I'm a big fan of gobies and I'd like to acquire a handful of the ones I find to be the coolest. I love western Pacific white caps, flaming prawn gobies, Yasha's, Dracula's, watchmen, and more. I am considering getting several gobies since I know that even in tanks under 100 gallons, multiple gobies could develop their own territories. I currently have a 20G cube but I'm considering upgrading to a 74 G tower, which is a 60G cube footprint with 6" extra height. I would like to have at least two, maybe even three or more, different gobies, and all of the ones I really like form symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp- which, I think is super super cool. I'm wondering if a tank can feasibly support more than one pair of goby+shrimp without them ever intermingling, fighting, forming one mega 4 group, etc. For instance- if I got a white cap, and a flaming prawn goby. Could I pair the white cap with a snapping shrimp, and the flaming prawn with another snapping shrimp, so that each couple has a separate burrow system? Would you suggest having different species of pistol shrimp, or all the same species in one tank? Is there an order you'd introduce them in?