DB's Flat Frag Tank Build


Extreme Whippersnapper
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First off-

Well- sort of a build. I got this setup used off of Mantis, and slowly piecing it together. Money has been extremely tight for me lately, so it's more of a "find pieces that I can use" than just go to the shop and buy everything I need. I don't mind it, sort of the way I've always pieced together setups, makes it more fun for me.

This tank is going to be for my LPS and Zoa collection, and later down the road I'll be refocusing my other frag tank (the 30 gallon one) to be a higher quality setup for doing SPS growouts/frags.

Going to post as I go, Tabasco was kind enough to point out that if I got too busy with the build, I might not be able to spend enough time here trying to win a place in the R2R give-away, so thanks Edit: woman (ooops, sorry!!!) :tongue: !

Basics: Tank is 4x2x14"- acrylic (boo) but oh well. Has a semi-coast to coast overflow on one of the short ends, with a single drain, duel returns (split from a y in the overflow area.) Wanted to run a drain with a gate valve (forgot what name people like putting on these, I just call them 'drain with a gate valve' and have seen them used since the days of the undergravel) with a back-up taller stand-pipe in case of overflow- but again, decided just to get things running and will hopefully deal with it down the road. Would need to drill tank and stand, then buy all the stuff for it, so for now, just going to live with it- tank's going in the bedroom though, so hopefully won't be too horribly loud.

Stand: Wood stand, drilled, large opening. Was going to sand and repaint (in the only color that should be on a stand, black :tongue) but with all my space shortages, decided to just deal with it and get the tank setup.

Sump: 40 gallon glass sump with some pre-existing acrylic baffles. was going to knock them all out and replace with glass, but again, just decided to get it going. Changed one baffle that was an upper to a downer (as in glued to the bottom of the sump, not to the upper section) giving me 3 chambers that all overflow from the top to the next:
-- Drain line/Skimmer chamber (will need some recommendations for a decent (LPS quality) skimmer with a 9 x ? footprint at some point) (this one has a triple baffle exiting from it, forcing water down, then up, hopefully eliminate most of the bubbles before entering the 'fuge. Will also be a good place for a heater and pump for the carbon reactor.)
-- Large fuge: thick bed of mineral mud (you can tell me it's worthless, I'm ok with it, I got it in a trade so just using it just cause,) capped with some aragonite sand, then probably chaeto and mangroves. May do some of the red 'kelps', or may do a caulerpa 'fuge with 24 hour lighting to prevent melt-off. A cheapy home depot outdoor fixture with two cfl 60watt equiv bulbs that kick out 3500k
-- Pump chamber, can't recall measurements off the top of my head, but sort of on the small side, hoping to compensate this by hooking up an ATO down the road. For now just going to live with it.

Other equipment:

-- TLF Reactor, crammed full of carbon.
-- Mag drive 700 for main pump. Came with it, know it's undersized but with the LPS focus, hoping to be ok with it. Also going to have an MP10 hooked onto the tank (not sure placement, may do opposite wall of the return lines, but probably going to do back wall shooting "forwards" to prevent deconstructive interference on the wave currents). Have a box of Koralia's that may get utilized to eliminate any flow issues I see.
--For now, going to have to run with my current 24" NEP and just light a portion of the tank. Will upgrade down the road, but undecided what I'll end up with. May purchase an LED system, or perhaps run T5's on half, LED's on the other half and that way I can do a comparison.
--Heater- It's a heater, I don't know which one I'll use, and I don't get that excited about heaters to go find it. So yea, it's a heater.

Down the road, I'd like to invest in a controller and automated dosing system- for now, my budget dictates that I get off my bum and just do the work on my own.

