Looking for insight on a few things that my brain is not quite grasping.
I am having Calcium and Alkalinity swings in my tank. I do not have any corals. Two Damsels, 6 hermits, 6 Astrea, 4 Nassariurs. Live sand 4" bed, and 80# rock in a 65 gal system.
Sump has Cheato, pods, I am using Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Blue label, I switched from Tropic Marin.
I have read about this and I am still confused.
I am chasing numbers to prepare for corals. Perhaps the system is not established long enough yet. The system is in the 6 month slow acclimation stage. I am having diatom blooms which I am assuming is affecting the swing through its biological process.
Prior to swtichng salt mixes my PH was consistently low and my alk was below 7. With the coral pro mix I am still flirting with the low range. And calcium is also fluctuating.
I normally test late afternoon, today's results were an hour after the lights came on.
I am having Calcium and Alkalinity swings in my tank. I do not have any corals. Two Damsels, 6 hermits, 6 Astrea, 4 Nassariurs. Live sand 4" bed, and 80# rock in a 65 gal system.
Sump has Cheato, pods, I am using Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Blue label, I switched from Tropic Marin.
I have read about this and I am still confused.
I am chasing numbers to prepare for corals. Perhaps the system is not established long enough yet. The system is in the 6 month slow acclimation stage. I am having diatom blooms which I am assuming is affecting the swing through its biological process.
Prior to swtichng salt mixes my PH was consistently low and my alk was below 7. With the coral pro mix I am still flirting with the low range. And calcium is also fluctuating.
I normally test late afternoon, today's results were an hour after the lights came on.