Algae Scrubber and refugium, same/same or different?


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I think "precisely sized" is a stretch. I have heard of the vague sizing/cube rule you are referring to but there are so many variables with our systems/setups it is more like a guideline.
Agreed. Precisely sized is more than a stretch. While I can see working out a formula for flow vs screen size for optimal growth. Or amount and/or color of light. Sizing is a guide at best. Which you can then dial in with testing and adjusting photo time, as long as it’s not too undersized, and before you strip out to much causing damage to cycle
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I have used both each for many years and I can state that square inch for square inch a scrubber is much more efficent for nuitrent export. My current ATSs sit on top of my sump so takes up no space in it apart from my feed pump, I could have tried . Takes me a few minutes to clean it and is easy to maintain.
What issues?
If you are talking about nutrients being too low, think about it the way you would think about dosing. If your alk is too high reduce alk dosing amount. If your nutrients get lower than the level you would like then reduce the photoperiod of the ATS.
That you say it's hard to size. I have never heard that before or experienced it in fact it seems easier to size than a fug and takes up less space IME. However, each to their own.

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Here is a really good video about scrubbers..
my take; i run triton, and tried time and time again to grow chaeto but it kept dying. i had massive issues with green hair algae, it alost took over the DT, and even in the refugium, the GHA would grow over the chaeto and make the sump a mess, so i new i could grow GHA with no issues lol. Triton results stated not enough iron which probably lead to the chaeto dying.
I got fed up buying chaeto and i didn't want to my chaeto/nutriant control reliant on how much iron i had in my water. I did loads of research and couldn't believe that my biggest issue GHA could actually by my saviour!! its been staring me in the face all this time, so i decided a scrubber was better for me.
I had a AI prime fuge light and a cheap grow light so i decided to make my own scrubber. it works really well and about 3 weeks in the screen is growing algae nicely. give it 3 more weeks and i'll be able to tell with my perameters if the screen works better or not, as i've had issues with phosphate averaging 0.1 and nitrate 15-25.
Algae scrubber seem easier to work/maintain, keep the sump clean from algae and better nutriant export....

Good stuff, thanx for sharing. For me would rather know why macro is not growing. Which is likely something is out of whack. As in your case was iron.
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That you say it's hard to size. I have never heard that before or experienced it in fact it seems easier to size than a fug and takes up less space IME. However, each to their own.
I understand what you mean. I just meant it is harder to size due to many variables. It is not as easy as sizing a return pump.


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Same here even my wife doesn't complain of any smell.

My post that you quoted says sell, not smell. A much more previous post brought up smell and noise associated with scrubbers. Not sure how one can claim it does not. Not saying it’s as bad as a skimmer cup, but it’s there and it’s real.
Not bashing scrubbers in any way. They are a great tool and certainly have their place. Just sharing info
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I love my little Scrubber with a smaller tank for sure. WIth 2000 gal tank you would need about 1000 gal refug and will be pretty costly. So for me if you want easy and cheaper scrubber would be for me for sure.



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I understand what you mean. I just meant it is harder to size due to many variables. It is not as easy as sizing a return pump.
Not sure why anybody would want to compare sizing a scrubber with a return pump but hey oh.
Sizing doesn't need to be an exact science as I have found out. Sizing is more a ball park figure again as I have found out and same for a return pump nothing to be exact for either. At the end of they day you pays your money.
This is my Ulva growth in just 4 days since my last harvest, quite unbelievable growth in fact.
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I’ve had both, both work great but the refugium is much easier and adds water volume to the DT. Cheato likes high flow and tumbling it works best. once it grows to the point it stops tumbling trim It back. If my space was limited I’d go back to ATS.


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My post that you quoted says sell, not smell. A much more previous post brought up smell and noise associated with scrubbers. Not sure how one can claim it does not. Not saying it’s as bad as a skimmer cup, but it’s there and it’s real.
Not bashing scrubbers in any way. They are a great tool and certainly have their place. Just sharing info
Sorry my bad, I obviously misread that about sell.
I say no smell as there is no appreciable smell from the scrubber certainly outside the cabinet and little if any within it. Also no noise, my scrubber water exits below the waterline so no splashing can be heard in fact my sump is really silent and certainly nothing within my cabinet can be heard outside of it, my wife would be the first to complain if it was.


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Sorry my bad, I obviously misread that about sell.
I say no smell as there is no appreciable smell from the scrubber certainly outside the cabinet and little if any within it. Also no noise, my scrubber water exits below the waterline so no splashing can be heard in fact my sump is really silent and certainly nothing within my cabinet can be heard outside of it, my wife would be the first to complain if it was.
Yeah. The noise I bring up is not the water exiting the scrubber, but noise of water falling off algae once it grows in clumps on screen. Instead of rolling down to bottom as it does when screen is cleaner.