Other stuff- because I'm me, I decided a simple looking tank wouldn't do. So the tank is split in half- half will have a BB with frag rack a few inches off the bottom, the other half will have a sand bed. See the pictures to see how this will work (basically an acrylic 'Wall' will hold the sand back to some degree.) I like BB for cleanliness, and honestly, even for looks in some situations. That said, I prefer seeing chalices grow on sand, same with Acans. Also, as I feed VERY heavily, I believe CUC prefer to have sand to live in. May regret it down the road, but should be easy enough to siphon out should I change my mind.
Both halves of the tank have acrylic supports in place to hold an eggcrate 'shelf.' Initial plan is to have one shelf, with it being real easy to move the shelf from one side to the other when I need to gain access bellow it. Knowing me, I'll probably end up making two shelves eventually (total of 3, the one 'rack' and the 2 'shelves') but we'll see, I do want this tank to be easy to access so I can feed as often and easily as possible.
CUC will be several cucumbers, a few nassarius (not too many, they tick me off and steal food out of chalices too often, jerks!) some snails of other varieties, and possible a Sand sifting star-but never been a huge fan of those, so we'll see.
Sand bed is going to be fairly thick- probably 1~2" or so, just depending on aesthetics more than anything else (I like sand beds, it's just life.)

Uhm...can't think of anything else about the basic setup-ask away any questions and I'll try to answer them, or just be honest and tell you I don't know :tongue:

But here's some pics of the progress so far...

Tank out on the balcony while I work on it- sump is sitting in the living room with a compress on it's acrylic baffle that got siliconed (don't have any good clamps, so using salt mix bags- want to make sure there's good pressure while the silicone cures considering it's a glass-acrylic bond, which sucks at the best of times.) You can see the lovely color of the stand...

Acrylic holders for the Sand Wall- doing it this way so if I decide to remove the sand bed, or continue it the whole way across, I won't have to bust out the whole Wall, I can just remove it (it's not going to be glued in) and then cut off the tall tabs and cover up the short ones.

Continued... (using a syringe as can't find the needle-bottle applicator, after the wedding the acrylic supplies sort of went everywhere. Cleaning the apartment would help greatly, but I'm a guy and recently single, so enjoying the bachelor pad for a little bit)

The Great Sand Wall

The shelf system- the ones on the back wall are doubles (a tab on top and bottom) as with only a single side tab (no middle support after all) I'm counting on the tabs holding the eggcrate in place. If the eggcrate itself sags too much, I can always brace it up with some runners. The white eggcrate is just for measurements (well, not measurements, using fuzzy numbers on this build) and I'll be using only black eggcrate in this build and see if I don't have as many algae issues. Each shelf will be 20"x21"

The coast to coast with the tab support. Right now has 3/4" nozzles, but I do have some 1/2" locline with 12" of neck and a valve, so going to play around with the flow to maximize what I can get out of the mag7

Another shot of the tabs

Going to move this into my bedroom tonight, realized I should have done it while my roommate was here, but that would have been thinking ahead.
Next things on the to-do list

Edit: updating this list :bigsmile:
DONE!-Place the sump (may rush it, may let the silicone cure another 24 hours, not sure, will depend how excited I get)
DONE!-Mount the sump/fuge lighting
DONE!-Run the drain line
DONE!-Set the pump in and run it's line (just using flex hose as it's a real short straight shot, and with a probable pump upgrade down the road, no need to make it permanent)
DONE!-Get the fuge chamber filled up with Mineral Mud and sand (need to wash the sand first)
DONE!-Wash and fill the sand on the right hand side of the tank.
Not Done :cry: -Fill with water
cursing at RO unit to work faster? DONE!

This system will most likely at some point also host the water for a 12 gallon flatback hex tank I'm planning on for my blue-striped pipefish. Will do a macro-algae/zoa (or mushroom?) garden tank with fairly low flow for them. Want to create an environment where their offspring have hopes of surviving on the micro-fauna in the tank, so will drill that tank, and just run a small pump to it from this system, with a floss-covered drain coming back (to prevent babies getting sucked up.)

Thanks for looking all!
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Extreme Whippersnapper
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Right on Brian! are you combining tanks into this one?

Sorta- the 20L that's currently my chalice/zoa tank is getting fully dropped into this once it's stabilized, and then all the LPS's that are currently crowding the 30 will get moved into here as well, and the frag rack that's currently uglifying my display will get removed and the frags moved into either here or the devoted SPS tank. So yea, I'll be tearing down the 20, but this will replace it, and the pipefish will probably end up with their own tank because I worry they'll get swept into the overflow on this one.


Extreme Whippersnapper
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the tank is about 60 ( 48 x 24 x 14 = 16128 cubic inches/231 cubic inchers per gallon = 69.8 gallons, so minus not max filled and overflow gives about 60)

The sump is a 40, half full at best so call it 20~25 gallons.

