New Trident?


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i think they still think we are teenagers waiting for pc / console game details, trying to hype it up, when infact i can probably only count with one hand where actual teenagers would be able to afford a product like this.

This. This isn’t play money. This hobby isn’t about suspense. My time is valuable. I didn’t want to watch a 45 minute podcast to not get ANY info on price. And a very vague “it will be ready when it’s ready” statement.

Coralvue pushed this announcement to deflate the Neptune announcement. Smart choice but annoying when the info wasn’t ready.

Atleast Neptune said this new trident was coming in May. They can’t justify more than $700 on it so we know that atleast.


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Thanks for that link...expensive though. Tough to add another $140 to the price of the Trident.
The file is free online if you have a printer. I haven't gotten around to printing one yet but it's only a couple pieces


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They have been posting teaser videos on their facebook like children. Its frustrating more people than it is amping up.

This looks like the nitrate and phosphate version of the trident. Meanwhile coralvue just announced the Maven which will test all 5. That is an Apex killer.
First - I'm not sure it's a huge advantage to have a nitrate measurement every day or every 6 hours, etc. so


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I love my apex and my trident but see no use for automatic testing on nutrients. That’s just me… if I didn’t have a controller maybe I’d go to hydros over Neptune idk… I have a hydros wave engine on my tank it works fine the app is pretty basic thou. I had my doubts in the trident but I got a brand new one in box through a trade so I gave it a shot… it works decently and shows me trends and that’s all I need to see or know, the values don’t mean much cause I can back them up with other test kits.. I just did a good cleaning 2 weeks ago on my trident and it’s held solid to my Hannah with all 3 measurements besides my alk changed by .2 which is nothing. I have more faith in my trident now and it’s pretty simple to maintain so it’ll stay.
This is it.


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Thanks for that link...expensive though. Tough to add another $140 to the price of the Trident.
Someone beat me to it! Justify the expense by buying an Ender3 Pro, or similar, printer and then printing this and a ton of other stuff for minimal cost, like light shades, sump divider shades, power supply brackets, feeding portal for a DIY screen cover, the possibilities are endless for reef items.


Chris Spaulding

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I like my Apex and Trident.Do I need to have the test exact ? No I use it to watch my trends. A Po4 and No3 auto test would be kinda cool but I can test those in just a few min with my Hana. What I am looking forward to is the new DoS. Being able to run continues duty and at a much lower noise, this means on my new 8ft build I can run both Calcium Reactor and Kalkwaser with one unit.


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First - I'm not sure it's a huge advantage to have a nitrate measurement every day or every 6 hours, etc. so

The same can be said for most automation test parameters. Be that as it may it is an option if needed. I can see a couple use cases. One is if someone is running ultra low nutrients and is concerned about bottoming out. Daily testing or twice daily could save them some time in the otherwise day to day task list. On the other hand someone with high nutrients or phosphates may want daily tests to see if what they are doing is working. Someone with high phosphates dosing LC is a good example or using GFO.

Data is beautiful but also not necessary as we all know. Tools have their place just depends on the hobbyist needs and budget.

Hope your day is going well.


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It was a no win for Neptune on this, either release an all in one and people would complain their Trident is outdated and a money grab or release another unit and have people complain about the room needed. Personally, I like the add on vs the all in one. More excited for the DOS myself, wish they would have gone with RO tubing out of the box however.
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The same can be said for most automation test parameters. Be that as it may it is an option if needed. I can see a couple use cases. One is if someone is running ultra low nutrients and is concerned about bottoming out. Daily testing or twice daily could save them some time in the otherwise day to day task list. On the other hand someone with high nutrients or phosphates may want daily tests to see if what they are doing is working. Someone with high phosphates dosing LC is a good example or using GFO.

Data is beautiful but also not necessary as we all know. Tools have their place just depends on the hobbyist needs and budget.

Hope your day is going well.
My day is going perfectly. But - I'm going to disagree with. your point. Most automation test parameters are measured in the real world because someone will do something with the immediate data. like lets pretend in a hospital - the heart rhythm, or the oxygen or the blood pressure. Point being. in either of your situations - its would just take a day or 2 of tests. There is no need for daily, etc - Nitrate. Then we get to the place where the measurements are wrong. and someone changes their tank because of it. etc etc. And agree with you - it's all individual - the above is my opinion.

EDIT - ADD - you are absolutely correct that the measurements could be helpful in some conditions. I think those would be uncommon.


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They have been posting teaser videos on their facebook like children. Its frustrating more people than it is amping up.

This looks like the nitrate and phosphate version of the trident. Meanwhile coralvue just announced the Maven which will test all 5. That is an Apex killer.
I own a LaMotte Spin Disk with saltwater disks. The thing is spot on, though it doesn’t test as low levels of phosphates as I like. It tests Alkalinity, pH, Calcium, Nitrate, Phosphate and Magnesium, and Ammonia. Disks are expensive but once your system is stable, you can get away with testing a little less. I also own a Trident. The Trident is usually wrong and the Spindisk is usually correct.