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I’ve had both, both work great but the refugium is much easier and adds water volume to the DT. Cheato likes high flow and tumbling it works best. once it grows to the point it stops tumbling trim It back. If my space was limited I’d go back to ATS.
I have more water volume and space now I have a scrubber with my D-D 1500s sump. Granted the water volume taken up b
I’ve had both, both work great but the refugium is much easier and adds water volume to the DT. Cheato likes high flow and tumbling it works best. once it grows to the point it stops tumbling trim It back. If my space was limited I’d go back to ATS.
In fact I have no less water volume but much more space in the sump of my D-D 1500s pro sump that a refuge would take up. I have space for a calcium reactor etc thatvwould have been taken up by a fuge.
I am not against fuge but to be effective they need to be much larger and take up more space than an ATS. On the upside fuge has more places for pods but to me this little advantage over my ATS is the only real advantage and is far outweighed by the advantages of my ATS. I understand why others may prefer a fuge and it's all about choice but when I hear things like ATSs smell or are noisey then I don't see hear or smell mine as others who use them experience.
Early ATS esp some of the more simple designs may have been noisy but I don't get the overly smelly thing.
I have a Bud Carlson Turbo Scrubber that is a good few years old and it does an amazing job with no smell of note dame for noise.


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Yeah. The noise I bring up is not the water exiting the scrubber, but noise of water falling off algae once it grows in clumps on screen. Instead of rolling down to bottom as it does when screen is cleaner.
Nope no noise from the water coming off the algae. Good modern designs should not emit much if any noise at all. As said my wife does not notice any noise and she sits about 2 meters from the tank and scrubber. If there was she would certainly let me know about it I can assure you.


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They both do the same thing.

ATS takes up way less space, but is the most overpriced piece of equip for what you get imo unless you build your own. ATS is also a decent amount of maintenance involved. Very efficient nutrient control once you get it going.

A chaeto fuge is the lowest maintenance nutrient export I can think of. It does take up a decent amount of space. Not overly huge, but no where near as compact as an ats. The only problem ive had is if I don't use powerful lighting with the right config then a red slime or something takes hold which is a pain to get chaeto back dominate.
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Nope no noise from the water coming off the algae. Good modern designs should not emit much if any noise at all. As said my wife does not notice any noise and she sits about 2 meters from the tank and scrubber. If there was she would certainly let me know about it I can assure you.

Not sure how design works around the smell or noise. Do you not smell it when cleaning screen? Maybe design helps contain it. Can’t work around gravity. Algae grows, water falls off algae instead of rolling down to bottom. This is my undeniable experience.
At least you can’t say that ats needs less maintenance. Since you already posted 4 days growth


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I cant smell mine. Even my wife who has a much sharper sense of smell cant smell it. I can smell if I put my nose right on the screen but it's not a bad smell. Now there are different types of algae that grow on the screen depending on nutrients. High nutrients tend to grow dark (brown/black) algae and that may have a smell to it. @atoll posted his screen that grows ulva. I've never had ulva grown on my screen. I can only wish. Only green hair algae and a little bit of what looks like chaeto on a corner of my screen.


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Not sure how design works around the smell or noise. Do you not smell it when cleaning screen? Maybe design helps contain it. Can’t work around gravity. Algae grows, water falls off algae instead of rolling down to bottom. This is my undeniable experience.
At least you can’t say that ats needs less maintenance. Since you already posted 4 days growth
Cleaning the screen maybe gives a little smell but when you take cheato out isn't there also? When people talk about ATSs being smelly I doubt they are referring to when you clean the screen but in general or why mention it.
I show 4 days growth to show how efficent it is at growing algae for this thread. I would normally do it every 7 days and takes me about 5 minutes, no big deal. Turn off pump, remove screen takes 30 seconds, trim the algae back 2 minutes, replace screen 30 seconds. Switch pump back on and check water flowing OK. Takes a minute for the pump to reach full output. All very easy and I can spare 5 mins a week.


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With fuge only smell it when harvesting. With ats smell it anytime I open cabinet. Guess it depends on what type of algae is growing, as well as ats design, but that has been my experience. Also my experience that it takes more than 5 minutes to clean them, weekly. Unlike a fuge which is much less often.
think this thread has made it clear how ppl who have ats will stand up for them.
Also think both ats and fuges have pros and cons, that anyone with a brain can read through this thread and make their own decision.
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