If/when the pipefish tank gets set up it'd be another 12 gallons- so total system is just shy of 100 gallons- my biggest system in the house :tongue: Scubajay's 100gallon + sump still dwarfs all of my stuff :squigglemouth:


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Great looking build Brian - Cant wait to see more progression pics! I dig the great sand wall btw!!


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Sounds like a cool build. As far as skimmers go, the SWC 160 cone has a 9"x7" footprint (IIRC). Also, Tobasco is a she :)



Extreme Whippersnapper
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Great looking build Brian - Cant wait to see more progression pics! I dig the great sand wall btw!!

Thanks- I never take progress pics cause its a pain with camera, upload to comp, upload to photobucket, etc, especially when trying to be careful with a camera while doing stuff. With the droid though, it's actually a decent picture, and I can just punch one button and it's directly uploaded to photobucket, so very nice!
And yea- I'm honestly thinking the sand wall will turn into a total bust of an idea, but want to try it out and see what happens.

Sounds like a cool build. As far as skimmers go, the SWC 160 cone has a 9"x7" footprint (IIRC). Also, Tobasco is a she :)


Oooops, fixed, thanks for the catch CJ. Guess I'm still surprised at lady reefers, though I know I shouldn't be. Dang lack of gender neutral pronouns...


Extreme Whippersnapper
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so here's some pics from today so far-


where it's going in the bedroom. The tank/table opposite it is what it's replacing-now I'll just have to figure somewhere to put that 80 gallon stand :neutral:
Oh- and yes, i'm currently a bachelor, so the mess is what it is :angel:


close up shot of the tank. Didn't have enough eggcrate to finish the legs for the bottom rack, so will have to pick up a new sheet sometime. For now this is just to show an idea of what it's going to look like. There's definitely sag issues on the shelf, so I'll be adding some runners of eggcrate to the bottom of the shelf and just securing with some zip ties, or possible weld-on #3 if the bond is secure. The tab holders work as planned though, so very happy even if they're a bit on the ugly side.

For now- just waiting on RO water- so going to get the sump placed and run the plumbing, then get to rinsing sand and filling up the right side with the sand. Also need to get the lights mounted (waiting on the silicone to dry in the wire nuts) and the mineral mud dumped into the 'fuge.
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Extreme Whippersnapper
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Looks like fun!!!!! Good job this far db.... Gotta love the diy1smile1

Yea- I hate buying what I can build, but I have a 2 bed apartment, and my only tools are a skillsaw and some other carpentry stuff. So until I get a nice table saw and a good half dozen clamps, I tend to be forced to buy which just annoys me :xd:

The GC I used to work for is awesome and lets me use his shop- I just don't want to overstay my welcome there so try to keep the projects to a minimum.


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:) I kindof wish I had stayed a Bro. Internet is so fun! hahah.

If you lived closer I am trying to trade my mag 9.5 for a mag 7 as my tank is only 45g and I don't need to have quite that much power for my return.

Nice set up... how many tanks do you guys have in your place anyway? :neutral:

Have you kept cucumbers before? Are they difficult to keep? Will a 1-2" sandbed be enough for them?


Clown and Anemone Crazy!
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Looks really nice!I want to trash my 125 and get a frag tank only,like Alpha,haha...whats the point in displays anymore!


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Looks really nice!I want to trash my 125 and get a frag tank only,like Alpha,haha...whats the point in displays anymore!

Something to be said for watching the pure growth of something vs the display of something big. If it weren't for the interaction of my fish, I would be all over that idea clowns :)


Extreme Whippersnapper
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:) I kindof wish I had stayed a Bro. Internet is so fun! hahah.

If you lived closer I am trying to trade my mag 9.5 for a mag 7 as my tank is only 45g and I don't need to have quite that much power for my return.

Nice set up... how many tanks do you guys have in your place anyway? :neutral:

Have you kept cucumbers before? Are they difficult to keep? Will a 1-2" sandbed be enough for them?

