
  1. M

    Symphyllia Wilsoni Care Question

    Hello All, I recently purchases a symphyllia wilsoni. I realized that I am seeing edge of the coral with some skeleton shown. These little zigsaw looking small skeletons are about to fall apart with bits of coral skin attached. Will skeleton regrow and covered with new skins? Re
  2. myMOMfishtank

    Sick/Dying Anenome??

    My moms new to saltwater tanks and buys long tent anenomes which start strong and fine but then go off color, get small, and die! This one paired with a clown so she really wants it to make it and Im trying my best to help her find answers before it goes. Info: The water tests in all the...
  3. victoriaxoxo

    Help! (fluval evo 13.5) New Reefer here :)

    Hello everyone! im new to R2R! A few years ago i had a nano 10 gal reef with a few coral, a pair of clowns who i LOVED, tiny panther grouper & a tiny emperor angel whom i was completely obsessed with.. i had it running with a HOB aquaclear and honestly it was all going great! until... my cat...
  4. K

    Bubble next to anemone

    Does anyone know what this bubble is? It just popped out of no where
  5. REEFer86

    Salt Brand Suggestion - Discussion

    Hi all! I like to support my LFS in anyway I can. One way is I purchase the salt they use. I’ve tested it’s Alkalinity and it’s bad. Not sure if it’s the batch because the salt seemed to have got moisture in it because it was hard but it did soften quickly when dropped on the floor like you...
  6. Sethdarkus

    How good is the apex?

    Im currently in the enlistment process for the army national guard. Just got my medical waver and well while I’m doing basic training I want peace of mind because I will be away and my family will be taking care of my tank. I’m looking into a digital refractometer and well the apex for what it...
  7. V

    Help Identifying some Coral?

    Hey! I was hoping for a little help with identifying some coral I have in my tank. I've received great responses already with help identifying other coral in the tank and I would love for that to continue. Thank you so much in advance for helping someone new to saltwater tanks! 1 2 3 4
  8. Shanlee

    Starting a saltwater tank...

    So I have been dealing with freshwater aquariums for a while and they aren’t satisfying me lately. I am sure now that I want to start a saltwater tank. But first I have a few questions. (I have been doing endless research and can’t find these anywhere) 1 - at my home we have well water. Could...
  9. Tiwo

    Nano Build Frogfish Tank Build/Questions

    So ive been really wanting to get a frogfish tank (specifically a painted or warty frogfish) for the past month or so but i have a few questions on them. Ive decided to go with the Fluval sea Evo 13.5 gal. I want to keep some corals such as zoas & softies maybe some lps down the line. As of...
  10. Shabalaba

    100 gallon with O. scyllarus questions/concerns

    Hey all, It's officially 11 days with my peacock! He (pretty sure it's male) is about 4-4.5 inches and looks quite healthy. I see no signs of shell rot as he roams, not usually straying too far from his usual territory. He acts pretty normal for a mantis except for one thing, I have never seen...
  11. Austin Wiant

    Skimmer Suggestions

    Im starting up a 50 gallon reef tank and want to know the best protein skimmers. Any suggestions? I dont really have a price range but also want to keep it at a reasonable cost.
  12. zcedric

    Rimless, all side overflow Aquarium

    Good Day Reef Friends I am not sure how this is called and I couldn't find a lot of information about it. Did someone ever build an aquarium which is extra overfilled and all the water runs on the outside of the glass down and be collected on the buttom. I guess the edges of the tank need to be...
  13. Kevinkmk

    Nano tank with large skimmer

    Hi everyone , I have a 20 gallon reef with 3 fishes. Currently using fulval ps2 skimmer but I'm wondering if I can upgrade it to some thing like aquaxxmax 1.5 HOB? I have like 25 no3 and 0.08 po4 last couple week, but now I have drop them to 0.04 no3 and 8 po4 by a 40% water change and adding...
  14. savetheocean

    All my questions

    Hello! I have a 75 gallon aquarium with a sump and a skimmer (and a heater, obviously). I keep the temperature at a solid rate of 78 degrees. I have live sand but the rock I have is man made that had dormant bacteria that awakens when introduced to water. I have been away for the summer with...