
  1. Common Blevil

    Pairing a wheeler's shrimp goby Amblyeleotris wheeleri

    I have a big specimen (8cm/3") of this species of goby paired with a shrimp and maybe in the future will move into a larger tank( from 15 to 35 gallon). Will i be able to put smaller wheeler's goby in the new tank so it will pair up with my current one? Do they change sex like yellow watchmen...
  2. harlequinfanaticyert

    Where's my Goby? - Vote

    Hello! We have a mystery on our hands. My Yellow Clown Goby has not been seen in 2 days. He was reported missing Sunday, last seen Friday evening. I have a 25G AIO, without a lid. I have a decent amount of rockwork, and most of it has been visually inspected. My sand shows no signs of a recent...
  3. N

    Tiger Wardi Goby With Mouth Issue

    My parents recently got a Tiger Wardi Goby and the little fellow is in quarantine. He's been doing fine so far, but within the past couple of days he had what looked to be a bruise on his lip which has formed into what (to me) looks like it's rotting off. None of us have any idea what could've...
  4. M

    Hello Pistol shrimp with Valentini puffer?

    Hi, I have a 35 gallon with just a few fish, mostly corals. I already have a valentini & a Randall’s goby. I am wondering whether a pistol shrimp would be safe with the puffer in the tank. This one has eaten all of my emerald crabs. I’m not sure if the shrimp & goby will be able to hold their...
  5. Jack1235

    Mandarin goby and clownfish together and diet

    Can you put just a clownfish and mandarin goby together in a nano tank and mandarin goby diet and clownfish diet doe both need to be live in ro/dI system or just tap water to live in the saltwater
  6. Jack1235


    Can a Firefish can. Go in 5 gallon aquarium that a goby
  7. Sphyrna_gal

    An unlikely duo

    Wondering if anyone wants to share their lesser known goby duos out there? Anyone ever had a clownfish hang out with their watchman goby before? I have kept watchman gobies before with pistol shrimp and have them be buddies with other goby species but this is my first time seeing one of my two...
  8. Jack1235

    Blue neon goby and turbo snail in 5 gallon pico tank

    Is it okay to put a one turbo snail and blue neon goby in 5 gallon aquarium
  9. T

    Florida Live Goods SOLD Need to rehome a few fish

    Moving to a new tank and want to remove a few fish in the process. Sizes are estimates, fish may he slightly larger. Local pick up only. Diamond goby 3"-SOLD Purple firefish x2 2"-SOLD Midas blenny 3"-SOLD Six line wrasse 1"-SOLD Solorensis fairy wrasse 3"-SOLD I can try to get pics of any...
  10. Tom nhia

    California Live Goods Quarantined Circus Goby (Priolepis nocturnus)

    Hey yall Had this guy for 2 months in QT, was planning on keeping him but got a flaming prawn goby that could fit in his mouth so not going to risk it It has been thru 2 week prazi and 5 week of copper safe. Eats everything, pellets and frozen Asking $90 plus shipping Doa policy: Three...
  11. Nutramar Foods

    Redhead Goby

    The Redhead Goby, a charming inch-long fish, captivates with its fuzzy red heads, vivid green eyes, and endearing roly-poly bodies. These adorable creatures seem to have won their way straight into our affections. Typically dwelling among the branches of Stylophora Coral, they form small groups...
  12. L

    Yellow watchman Goby missing

    Recently purchased a yellow watchman goby and shrimp combo put them in the tank two days ago and haven’t seen them since. Only two days have passed should I be worried I haven’t seen them??? I know they have made a cave already! After adding them (two days ago) I got my water tested and my...
  13. cherrmin

    Goby is gone!!

    hello, i am fairly new to reefing and yesterday got a diamond goby. This morning i noticed he is just gone, i’ve heard they’re jumpers and checked the back of my tank and nothing. So far i only have 2 clowns, a few blue legged hermits, 2 conches and bloody mary shrimp. Any ideas where he...
  14. nycfreshreef

