Good morning America just contact me about my palytoxin experience.


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ahhh don't do dumb stuff is the moral of the thread, only interest these people would have is to
ahhh don't do dumb stuff is the moral of the thread, only interest these people would have is to help make laws against corals and to believe what someone tells you when they well make money off your story is about as dumb as boiling a rock of Poly's in your kitchen ..... less your starved for the attention don't do it , the people you wonna help well read on advance aquarists the people they wonna trick into hurting the hobby well see it on good morning America, nuff said

Was that really one sentence?


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I had freshwater tanks for years. I never boiled anything to clean, I rinsed with water or scrubbed it maybe. I never used large rocks in my tanks, I had gravel, I only rinsed it out to clean it for future use or not. I used driftwood in my tanks, I never cleaned it off.
I read people say they boiled the rocks, I just never heard of it.


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I fail to see how this could be used for good. If anything it will make people scared of the hobby, and potentially cause those that know nothing about the hobby to help push legislation to ban the hobby all together. I don't mean to offend , but in my opinion your experience appears to be due to the fact that failed to research the proper way to clean your rock of unwanted pests , not due to the hobby being dangerous. You tried to take a method used in a different hobby without looking into the possible negative outcomes. Any hobby , or daily activity can be dangerous and possibly even life threatening if decisions are made without considering the consequences . I don't feel that GMA is the appropriate media to get your message across , but to each his own. Instead , why not get with someone like advanced aquarist , reef hobbyist magazine , etc. and write an informative article about your experience , and what you could have done differently, that has the potential to educate those that truly care about the hobby instead of possibly arming those that could care less (even if done unintentionally).

The experience has already been documented on Advanced Aquarist. This is actually where ABC pulled my info from.

This is the basis of my interview. What to do as appose to what not to do.

Yes, I failed in research, and what I want is to educate the fact that research needs to be performed. As I stated before, Mommy and Daddy buy little Bobby a Salt water aquarium setup because he Liked Nemo, Anemones and Dori. Educate before, not after.


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So what percentage of the aquarium hobby watches GMA? I believe information on aquarium forums and mags would help more then a tv interview. Might make more sense if it were Animal Planet or better yet on shark week.


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The experience has already been documented on Advanced Aquarist. This is actually where ABC pulled my info from.

This is the basis of my interview. What to do as appose to what not to do.

Yes, I failed in research, and what I want is to educate the fact that research needs to be performed. As I stated before, Mommy and Daddy buy little Bobby a Salt water aquarium setup because he Liked Nemo, Anemones and Dori. Educate before, not after.

I do believe that your intentions are for good, but I don't believe that they are of the same mindset . I firmly believe that the only reason they felt the need to include you is because of the "almost killed" portion of the title. I wish you luck, and I hope they don't try to twist your words .

"Almost killed" = ratings & clicks


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Why not record them interviewing yourself?
That way you have a record of what really happened. If they edit your interview to twist your words around to suit themselves & not on the context you mean, you will have a record of what really happened. Give your tape to a rival station so they can run with how "GMA distorts news for ratings"


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I work in the entertainment industry. If I see TV people coming I run the other way. Pretty much nothing good can come of talking to them on record unless your only goal is to get on TV and you don't care what they make you say/look like.


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Regardless if you do the interview or not, the mass broadcast of negative information can be used to vilify reef keeping in general and that's why most of us are concerned. Why can't they do a piece on coral conservation/preservation or the benefits of aquaculture and propagation. Why? because those topics don't have the zing, the captivation of death defying. It's sad really but I have no doubt you would represent the hobby well it's just how information is used in the hands of the ingnorant.
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Good morning america is the one of the worst shows on tv talk about corporate america they might as well just be an advertisement show. Showing all the Bs people like to waste there money on


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Wow, talk about naive Nancy!!! I know I always watch GMA to get my daily fill of reef info, it's just an awesome source aquatic super information.


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I applaud your dedication to educate others and respect your decision. It fodder for the masses, and its has already been said by many. The hope is you will be represented in the best light.

Thank you for educating us at the sacrifice of your family, two and four legged. It didnt need to happen, and with your experience we can apply that thought process. We can avoid it from occuring to those that now know better and educating those that dont!