I have cucumbers in both my 20L (which is the tank getting replaced by this one) and my 34 gallon display. I have the 'tiger' cuke's for just basic cleanup, and for me, they've been very easy to keep (as in I just ignore them and they're in the tank...) here's a sorta cool pic of the tiger when I wasn't feeding enough and he came out in the daytime-


and just a closer pic

I also have a black medusa worm in my 20L, and he's a little more upkeep as if he doesn't get enough food, he comes out and makes it obvious he's hungry (just by where he sits when I make sure he gets fed, compared to him normally hiding during daytime when he's getting enough food.)

And yea, I'd definitely swap ya, but have a feeling it's not worth the shipping. Plus, I'm curious to see between this pump and the vortech just how much extra flow I'll really need- after all I don't want to be shoving more than 500-600 GPH through the sump/fuge anyways.

Currently in the apartment is Scubajay's 100gallon mixed w/40 gallon sump, his 55 gallon corner/hex (mixed reef.)
I have a 34 gallon mixed reef (my main display), and a 20 gallon chalice/zoa tank (which is being replaced by this tank). We also have a 30 gallon frag tank that's mostly SPS and Acans (very high light, high flow tank) that we set up to share, but I overran it pretty quickly. The 34 is crammed full (see pic :tongue:) so if I get new goodies, they rarely get fit into it.


Good luck on deciding your internet gender though :tongue:

Looks really nice!I want to trash my 125 and get a frag tank only,like Alpha,haha...whats the point in displays anymore!

I totally love this tank for all my frags and colonies that I want to grow- and for things like Acans where the top-down view is better I like it. That said- if I only had one tank, it would be a display. I like my collections, but I enjoy being able to collect because I have a 'natural' looking main reef tank that I can look at for 'chilling out' purposes. The collection tanks (as frag tank isn't always accurate to describe it, have much more than just frags in the tanks) are very fun, but when I interact with them, it's to feed, nurture, maintain, etc, not to just sit back and relax. I still do do that, but typically during feeding or something. So just different kicks for different moods.

Something to be said for watching the pure growth of something vs the display of something big. If it weren't for the interaction of my fish, I would be all over that idea clowns :)

Lol- agreed- and I only have two fish in my display :xd: But I enjoy my display for watching not just the big corals, but also how they interact with each other. Watching the red planet currently growing over the red keds is fun, and watching SPS's grow parallel to each other somehow knowing where the other is is just something I can only describe as gorgeous. As much as I love my collection tanks, they're a totally different sort of enjoyment.


Extreme Whippersnapper
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here's some update pics (taking a break, i don't fit well in the cabinet so being contorted in awkward positions only happens for so long, plus still waiting for the RO...grr....speed up!)

%<- GPS

the sump (the black silicone was my job, the other was from previous owner- yea it could be cleaner, but instead of waiting a few months to raise money to do it right, just going to live with it. Down the road, I'll probably replace with a sump I custom build from scratch)

in place

With the 'fuge light mounted


Extreme Whippersnapper
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alright, a few more update pics- everything at this point is pretty much dialed in and ready except for the water. Just waiting on my unit to crank more out, seems to be lagging a little more than normal though. Otherwise just need to put some new carbon in the TLF reactor and place it (probably placing in the pump chamber) and will probably mount another powerstrip somewhere in the stand area as well.
Also realized i'm going to want to mount an eggcrate 'screen' to the exit side of the fuge to prevent any chaeto from dumping over, no biggy, just will need to go cut some more acrylic at some point (always a good day if I get to cut acrylic :bigsmile: )

%<- GPS

Overview shot- note the cap on the overflow area. I'm going to need to make a new one, someone tried to fix the curling of the original piece by gluing two more slabs to it- obviously didn't fix it (just bent the new pieces) so one more little thing to take care of.

Detail on the Great Sand Wall of Nef (any Pratchet fans out there?)

