Dwarf Angelfish together


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Jul 28, 2013
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I currently have a pair of flame angels in my 150. I'd really like to add a couple flamebacks when I upgrade to my 250 in a few months. Any chance of two dwarf angel pairs coexisting in that size tank?
Unlikely that you will get two pairs. Maybe something that are really different.
I had Coral Beauty spawn with Flameback in the past in a 420 gal tank. IMO if they interbreed, the male will kill each other. IMO there can’t be much different than these two species.


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Jul 28, 2013
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Long story short, my well established, non-coral eating Lemonpeel murdered a Coral Beauty that I attempted to add to the tank. Tried every trick in the book to stop the aggression and absolutely nothing worked. I wasn't successful in catching either one to stop the war before the CB died.

Fast forward through a battle with Ich, loss of the Lemonpeel (among others) and a months long fallow period, I'm attempting it again with another Lemonpeel and a Flame. Both less than 2", and currently sharing a QT with no signs of aggression. It's only been a few days, but hopefully it stays that way.

Here's Lemon Zest aka "Zesty" and Swim Shady (names courtesy of the wife and grandkids):

You got two males in there the first time.


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You got two males in there the first time.
Can you by chance tell what I’ve got now? I’m guessing the Flame is male, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I wouldn’t even venture a guess on the Lemonpeel. They’re getting along great, so maybe one of each or two females? That or I’m just lucky.


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Feb 13, 2019
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Hey guys,
Just curious on experience or how you feel about 2 angelfish together in a 75 gallon. Like a flameback and bi color or flameback and coral beauty or regular flame angel, I was originally planning on a small bristle tooth tang or tomini however tangs have a bad rep for illness and they still get some size I have seen the angels don't get as big and they would add a lot of color, I would go with one if I have to but would like to see how two would do since I would not be getting the tang and I plan on keeping up on my maintenance really well and everything. Also when would be a good time to add these to a tank and would I need to do them together or anything like that if I decide to go with two of them. Also which Dwarf angels do you prefer.

And I want to add I always try to get the smallest fish and let it grow to my tank or in my tank.
I have a flame and a coral beauty together. The coral beauty was in the tank about 1 year then I introduced the flame. Tank is a 120 with plenty of rock. A little chasing during the 1 st week now old friends.


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Aug 20, 2018
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I think this is exactly right. I have often said that somebody who will get nuts over some picking shouldn't keep angels. I had a mated pair of flames, a potters and a lemonpeel in my prior 400. Coral did fine, but I also had reduced SPS polyp extension. In my attached frag tank polyp extension was very good. Same lights, same water .... just no angels. I still have the lemonpeel, but in a softie tank and those corals couldn't care less.
In fact my leathers even like when they start getting nipped because usually it's to eat the mucous off from a shedding event

Sophie"s mom

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Oct 25, 2023
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In a 75 gal tank, if you want to you can keep harem of dwarf angels. I keep harem of 3 Flameback angels (a thread somewhere) and, not at the same time, pair of Flame Angels in the past.
You want to introduce at most 1 male in small tank like this. Two males will/likely will fight.
All dwarf angels are protogynous hermaphodites, so you will end up with one male over time. This is a bidirectional changes so if you accidentally introduced two male, world war will happened and the looser will reverted back to female if he survive until the change.
All Dwarf angels are dimorphic so if you research into it, you can get information about this for the specific species, however if you get smaller ones, they will be most likely females. Flameback and Flame angels dimorphic characteristics are well know (to me) and easy to see with just a glance at the fish. I don’t keep Coral beauties so I don’t know, so cannot help you regarding this species.
I like to keep harem of same species but to each his own.
Wow, this is great to hear! I have a coral beauty in a 90 gallon tank, and really want a flame angel. Any info would be very much appriciated. My coral beauty is about 2 inches right now.


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Sep 21, 2020
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I have a Vox, and an Indian Ocean Flameback Angels, in my 120 Gallon Aquarium. They were introduced at the same time. They get along, and can often be seen swimming together.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 13 16.9%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 12 15.6%