Thank you and I wish you the best.
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TBH supermario...this is the type of information that can and will, MORE THAN LIKELY, be used to play on the average undereducated mass media viewers fears and anxieties. This is a tactic known as FEAR MONGERING, research the term yourself and seek out previous examples of how FEAR MONGERING has been used in the past by mass media to damage the image and reputation of many individuals, organizations, corporations, hobbyists, coral farmers, locals fish store owners and their families. Even you and your family have the potential to suffer damages through such a decision on your part, social media is far reaching in our modern way of life. The backlash you could face from one of the largest hobby bases of any popular hobby may be less than pleasant. This is a hobby and market WHICH EMPLOYS AND PROVIDES FOR FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS THE WORLD OVER could stand to take a significant hit because of your lack of forethought and education as to what the mass media intends to do with your information. PLEASE HEED THE WORDS OF THE MAJORITY OF YOUR FELLOW HOBBYISTS, we have cast OUR VOTE and are urging you to refuse the interview. The implications of this interview could profoundly affect MANY more lives than have been damaged by palytoxin, these words are coming from an individual who myself have experienced the effects of palytoxin on the body. If you want to make a difference, take the time out of your day to contact every local fish store in the nation and offer to provide them with documentation of the dangers of palytoxin and suggest that they provide copies to/as well as inform all customers new and returning. THAT will make a difference and save the people you wish to save, without harming THE REST OF US. Hope this makes sense to you in some way and you take it to HEART. Wish you nothing but the best my fellow palytoxin affected but still reefing anyway reefer friend. Rant over. Goodnight R2R. PsychedeliKoral '16 look for me on the ballot.


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Without you to be referred to about all the personal horrible details of the event, which is sure to be the main selling point, the story would lose some of its main appeal to GMA. I see practically no benefit to this other than to put our hobby under the microscope for the masses to help make another un imformed decision about it. I personally would rather the CDC have a field day about the topic as opposed to GMA, at least they wouldn't be in it for the ratings. Go ahead and do the interview....I guess when the hobby is completely stripped from us we can always get into stamp collecting right?......thanks
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I think a lot of you missed the part where this bit was being aired with or without the interview. No need to rag on this guy about it. I hope nothing bad comes of this, probably wishful thinking, but I would rather have a hobbyist on trying to fix the image than someone with a different agenda if the story is getting aired regardless.


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I think aquarists should be informed about palytoxins and have a firm understanding of their potential risks and how to mitigate them. Like others I fail to see how an appearance on GMA would serve any purpose other than being just another side show in the media circus with the potential to negativity impact the hobby. There are better venues and strategies for achieving the positive goal of educating others!

For the record, I use a full face shield, long sleeves and gloves when fragging zoathids and palythoa. I also wash any clothes or towels used during fragging immediately. Ask Calfo about inadvertently wiping the sweat off his brow with a rag after use during a fragging session.

I would walk away from this one. Let us review....

I'd refuse the interview. Honestly nothing good for the hobby can come from it.

No Bueno!! News thrives off the bad, cause that's what catches our attention, and never the good!!

This is the same path the reptile guys are going through, tread lightly please!

I think I would pass. Glad you guys and the dogs are ok as well.

So, Good Morning America wants to profit by theatrically displaying your bad experience?

If their goal was simply to educate, I'd say go for it. However, they do not want to educate. They want viewers. They want profit. They want your story to catch people off guard and make them stay throu a commercial break. They want shock and awe! You'll be the circus animal jumping through the flame while everyone goes "Wow! Look at that! That was dangerous, and he could have gotten hurt! But thank god he's okay!"

Please, don't let them do that. Don't let them sucker you in.

The media exists to profit, same as Hollywood or your favorite sitcom.

The media exists to profit.

Americans would do well to remember this fact.

Crazy story and I would pass on the interview. However, glad to hear you and the fam are doing better

I worked in this biz many years... be very wary of what they are telling you... they don't make the final decisions and I am very sure that you are probably not talking to the executive producer in charge... be very careful with these guys... I'm not trying to sound doom and gloom but these guys are in it for ratings and keeping their viewers by playing the game of semantics... nothing good can come from it.

I would respectfully decline. It is hard to think much good could come of it.

Superrmario -

I'm a producer. I've been working in the entertainment field for 12 years.

We lie.

Please do not believe what she is telling you. She is telling you exactly what you want to hear to get you on the segment. What a surprise. She's playing to your ego.

I guarantee this story will be framed in a negative light, with a 'clickbait' headline suchs as "One of the most deadly toxins known to man - in your aquarium. News at 11." Obviously that's oversimplifying it - but not by much.

I know you want to do what's right. I know you want to warn people of the toxins in their home. If that's what they want to actually do, they would contact scientific experts, not a victim. That's the biggest red flag of all, that they want to hear from you.

I can all but guarantee no good will come to our hobby from this. More legislation, more negative light, perhaps even a banning of paly's all together. Again, I know I'm sounding alarmist, but much stranger things have happened.

I fear bad people will use this info to do really bad things...get my drift...

