ugly phase

  1. M

    Cycling questions

    Hello, I have a lot of questions , firstly I noticed on my tank this poo bits which are not getting raised up into the overflow for some reason? I have a maxspect gyre at 40% because if i push more power the torches are being pushed to much. Also the brown stage is relentless, 2 months and still...
  2. N

    Help!!! What is this? Should I be worried??

    Of course im new to the hobby, my tanks is 4 months old. I’m running a 80 Gal redsea G2, with two reef led 90s, reef mat, skimmer and Red Sea reef spec carbon. I religiously do a 10% water change weekly and all my numbers have been steady. I think I understand the ugly phase but I don’t know how...
  3. Koby

    Questions about the ugly stage

    I’ve had my 30 gallon tank setup for about 3 weeks, everything is healthy and good. But I am going through the algae stage, I’ll clean the glass spotless and the next day it’s covered again. Side question. It was originally brown algae on the glass but now it’s a green algae, does that mean...
  4. EricaMassReef

    Just the ugly phase or do I need to worry?

    I installed the Red Sea Reef Mat 250 this past Saturday and then did my weekly 10 gallon water change on Sunday. I siphoned my sand bed to help clean it up while doing the water change. Tuesday came along and my tank started getting brown all over the sand, rock and glass. It just keeps getting...
  5. Jenyphur

    My ugly stage...???

    Well, my tank is officially 30 days old..! Happy birthday to me. :). Over the past 2 days I have been given a great birthday surprise. This ugly brownish/reddish algae that might either be a regular diatom bloom (I think) or possibly something else. I find all of this algae stuff pretty...
  6. T

    Frag tank

    Good afternoon everyone. I have a new frag system I have started with no substrate. Just 4 BioPlates from Brightwell. I am now going through ugly phase. What can I do to help get past this and get clean water to add corals?
  7. Q

    Cycled finished, but going out of town

    My cycle ended a couple of days ago on my tank, but I’m actually going out of town this Sunday and will be gone until next Saturday. Considering I have no live stock in the tank should I go ahead and implement my lighting schedule while I’m gone or no? I need some opinions on this matter because...
  8. rudy3


    Mods please delete
  9. CheetoReef

    Turbo snail going to work

    Tank is approx 1.5 month old. waterbox cube 20 Floss > chemipure blue > poly filter pad. Video for attention. Dragon Thorn Turbo snail putting in work on my first brown ugly phase. I only clean the 3 sides.
  10. TheSheff

    Skipping Ugly Phase?

    Hello all, just curious if any of you have a go-to method that you use in order to skip or greatly reduce the severity of the ugly phase in your tank. Personally, I was overdosing micro-bacter clean in one of my first tanks for a while and never experienced an ugly phase. Do any of you start off...
  11. S

    Ugly stage or bad water?

    Hello! This is my first post and my first reef tank. my tank is 2-3 months old and I have diatoms all over the tank sand. When I siphoned it during my last WC, it came right back. Most likely it’s just the ugly phase however I’m wondering if there’s any possibility it could be my water. The...
  12. harsha22

    EMERGENCY Algae Control Identification and Help

    I have 2 month old 35 gallon tank with 5 fishes and 2 corals. Nitrate is around 2. Haven't checked phosphates. Started noticing this greenish brown algae on my rocks. I am guessing it is the "Ugly phase" of my tank. I am treating the tank with a daily dose of Brightwell Aquatics Clean and Bio...
  13. maxemorris

    Help! CUC only comes out at night?

    I’m going through the “ugly phase” with my new tank, and got sufficient cuc to deal with it. The problem is that my melanurus wrasse has scared them all to where they only come out at night when it’s in the sand sleeping. This means I wake up to a perfect clean tank, but within a few hours of...
  14. Hannahmunt

    Is this the start of the ugly phase?

    Over the last few days my dry rock has started turning brown and the sand bed is getting patches of brown.
  15. W

    NEED ID: Got my nuisance under the scope!

    Hi guys, I've been reading this group for many months.:) 6 weeks ago I started my cycling of a 43 gallon tank without fish and with dry rock and live sand. There is no longer ammonia or nitrites and nitrates are at 100 ppm (Red Sea) and phosphates are barely detectable, 0.01 (AF) or zero. For...
  16. Schraufabagel

    Flow and nutrient control help

    My tank has been up and running for about a month. The rock has been fully cycled for almost 3 months. I’m currently in an ugly phase. My phosphate is 0.05 and my nitrates have been between 5 and 10. I have a mix of macro algae and coral. What I’m wondering is, is there anything I need to...
  17. Krilla

    Microscope ID: can anyone identify these?

    Hi I took some samples of the brown algae starting to cover my rocks and sand. I found 2 different shapes which both are moving. Can anyone identify these?