New Trident?


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Because they are lab tested and tried and true. They also match multiple other kits. They are considered the gold standard for reef keepers.

I didn't know that Hanna is the gold standard. Wonder if the other test kit users know this.

Meanwhile most trident tests don’t match to other test kits. My trident is ALWAYS 5-10% compared to every other test kit. Including a recent ICP I sent out. The ICP matched my Hanna tests exactly.

You shouldn't chase numbers across kits be it manual, automated, or even ICP. But if that is your jam, great. But just for fun I have numbers too. I even have Hanna numbers to compare with but didn't want to go dig those up.

Edit: ICP (ATI) date, Trident (test time)



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I didn't know that Hanna is the gold standard. Wonder if the other test kit users know this.

You shouldn't chase numbers across kits be it manual, automated, or even ICP. But if that is your jam, great. But just for fun I have numbers too. I even have Hanna numbers to compare with but didn't want to go dig those up.

Edit: ICP (ATI) date, Trident (test time)


I’m not chasing numbers. But literally everyone knows that Hanna is the standard for manual testing.

I’ve seen your posts. You like to be confrontational. I’m not about that life.


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I’m not chasing numbers. But literally everyone knows that Hanna is the standard for manual testing.

I’ve seen your posts. You like to be confrontational. I’m not about that life.

There is no confrontation. You said standard I would have used in my opinion or experience. A lot of test kits and hobbyist have their personal preference or bias. You said most results and that is a bit open ended. It is one of those things that two hobbyist can use the same piece of equipment and yet have two different experiences. Does either make it most? I think not. So we disagree.

I will agree with you in that most Hanna test kits are quick and easy to use. So I do try and find common ground.


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I am totally big on the neptune line but not quite sold on this unit which tests po4 and no3 while a great add-on is now taking up the space of two units as well as I can guess the cost close to if not higher than the original unit. Will be at RAP and i'll be interested to see it up front


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After having a trident for a few years I can say this is my last reagent purchase. Time to move on from this. Not only does it cost way to much a year for what it does it breaks, often. Sure Neptune will fix it but not for free. If I had to guess after $700 for it when it came out I spend about 200 a year on reagents and have sent it in for 'repairs' 3 times at a 200 clip. That means in the years have had it I have spent about 1500-2000, for something that doesn't help me at all.

The quality of the product is really the problem but Neptune stuff has gone way down hill in the decade since I started with it.


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After having a trident for a few years I can say this is my last reagent purchase. Time to move on from this. Not only does it cost way to much a year for what it does it breaks, often. Sure Neptune will fix it but not for free. If I had to guess after $700 for it when it came out I spend about 200 a year on reagents and have sent it in for 'repairs' 3 times at a 200 clip. That means in the years have had it I have spent about 1500-2000, for something that doesn't help me at all.

The quality of the product is really the problem but Neptune stuff has gone way down hill in the decade since I started with it.
Neptune should be selling a wide variety of replacement parts on their website. They are really killing any goodwill with the their customer base by trying to do these repairs under the guise of “it’s just too complicated for you to do alone”. They can offer that service for people that want it but I feel like so many reef keepers are the people who want to tear something apart just to learn how it works. We want to diy this stuff ourselves and replace small, nominal parts ourselves without paying 1/3 of the retail cost to have it “serviced” or repaired.


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I’m not chasing numbers. But literally everyone knows that Hanna is the standard for manual testing.

yup... even when i did reefing back in 95 my first testing gear was a hanna pH meter.
I was quite suprised they still look the same and havent changed much.

My order of testing is... Trident -> Hanna -> Salifert.
If im busting out the Salifert its probably because a good 1/4 of the tank is dying, and im still in denail from what the Trident + Hanna is reporting.

I spend about 200 a year on reagents

I guess no one told you about ABC reagents?

This is why i chose apex / trident...
It comes out cheaper then the competition by using generic ABC reagents.


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Gotta say if it’s plagued with quality control issues like the first generation I’ll pass also the reagents prices will be outrageous. I’m ok with my trident and my Hanna for phosphate and salifert for nitrate
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I would have expected and been more satisfied if Neptune went the route of a 5 parameter tester in the range of ~$200 more than the current trident or an add-on 2 parameter unit for around half the price of the existing trident. When I say add-on, I mean something that somehow leverages/ relies on the original unit in some way. I keep seeing people refer to the Trident NP as an “add on” which as far as we know is not the case. It’s independent from Trident original.

The advantage to the Maven here is that you are only buying one set of pumps, one product case, one cuvette, one circuit board, etc. If I want to test 5 parameters, there’s really no reason I should need to buy two separate tridents. I’m expecting both versions to probably retail at roughly the same price, which on one hand makes sense from a hardware standpoint since you are basically buying the same thing in both instances, but on the other hand if you can make a trident that tests calcium alkalinity and magnesium and sell it for 675 if you piggybacked on that hardware you should be able to make a version that tests all 5 while using almost all the same hardware as the original for only a little bit more money. That would give them a big advantage over the competition. It’s already a disadvantage that the Maven has a controller brain too. Literally nobody starting from scratch will choose purchasing an apex brain and two separate tridents vs a Maven. So this is really only useful for people who already have an apex and trident setup.

It also seems like there are some obvious improvements that could be made to the trident design. This was a chance to correct known issues (even minor ones) now that the unit has been out in the wild for 5 years. It seems like CoralVue learned from Neptune’s design mistakes when designing Maven, but Neptune didn’t. Overall it seems like a very lazy choice to take the exact same unit and just retrofit it for two different tests. Really showing a lack of innovation on their part. If this was their answer to nitrate and phosphate testing it should’ve been released four years ago. All they had to do was implement the chemistry. In that same time CoralVue had to figure out the chemistry and design new hardware and software from scratch (never mind the fact that they were also releasing numerous other control products during this time). Coralview is also coming up with innovative ideas such as two inlets to the machine which effectively doubles the value of the unit in some cases.


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I have been using my Apex for years now and although not the best built product in the world, it's OK albeit a little overpriced. To me the biggest show stopper for the Trident is the cost of the reagents. If the new one only does 2 types of tests and the reagents are similar cost, it will be another one of their products I would like to buy but would not waste my money on.
I like what ABC reagents are doing but even that would mean I would need to spend £400 ($500) a year to test just 3 parameters. If the cost is similar to test an additional 2 parameters then that is insane. With the cost of living as high as it is right now, and if the reagents costs remain so high, I wonder if they have released this just at the wrong time for most people to afford.
To be fair, let's see when they announce the pricing


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I am totally big on the neptune line but not quite sold on this unit which tests po4 and no3 while a great add-on is now taking up the space of two units as well as I can guess the cost close to if not higher than the original unit. Will be at RAP and i'll be interested to see it up front
Great add on for previous owners, but I'd like to see them also drop an all in one unit.


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Great add on for previous owners, but I'd like to see them also drop an all in one unit.
Which would make the most sense and at One price


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OMG. You guys are so negative !

I literally wept when I watched the video on their Facebook page. The dramatic music, slow zoomouts and pans. I mean, seriously, you guys have no appreciation for the DOS pump turning in slow mo?! I literally had shivers going up my spine. The heart beat at the end ?? I mean COME ON. What a tough crowd. What more could you guys possibly want?

But I will tell you one thing - if they increased the pump speed during priming on the DOS, I would pay double. Priming these is such a massive PITA.


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I am here to look at the comments and add my two cents. I am not going to knock Neptune on everything...I only had ONE lousy customer service experience where I refused to speak to that "Idiot" and asked for someone else...earlier this year...But I do think...with this So Call Roll out...It was WAY over the top, and we couldn't guess what the heck they were if they were releasing the 2070 BMW 7 series....they dropped the ball on this release/tease or whatever they were trying to do...until someone posted a rendering of the packaging...I would get the new TRIDENT (Two of them since I have two tanks). Then I read this morning that it's just an ADD with the same design and size and ONLY tests Po4 and No3... It's a HARD pass for me, especially considering the rumored price. Neptune might want to invest in redesigning the product to fit in smaller spaces than the dramatic CNN-style graphics and music... I already have two tridents, and it was hard to fit them in the limited space I currently have now...


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I do find it funny that both sides are just mad at the companies :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:

Neptune with a whole new trident and most wanted an all in one. And or its just huge.

Hydros hasn’t released a date or price.


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All i care about in my tanks is alk, no3 and po4.
I am completely with you. To be honest, I barely tested No3 and Po4. It's too time-consuming using Hanna (I m lazy). But I was excited to hear that there is an automated version. I was going to replace both my Tridents if the new Trident tested all 5 elements. But not if it's just an add-on at the same size/price. Nuh, buddy. HARD PASS!


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I am completely with you. To be honest, I barely tested No3 and Po4. It's too time-consuming using Hanna (I m lazy). But I was excited to hear that there is an automated version. I was going to replace both my Tridents if the new Trident tested all 5 elements. But not if it's just an add-on at the same size/price. Nuh, buddy. HARD PASS!
Im so paranoid about dinos i try to test no3 and po4 2x a month.


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