Yes the whole idea is to put a negative spin on this. How there is no government regulations and people are allowed to have this deadly poison in their tanks.

I know the OP wants to warn people about the hazard of palytoxin. Bit the audience is not interested in learning that. The audience is more interested in why this type of poison os not regulated

Good luck and thanks. You could be the start of banning of all palys for the reefing community

Everything in the news nowadays is too politically correct or shifted to make things look a certain way. The news should be a neutral zone, but they side and will cherry pick and shift things around to get their point of view across. I wouldn't touch it. Just my two cents.

I think this will do nothing but hurt the hobby and industry as well. Guess everyone needs their 15 minutes of fame. :/

Yeah, this is a bad idea. And all but one have shared their similar opinions stating the same. Sounds like you'll get your 15 minutes of fame, and the media will have the uneducated masses in a panic because they will believe doomsday is here in the form of a killer coral. In reality, the news will completely distort your interview, and probably make you look foolish. Good luck with all that.

It's a trap!

ahhh don't do dumb stuff is the moral of the thread, only interest these people would have is to help make laws against corals and to believe what someone tells you when they well make money off your story is about as dumb as boiling a rock of Poly's in your kitchen ..... less your starved for the attention don't do it , the people you wonna help well read on advance aquarists the people they wonna trick into hurting the hobby well see it on good morning America, nuff said

To answer your question yes. Remember they can edit any comments taking 2 end pieces leaving out the middle making you say something you never intended. They are not your friend. Since you are set on doing this let us know when it airs so we can see how you did. I doubt it will be pretty as they have a global warming agenda and are trying to ban the hobby. Good luck..

I fail to see how this could be used for good. If anything it will make people scared of the hobby, and potentially cause those that know nothing about the hobby to help push legislation to ban the hobby all together. I don't mean to offend , but in my opinion your experience appears to be due to the fact that failed to research the proper way to clean your rock of unwanted pests , not due to the hobby being dangerous. You tried to take a method used in a different hobby without looking into the possible negative outcomes. Any hobby , or daily activity can be dangerous and possibly even life threatening if decisions are made without considering the consequences . I don't feel that GMA is the appropriate media to get your message across , but to each his own. Instead , why not get with someone like advanced aquarist , reef hobbyist magazine , etc. and write an informative article about your experience , and what you could have done differently, that has the potential to educate those that truly care about the hobby instead of possibly arming those that could care less (even if done unintentionally).

So what percentage of the aquarium hobby watches GMA? I believe information on aquarium forums and mags would help more then a tv interview. Might make more sense if it were Animal Planet or better yet on shark week.

I work in the entertainment industry. If I see TV people coming I run the other way. Pretty much nothing good can come of talking to them on record unless your only goal is to get on TV and you don't care what they make you say/look like.

Regardless if you do the interview or not, the mass broadcast of negative information can be used to vilify reef keeping in general and that's why most of us are concerned. Why can't they do a piece on coral conservation/preservation or the benefits of aquaculture and propagation. Why? because those topics don't have the zing, the captivation of death. It's sad really but I have no doubt you would represent the hobby well it's just how information is used in the hands of the ingnorant.

Good morning america is the one of the worst shows on tv talk about corporate america they might as well just be an advertisement show. Showing all the Bs people like to waste there money on

Wow, talk about naive Nancy!!! I know I always watch GMA to get my daily fill of reef info, it's just an awesome source aquatic super information.

Without you to be referred to about all the personal horrible details of the event, which is sure to be the main selling point, the story would lose some of its main appeal to GMA. I see practically no benefit to this other than to put our hobby under the micoscope for the masses to help make another un imformed decision about it. I personally would rather the CDC have a field day about the topic as opposed to GMA, at least they wouldnt be in it for the ratings. Go ahead and do the interview....I guess when the hobby is completely stripped from us we can always get into stamp collecting right?......thanks
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Great.. Better get liability forms ready for signature w/ paly sales. I'm sure government paperwork will follow. Somehow ISIS will be using Palytoxin to torture. And look out, the lawsuit happy folks will be coming out of the woods....

The GMA audience will not take a positive outlook toward the hobby. They will edit out any positive comments about the industry. This will be another RED MARK to the trade, GUARANTEED!! I hope you reconsider.

Doom and Gloom gets the ratings. The media are wolves in sheep skin.
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The bottom line is that this guy is set on his 15 minutes of fame (which will in actuality make him look like a fool; but that's his choice) regardless of the staggering amount of advice against it. We can liken any further replies to peeing in the wind. No information given to the media would be ideal. But hey, we can all work on damage control next thanks to this, right?

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