    What is this mandarin eating ?

    cool video of my 1.5 year old mandarin eating some kind of worm from the rocks … what do you think it is ?
  15. rhpmiller

    FISH FOR SALE. Juvenile Tomini Tang & Inverts (UPDATED: GONE)

    (ALL GONE) I'm moving across the country in a couple months and am having to break down my tank. Now that I have unloaded a decent chunk of my corals, I'm starting to sell off my fish and inverts. I'm happy to be super transparent, as I'd like these fish and inverts to go to fellow hobbyists...
  16. K

    Watchman Goby missing for 3 years

    My husband and I have been together for 2.5 years & I have lived together for 2 years. He has had his 30 gallon tank with live rock for a little over 3 years & his first fish was a Watchman Goby. A couple months went by & he couldn’t find the fish. He knew they liked to hide, so he waited. and...
  17. M

    Sand type for tank upgrade

    I have a hector goby that loves to sift the fine grain sand I have in my current tank. I was thinking of upgrading to a 6 foot shallow LPS tank so the flow pattern will be different and I wasn't sure if I get fine grain again if it will just blow everywhere, but I'm also worried that the special...
  18. Chela101

    Pink spotted watchman goby

    Hello, I been having my tank for 3 years and like any tank my sand gets brown, and I got today a pink spotted watchman goby!! So cute! I done research on their diet but I wanted to know what are ppl feeding them and how frequently and does anyone have one that lasted more than a year? Thank you...
  19. SomeHappyFish

    Build Thread Dev's - 45 Gallon Shallow Mixed Reef Build Log

    Welcome to my build thread! About me: Reef Keeping and the Reef2Reef forums are new to me, and I am building a 45 gallon shallow reef in the next few months. Watch out for this thread as I slowly yet surely bring this Canadian Reef to life! Months ago, I watched a couple of videos on Youtube...
  20. M

    20 gallon long Stocking Options

    I have a 20 gallon long tank running for 1 year. It currently has 2 clowns and a yw goby. I have a HOB filter, protein skimmer, and oversized UV light. I would like to add some colorful and practical fish. Here are a few possible additions I came up with, which one do you all think will work...
  21. Reaper_Six_Four

    Lawnmower Blenny aggressive towards Goby

    Help! My daughter purchased a Lawnmower Blenny for my birthday to replace my previous one that went missing and never reappeared. Since being introduced, he’s been very territorial towards my existing goby. Will this behavior continue or can it be reasonably expected to go away? My display is 75...
  22. CoralsAnonymous

    Reefmania Sales - Up to 70% off select livestock - Ends Oct 4th!

    Happy Saturday from Corals Anonymous - our current promotion is ongoing now with Reefmania sales! Click our banner above or collage below to head over to the sale today. We offer free overnight shipping on orders 299.99 and over to the continental US via both FedEx and UPS. Govx ID users for...
  23. CoralsAnonymous

    Livestock [Corals Anonymous] Reefmania Sales - Up to 70% off select livestock - Ends Oct 4th!

    Happy Saturday from Corals Anonymous - our current promotion is ongoing now with Reefmania sales! Click our banner above or collage below to head over to the sale today. We offer free overnight shipping on orders 299.99 and over to the continental US via both FedEx and UPS. Govx ID users for...
  24. A

    Tank Dynamics with Nassarius and Candy Cane Pisol - help please!

    Hi all. I hope I am not posting a question that has been asked, but I can't seem to find it anywhere on the R2R site. I have a 15 gallon nano with 2 juvenile clowns, 1 candy cane pistol who sadly lost his long-term goby pair within a week after I bought them, and a large nassarius snail (at...
  25. CoralsAnonymous

    Payday Sale - Up to 60% of select livestock - ends Sept 20!

    Happy football Sunday everyone - it's the time of the month again with our Payday sale! Click our banner or collage to head over to the sale today. We offer free overnight shipping on orders 299.99 and over to the continental US via both FedEx and UPS. Govx ID users for military, veterans and...