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My day is going perfectly. But - I'm going to disagree with. your point. Most automation test parameters are measured in the real world because someone will do something with the immediate data. like lets pretend in a hospital - the heart rhythm, or the oxygen or the blood pressure. Point being. in either of your situations - its would just take a day or 2 of tests. There is no need for daily, etc - Nitrate. Then we get to the place where the measurements are wrong. and someone changes their tank because of it. etc etc. And agree with you - it's all individual - the above is my opinion.

EDIT - ADD - you are absolutely correct that the measurements could be helpful in some conditions. I think those would be uncommon.

Glad day is going well. Disagreements are fine.


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The Trident is usually wrong and the Spindisk is usually correct.

i never take the trident as "Given".. its more of a "stablity" thing.

Because if my trident says my alk ca mg are X Y Z.... the real values may not be X Y Z, but it will tell me if its X-1, Y-50, Z-1000, then i will know my mg is either false reading (pull out the hanna) or my system is in the process of crashing.

But if its always saying its X Y Z, and doesn't deviate much, my system is stable.

I learned on the forums from the many nightmare situations, do not ever take 1 set of messurements as valid or given. Always have a backup for your backup.

Reefer Matt

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I like the idea of automating a fuge and skimmer with the new trident. Instead of a them being on all the time, you can have them turned on or off according to nutrient levels, thus controlling them more, in theory. I always have higher nitrate though, but it will still be useful for my situation for monitoring water changes. Definitely not a daily test though, more like every 3-4 days, in my situation.


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i never take the trident as "Given".. its more of a "stablity" thing.

Because if my trident says my alk ca mg are X Y Z.... the real values may not be X Y Z, but it will tell me if its X-1, Y-50, Z-1000, then i will know my mg is either false reading (pull out the hanna) or my system is in the process of crashing.

But if its always saying its X Y Z, and doesn't deviate much, my system is stable.

I learned on the forums from the many nightmare situations, do not ever take 1 set of messurements as valid or given. Always have a backup for your backup.

100%. My trident sets a baseline. My Hanna tells me actual figures.


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I like the idea of automating a fuge and skimmer with the new trident. Instead of a them being on all the time, you can have them turned on or off according to nutrient levels, thus controlling them more, in theory. I always have higher nitrate though, but it will still be useful for my situation for monitoring water changes. Definitely not a daily test though, more like every 3-4 days, in my situation.

well if you could get PO4 and NO3 values, you could also technically have Apex / hydros tune your pump feeding your ATS, or Chaeto Reactor to proper levels.

It would make one step lazy in reefing, because people like to sit in front of the tank more then under it.

Well most people that is... i can think of a few including my close buddy who loves working on his tank, more then the livestock and things that grow in it.


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It was a no win for Neptune on this, either release an all in one and people would complain their Trident is outdated and a money grab or release another unit and have people complain about the room needed. Personally, I like the add on vs the all in one. More excited for the DOS myself, wish they would have gone with RO tubing out of the box however.

I am in the other camp. I would rather have an all in one solution that addresses some of the shortcomings of the current Trident. You could sell your old unit or move it to another tank. Complaining about your existing Trident is out dated is a weak argument. It continues to do what it was advertised to do and all electronics eventually become outdated or stop working.

What is there to be excited about with the new DOS? The only reason I use them if for the Trident controlled dosing. I like the everything about the design of the Eco Tech versa pumps better (Size, hose connections, noise level, and build quality). Hopefully they add the ability to do Trident controlled dosing via the MXM soon.


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100%. My trident sets a baseline. My Hanna tells me actual figures.

What leads you to believe the Hanna is correct? I do agree one should be source of record though. For me it is the Trident.

Reefer Matt

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well if you could get PO4 and NO3 values, you could also technically have Apex / hydros tune your pump feeding your ATS, or Chaeto Reactor to proper levels.

It would make one step lazy in reefing, because people like to sit in front of the tank more then under it.

Well most people that is... i can think of a few including my close buddy who loves working on his tank, more then the livestock and things that grow in it.
Absolutely. I have 5, going on 6 tanks. I also work a lot, so the Apex system helps me keep the types of coral that I do. I still have plenty of personal time with the tanks, but it’s more quality time than manually testing and dosing everything. But everyone’s situation is different, and automated equipment might not be as valuable to them.


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What leads you to believe the Hanna is correct? I do agree one should be source of record though. For me it is the Trident.

Because they are lab tested and tried and true. They also match multiple other kits. They are considered the gold standard for reef keepers.

Meanwhile most trident tests don’t match to other test kits. My trident is ALWAYS 5-10% compared to every other test kit. Including a recent ICP I sent out. The ICP matched my Hanna tests exactly.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

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  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

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  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

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  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

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  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

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  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

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