Looking for general advise to take my reef to the next level.


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Hi guys, lots to cover so I thought I’d ask some questions to the pros in the hopes that myself and others fairly new to reefing can get a sort of reefing 102 class after a tank is established and just over six months old. Stepping it up, so to speak.

my tank is a biocube 32. I thought I’d start here in the hobby in hopes to step it up considerably after one year and go big with another 100 plus tank after learning the ropes from you all.

current set up:
Biocube 32 with AI Prime light upgrade and top lid removed. Upgraded 365 pump. Filter is top fine media, middle course media, carbon bag and chemi pure elite. Bottom is bio balls. I’m running the barely useful stock protein skimmer 100% of the time and a UV sterilizer 100% of the time. I have a DIY co2 scrubber in-line with the skimmer because of lower PH issues and it’s helped a lot since installing. An upgraded led display heater system and added wave maker.

I do 20% water changes every week but recently switched to every two weeks. The tank is mostly LPS and soft corals that are all doing well and growing. Others are two nems. A long tent. And a BTA. Both are doing well but have their days of not looking the. Way and I chalk this up to the age of the tank. It’s six months old but was started this all live sand, water and 15 year old live rock. The tank cycled at the beginning in 72 hours so got a good jump start of that.

there’s a healthy CUC of crabs, snails and a diamond goby on some kind of drugs because he never stops working and keeps everything sparkling.

5 small reef safe fish and one clown who has hosted both nems.

parameters and notes on them:

sal- 1.0255

temp 79F

Ph. Runs betweeen 7.9 and 8.1. Water changes and co2 scrubber help keep it as balanced as possible. I do dose 8.3 buffer a little when it drops and the alc can handle the bump.

KH. Tends to range from 9-11.

Cal. Dose to 440 with water changes as it drops to about 380-400 in the week or so between the water changes.

nitrates. 10 after water changes and up to around 15 right before I do the water change.

phos. Always seems to sit at .25ppm no matter what I do.

I am dosing iodine and Kent’s essential trace elements as well.

feeding- fish:

I feed once a day a mixture of rods food breeders blend and my own blended mixture of fresh shrimp, oysters, salmon, clams, brine and MySis shrimp.

corals and nems:
I feed the nems once a week a small piece of fresh shrimp. The corals get targeted feeding of a mixture of reef rods and reef plankton.

The tank has gone through the ugly stage and seems to be primarily green algae on the rocks. Any reason why I don’t see really any purple coralline algae yet? Is dosing live coralline worth trying?

does anyone have advise on my current set up and see any room for improvement or change?

I’ve added a picture with white light only for reference.

thank you all in advance for your thoughts and help. This community of amazing people are the reason Ive come this far and strive to keep learning.

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I guess I should add the white light pic above was turned on at night for the pic and everything was sleeping. Here’s it with the current light setting and with everything awake.


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The reason you’re not seeing any coralline is because your PH is low (I’m in the same boat). The only other advice I can give you is to keep your Alk stable. I have a Nanocube (which is basically a Biocube, also have the same light as you), and I was dosing a little bit of 2 part to keep Alk stable, but then started dosing vinegar and then kalk saturated vinegar, and the kalk is keeping my Alk stable for the time being (as corals get bigger, will probably have to supplement that). But my point is that swings in your Alk of 2 points isn’t good, try testing daily at the same time for a few days to see how much Alk your tank is using each day and then use a reef calculator to start dosing a balanced 2 part.


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diamond goby are fantastic and a very underrated fish. I always get them to eat waldley shrimp pellets too.

A refugium would solve a lot of your problems. I just put mine back online to raise my pod population.

Refugium can counter PH swings, and the macro algae would help control the green algae problem—also, a bonus of keeping the pod population healthy!

Really only thing your set up is missing.


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Coralline algae will grow just fine at your pH. Don't go too crazy here. 7.9 to 8.1 is fine and plenty of tanks run in this range.

Your alkalinity range is too wide. The buffer you are dosing isn't helping this. In a week's time you shouldn't really see more than a .5 swing at most. Water changes are a bad way to keep parameters stable. You need to start dosing a 2 part. Couple dosing pumps and you can keep levels locked in. The 2 head Red Sea doser is a good buy.

Unless you're using a Hanna to test PO4, it's pointless in my experience.

You are to the point where it's just about time and making sure things are stable. You could "upgrade" your light for better coverage as I'm sure you are pushing the Prime to its limit. Even a second Prime would alleviate a lot of shadowing issues you will start to see 6-8 months from now.