Another exciting shot of the sump

Left side of the sump- I'm figuring I'll probably need to make a 'splash shield' at some point for the drain line, won't be too hard to do (just mount a few tabs to the PVC with the weld-on #3, then a lid that slides over the pipe (the downpipe isn't glued in for easy removal and no risk of leaks there) and sits on the tabs)

Very exciting close-up of the Mineral Mud with the sand cap- emptied two gallons of the mineral mud in which gave me about 2" or so, then capped with about an inch or so of sand (not sure if it's aragonite or just crushed coral, hoping it's aragonite)

so now I'm waiting on water, but very excited to get things rolling- plan from here is to use aprox 20 gallons or so of mature water from two of my tanks (not using water from the display as I'm dosing algaefix in it right now to hopefully finally eliminate the HA problem.) Rest will be 'fresh' water that's RO/DI ( 0 TDS) from a BRS unit mixed with coralife salt mix. Have a bunch of dead rock on the balcony from various projects that will get placed in the sump and fuge where convenient, then going to hijack some of the actual live rock out of the corner tank. Will toss in some frozen food of some sort to create some waste, and start dosing with MB7. After a few days will do a WC using only water from other tanks (going to see if ScubaJay will let me steal some of his water :tongue: ) and then start placing some hardier livestock in while continuing to dose with MB7. If the hardier stuff does good (some random Acans, some GSP, candycanes, some Zoa's, etc) then I'll call it good and do a full transfer of water/rock/corals from the 20 into the tank. Got to be careful as the 20L is where all the high-end stuff is :xd:


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Hey Brian - Things are looking good man and your Great Sand Wall seems to be doing it's job well!! Thanks for keeping up with the photos...it has been fun watching.
So is everything from your 34g moving over? BTW that 34g looks great!!


Extreme Whippersnapper
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Hey Brian - Things are looking good man and your Great Sand Wall seems to be doing it's job well!! Thanks for keeping up with the photos...it has been fun watching.
So is everything from your 34g moving over? BTW that 34g looks great!!

Thanks- sorta been fun to share it with someone as I'm putting it together.

Yea, the sand wall works, I'm pretty amazed honestly. I figured not being sealed that there'd be a lot of leakage around it, but filled up about 25 gallons of water last night and had no problems, so good to go there (at least so far...)

The 34 is staying as-is. A few pieces may move over (like some of the acans that aren't as puffy as I'd like, thinking they need more food), or may move temporarily to help with algae removal as I'm planning on having a kole tang in this new tank, and the 34 is really too small for much any tang that I've been able to find local (trying to find a baby baby sailfin, but have only seen one and it was sickly and died a few days after the LFS had it.) Otherwise the 34 is my display, and I like it as that. I am going to be really excited to get the frag rack pulled out of it, as I just don't like the look of having it in there- the tanks so small it just takes up too much space!

And thanks- the 34 actually got re-arranged when i tore the whole tank down to catch a yellow corris, and I've lost a few of the nicer blasto's I had in there due to the algaefix (it doesn't seem to bother them at all, but as the HA is getting 'whispy' and coming off, if any of it touches the blasto's, they recede and melt FAST, have lost 3 colonies so far :cry: everything else remains unaffected, so going to just suck it up and keep dosing, I'm really tired of the HA and no other method has worked to rid me of it.) I'll get a new FTS up of it sometime down the road.


Extreme Whippersnapper
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....few more from last night/today. My RO unit is cranking out REALLY slow, not sure what's going on there. Only theory is the pipes all come from the underground garage which stays real cold. Have a 5 gallon jug with a heater and some of the hose coiled, but I think with the constant demand (normally only fill a 5 gallon jug at a time) it's essentially worthless at this point (only theory because I recently changed the prefilter and carbon blocks, so shouldn't be that.)

%<- GPS

First water hits the tank! Yay! Only about 20 gallons worth or so, but it's something. Also can see how the racks sit in there, though this is without the legs on the main rack or the bracing runners on the shelf

Some look-down boxes I built the other day. Tried to think I knew more than Lee so I ran these on a table-saw, not a router table. Of course have leak issues :cry: so they're on the work-table (my balcony railing...) awaiting some patching with weld-on #16

The runners I attached to the underside of the 'shelf' to hopefully stiffen it up some. Bonded it with weld-on #3, then plopped some #16 on top just for added strength. Overkill and ugly, but doesn't really show on the black eggcrate so just went for it.

Legs getting mounted to the 'rack'.

All legs mounted- again, this is some of my ugliest work, but was going for quick and done more than something I'd be showing off to someone- Note the high quality 'goop catcher' being used on top of my workbench...

That's all for now....I may just have enough water to get the pump turned on tonight, but I'm not betting on it :sad: