Are MH lights going extinct?

James Emory

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I have switched and switched back. I like kessils because they look like MH, but LEDs make the tank look so dark. I love how bright the tank looks withMH. To get that with LEDs would surly pump out huge PAR numbers with lots of fixtures and likely toast coral. Radions sounded nice but also made the tank look dark and the flickery shimmer was annoying as i have lots of surface agitation.
I think the reason they look dark to us is because LED companies like ours want to use only beneficial areas of the spectrum so as not to waste the precious LED energy. Coral respond best to spectrum in areas where the light does not appear bright to us even though a PAR meter would suggest differently. Our eyes are very sensitive to light in the yellow/green spectrum and there is much of that spectrum present in metal halides along with the beneficial spectrum. There are a few (including our lights) that do a pretty good job creating the metal halide shimmer look. Here is one example.

Yuki Rihwa

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I really don't care how's one use to light up their tank as long their live stocks live and grow and look beautiful in their eyes and others eyes, that dude wanted me to prove a thing to him so I did that to shut him up.


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I am with my reboot dropping led and going back to t-5. Wanted hybrid but just can not justify the prices right now.


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Realistically yes they are dying. I can't remember the exact numbers but Ryan at BRS said the sales of MH are tiny. Sure a few love them, but with how the aquatic life led t5 combo is taking off I suspect there will be more combo lights like this that really push mh away except in very deep and large tanks and who know if that will be enough to keep mh alive.

Randy said it a few weeks ago that MH sales accounted for less than 1% of their lightning sales. He emphasized that this was just for BRS, not a hard fact for the entire industry.

Having said that, I am completely agnostic about lightning choices. Good or bad, this is not a tide anyone can stop from happening. Personally I want MH to stay for a long time because more choices are always good for the consumers. However, I won’t ignore the fact that if a company cannot turn a profit anymore because sales just aren’t there, this company either have to adapt or shut down. Remember a while back people were stockpiling MH bulbs because they thought they were going away? Well, they didn’t and I surely hope not. However, they are always gonna be a niche from now on.


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Let's see a FTS of your setup and success before you call someone ignorant. I actually commend him for looking into the "best options" for his new setup, regardless of age of technology.


Did you even read the original post? No where did the OP say he has researched, or even tried LEDs - He said he was going to the store for MH bulbs. It sounded like to me that the OP was primary upset that the sales associate laughed at him.


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Started with T5s then switched to LEDS now back to all T5s. I’m probably about to buy some reefbrites for my T5 fixture.


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I think MH is actually making something of a comeback. We use them on all our tanks.

I would love to see a data on this just for the curiosity sake. Not saying this is the case but a 0.5% market share goes up to a 0.75% share is an impressive 50% bump. However, in the grand scheme of things, it’s still insignificant.


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I would enjoy seeing that data too. I mean I know for a small population of reefers that post on this forum they really love them, but on the same hand I also hear about many of those same reefers finding used fixtures too. Seems like might be a vocal minority, but would be neat to see the sales numbers.


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I've always used t5 to light my tank. Upgraded tanks and my fixture just didn't fit the tank so was forced to upgrade lights. I decided to give halides a shot. Only been running for a week now. I do like the looks. Time will tell how it works out for me.
I am also supplementing with t5 and royal blue leds though.


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Well I guess having a college degree and thinking I was semi intelligent was all wrong!!!!!!!! Apparently I am utterly ignorant...even though I thought using a single 400 watt bulb to light my needed area was smarter than buying multiple LED units. By raising my bulb higher off the water I can light a 36/36 area and achieve plenty of par. I bought a used reflector for 25$, used ballast for 75$, and a new bulb on clearnence from a store going out of business for 40$. So for 140$ I light my cube. Due to the layout I wasn't sure I could get leds for that cheap to cover that area. I ran 4 rapidled lights in the past and it wasn't enough for my tank. Now I am aware at some time when corals grow, I might need to add another halide or look at options. But I genuinely thought for 140$ I was making the right choice, but clearly I made the wrong one. Solely due to ignorance....@Dom274. At least I Dom was kind enough to tell me a few days before Black Friday so I can score some great sales to replace my 140$ lighting debacle that shows my ignorance to all those across the thread!


Like I said before, the OP never mentioned trying or even researching LEDs - He went to the store looking for MH accessories and clearly stated "I have ZERO plans to switch to anything.".

Given that, explain to me how "ignorant" isn't an appropriate adjective?

lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular.


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In support of the looks of acros under just halides, if you guys ever get a chance to see Tim @aquavista99 acros, have a look at his thread.
It will easily knock the socks off of what colors he can pull under just 14K ushio bulbs .

@aquavista99 - Sorry to drag you mate but just wanted people to see what only halides can pull through.