Other than that, keep it simple. Tanks thrive on simplicity.


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diamond goby are fantastic and a very underrated fish. I always get them to eat waldley shrimp pellets too.

A refugium would solve a lot of your problems. I just put mine back online to raise my pod population.

Refugium can counter PH swings, and the macro algae would help control the green algae problem—also, a bonus of keeping the pod population healthy!

Really only thing your set up is missing.
Thank you. Is a refugium possible on a biocube?


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I agree with the simplicity comment I started up my 125 gallon reef about 3 years ago and tried many different things but for the last 2 years I’ve been running a refugium with a protein skimmer some filter floss a bag of carbon and my center chamber has a pile of live rock and is filled with Xenia and other then dosing 2 part for all my sps and lps once a week I just do water changes every other week and it runs like a dream a few times a month I have to get in there and frag a bunch of coral and take it to my lfs so they don’t compete for space and kill each other


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Coralline algae will grow just fine at your pH. Don't go too crazy here. 7.9 to 8.1 is fine and plenty of tanks run in this range.

Your alkalinity range is too wide. The buffer you are dosing isn't helping this. In a week's time you shouldn't really see more than a .5 swing at most. Water changes are a bad way to keep parameters stable. You need to start dosing a 2 part. Couple dosing pumps and you can keep levels locked in. The 2 head Red Sea doser is a good buy.

Unless you're using a Hanna to test PO4, it's pointless in my experience.

You are to the point where it's just about time and making sure things are stable. You could "upgrade" your light for better coverage as I'm sure you are pushing the Prime to its limit. Even a second Prime would alleviate a lot of shadowing issues you will start to see 6-8 months from now.

Other than that, keep it simple. Tanks thrive on simplicity.
Thank you so much. Yeah dosing and better meters to track depletion seem to be the next step. From a fairly newb perspective, it’s very intimidating. But the whole purpose of this tank is to learn everything before I set up a larger one so I guess it’s time to stop chasing parameters and start balancing them with dosing?


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I agree with the simplicity comment I started up my 125 gallon reef about 3 years ago and tried many different things but for the last 2 years I’ve been running a refugium with a protein skimmer some filter floss a bag of carbon and my center chamber has a pile of live rock and is filled with Xenia and other then dosing 2 part for all my sps and lps once a week I just do water changes every other week and it runs like a dream a few times a month I have to get in there and frag a bunch of coral and take it to my lfs so they don’t compete for space and kill each other
Thanks so much for the advise. Which 2 part product are you dosing if I may ask?


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Thanks so much for the advise. Which 2 part product are you dosing if I may ask?
I am/was using Seachem fusion 2 part, but I’ve also used BRS’s two part and it’s great (I’ve used multiple brands over the years, but over the last 5 years, it’s been those two). One other option to look into is Tropic Marin’s All-For-Reef. It’s a single supplement that has Alk, cal, mag, and trace elements, and is a great option for smaller tanks, you base the dosing on testing your ALK. It may be an option if two part seems too complicated (it’s really not that complicated once you get used to it). Also, you don’t need a doser to dose 2part or AFR, you can manually dose it with an oral syringe, but a doser does make it more convenient and stable (since it’s dose throughout the day instead of all at once).


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If you want clean rocks and sand without risk to your corals...
I have a molly miller blenny that will eat any form of algea and leftover food day and night.
Supposedly eats aptasia too.

I don't even need hermits with that fatty around! My sand bed is free of food every morning.
Only downside is my scroll coral is "his".


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Honestly one of the biggest helps to my tanks success is how I stock it plenty of snails, 6 line wrasse,3 tangs, peppermint shrimp, Harlequin shrimp,and a skunk cleaner shrimp with those few live stock choices my tank is algae free glass stays fairly clean by itself I don’t worry about fish disease or pests and I must have got lucky cause the peppermint shrimp seam to love aiptasia and in the past I had an issue with those stupid little asterina stars eating my coral so I got the harlequin shrimp to eat them they still grow in my refugium so every once and a while I pick a few out and drop them in the main tank to feed him


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Time and patience and staying on top of quality is the only way to step up the reef game 2 years in almost


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The red stuff is micro clove polyps I'm at about 70 percent rock coverage with coral at this point see build thread for start to finish and that's what time and patience get you in this hobbie


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Good luck and can't wait to see how it all goes sounds like you have a plan tho don't get burned out cuz it takes time for anything to happen