’ll pass on me. When he does can I get by with a shrimp and goby pair in a tank this small? Any suggestions on the goby? I’m going with a candy cane pistol since the LFS only gets MASSIVE tigers when they...
  7. T

    Red Brittle Starfish had BABIES. Care/Feeding Advice? Will pistol shrimp/goby pair OR bristle worm eat them?

    Hello All, I've had a red, brittle starfish for a few months and recently saw about 10 miniature (Image 2 is one of the 10 starfish), clear brittle starfish emerge from a hole in my live rock under a hammer coral, ranging in size of 2-5 mm diameter. These little guys have been hanging in there...
  8. dimitrinivo

    Build Thread 10 gallon "****" reef tank, 3 months old

    What started out as a FOWLR tank with macro algae for a bluestripe pipefish and pygmy filefish evolved into a beautiful, natural looking soft coral and invert dominated reef tank. The Equipment: - Seachem tidal 35 HOB filter - 528 gph powerhead - 50 watt heater - 10lbs of live rock - 10lbs...
  9. Alyssa.Weber

    How does the pairing of the shrimp goby and pistol shrimp work?

    I know you can get a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp as a pair but I have also heard that each species of shrimp goby has a certain species of pistol shrimp that pairs with it. If this is true, what are the common pairings? Also is the pairing something I can do myself?- meaning can I...
  10. Reefer37

    Texas Randall's Goby / Tiger Pistol Shrimp Pair

    Switched over tanks and unfortunately don't have room for my Randall's Goby and Tiger Pistol Shrimp. Perfectly healthy, haven't had any issue with these guys other than covering corals in my sandbed occasionally. :p They're both full grown, the pistol shrimp is a pretty good size, 2.5-3" I'd...
  11. multsh

    Randall's pistol

    Anyone know any places that have a Randall's pistol in stock? Online or local in nyc. Thanks!
  12. multsh

    Paired goby and randalls pistol

    I am considering getting a Randall's pistol shrimp, with already paired gobies. Question is...will the already paired gobies pair with the pistol? Or do pistols only pair with one goby? Want to ensure nothing happens to either goby (or the pistol!) Thanks!
  13. Schwartzy

    Pistol Shrimp Cleaning Watchman Goby

    Okay guys, this is my first post so bear with me... I noticed something interesting in the tank tonight. I saw my yellow watchman goby hanging around the main burrow of my red banded pistol shrimp. This was moderately exciting because they haven't paired yet. (The goby has been hanging out on...
  14. Cas

    Royal Gamma bullying yellow Goby

    Hello, I am having an issue with my Royal Gramma bullying my yellow Goby. I’ve had Royal for just over a month and bought my Goby a week later. Royal and the other fish in the tank, a pink streaked Wrasse who I’ve had for months, have both been showing hostility (raising fins and opening...
  15. Eve

    Goby and Saddleback

    Okay guys, so I know saddleback fishies are aggressive or at least semi aggressive. Lately, I have been noticing that the saddleback has been bothering the goby and pistol shrimp, but not attacking the goby, just getting next to him and just swimming around him. However, the saddleback it is...
  16. Mrussell

    What’s your favorite pistol shrimp goby pair?

    I have had a couple different pistol shrimp goby pairs over the years. I just picked up a pair of red banded high fin gobies and a candy cane pistol. Although these guys are cool I think I liked my Randall’s goby a bit more. The Randall’s seemed to really look out for the pistol shrimp while...