I've seen his setup in person buying frags off of him. His tanks look amazing because of so much more than just his MH fixtures.


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Why is this such a hot topic for people? If you like MH and it works for your system or like LEDs since that is what works for you use it. Calling people ignorant for using one or the other is just not called for.

According to Webster's dictionary, I used the word properly. Read the OP before you start criticizing my choice of words.


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I have seen tank with led , T5 and the corals are beautiful color and growth no doubt. However if u truly try to duplicate a natural reef tank the only halide can give u the illusion on shimmering. Since I have solar I go back to my DE 14k Phoenix and my tank looks like a real reef.


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Thank you very much for the kind words, Abhishek! I have been around long enough in this hobby to realize you can have the reef of your dreams by doing things differently, whether it is using different types of salt mix, different types of equipment or different but consistent water parameters, etc. For long-term success, maintaining stability has always been the key to my success with SPS. Go with what works best for you and your situation my friend. My personal preference is with MH lights, but I have also seen amazing SPS reef aquariums grown out under T5s and LEDs too. :)

In support of the looks of acros under just halides, if you guys ever get a chance to see Tim @aquavista99 acros, have a look at his thread.
It will easily knock the socks off of what colors he can pull under just 14K ushio bulbs .

@aquavista99 - Sorry to drag you mate but just wanted people to see what only halides can pull through.



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Yeah. I will pass on this board with people calling others ignorant for their choice of light. That is utterly absurd in my book. then to justify comments with the definition of the word, I may be ignorant to you but I can read. That is totally uncalled for and not my cup of tea. That type of action is why I do not frequent the other boards that often and now this site can join the growing list. As Aquavista said, "Many ways to skin a cat, one isn't better than the next." But insulting individuals and their level of intelligence because they pick a particular light is a new one to me. Because I chose to be "Old School", I am ignorant? I have tried LED's and went back to MH, no doubt that LED's are the current and new technology. In fact I was researching the Orpheks among a few other brands recently. That is neither here nor there though, as ignorant as I am for using what works for me.

This is not a hot topic for me, I know plenty of light sources can and will grow coral. I merely stated that I used halides and loved them at which point I am called ignorant and a sheep (Stockholm Syndrom). So because I chose a light system that works for me, I am now ignorant? Never once did I say other sources can't grow, I only stated what I used and what I like. Nor did I reference the OP and their statement, just like you didn't reference the OP in your statement where you called me ignorant. So your statement was directed at me and all other halide users, there was no mention of "not doing research prior to purchasing is ignorant." Your statement says, " I don't understand why anyone would be proud to be "Old School" - That doesn't imply your are experienced, it says that your are being intentionally ignorant." (Quote)

~ignorant one~


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Yeah. I will pass on this board with people calling others ignorant for their choice of light. That is utterly absurd in my book. then to justify comments with the definition of the word, I may be ignorant to you but I can read. That is totally uncalled for and not my cup of tea. That type of action is why I do not frequent the other boards that often and now this site can join the growing list. As Aquavista said, "Many ways to skin a cat, one isn't better than the next." But insulting individuals and their level of intelligence because they pick a particular light is a new one to me. Because I chose to be "Old School", I am ignorant? I have tried LED's and went back to MH, no doubt that LED's are the current and new technology. In fact I was researching the Orpheks among a few other brands recently. That is neither here nor there though, as ignorant as I am for using what works for me.

This is not a hot topic for me, I know plenty of light sources can and will grow coral. I merely stated that I used halides and loved them at which point I am called ignorant and a sheep (Stockholm Syndrome). So because I chose a light system that works for me, I am now ignorant? Never once did I say other sources can't grow, I only stated what I used and what I like. Nor did I reference the OP and their statement, just like you didn't reference the OP in your statement where you called me ignorant. So your statement was directed at me and all other halide users, there was no mention of "not doing research prior to purchasing is ignorant." Your statement says, " I don't understand why anyone would be proud to be "Old School" - That doesn't imply your are experienced, it says that your are being intentionally ignorant." (Quote)

~ignorant one~

You are the one getting offended for no reason, I didn't single anyone out and I used the tongue out emoji to show my comments are in jest. And the definition needed to be posted because you people are twisting my words around. YOU are the one taking this personally, if the word ignorant offends you that much, how do you function in society? This is insane that everything has to be so PC. Un-informed is a synonym of ignorant, is that offensive too? What adjective should I have used to describe a situation where someone clearly states they have been out of it for 3 years and can't understand why people use LED? If you have researched and or tried LEDs, then you wouldn't be ignorant now would you? You get offended so easily that you have missed the whole point. In fact, I am offended that you are putting words in my mouth - I never called anyone sheep and Stockholm Syndrome doesn't mean anything close to that.