Separating a Yasha Goby and Candy Cane Pistol?


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May 18, 2022
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Hey Guys so I am in a weird situation where I bought a yasha goby-candy cane pistol shrimp pair but I'm left with the decision if I want to put the candy cane pistol in the quarantine tank with the yasha or put the candy cane pistol in the actual reef tank and just separate the pair, would this mess them up in the future? and would they be fine to re-pair up again once they're put back together? Or should I add both to my qt tank? I just ask since I'd have to then do my qt tank with a zero copper level whilst currently I keep copper in it since I'm paranoid of velvet after a previous fight with it. if anyone has experience with a similar situation I'd love the advice on if I would be fine separating them for about a month then recombing them.


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Was the pistol with the yasha at the store? I would assume if the goby had ich or velvet then some cysts could be on the pistols shell.

Anything wet could carry stuff.

I guess what I am saying is if they were together then not sure If you would get as much benefit QT the yasha and not the pistol.

This would mean two QTs… one for pistol and one for yasha or a nice observation tank with sand and rock for them to watch for a few months.

You could also just take your chances and add the pistol and QT the goby. I find they pair relatively easy once they find each other.


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May 18, 2022
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Was the pistol with the yasha at the store? I would assume if the goby had ich or velvet then some cysts could be on the pistols shell.

Anything wet could carry stuff.

I guess what I am saying is if they were together then not sure If you would get as much benefit QT the yasha and not the pistol.

This would mean two QTs… one for pistol and one for yasha or a nice observation tank with sand and rock for them to watch for a few months.

You could also just take your chances and add the pistol and QT the goby. I find they pair relatively easy once they find each other.
No no! My wording must of been wrong the yasha and pistol shrimp are fine! But previously I had a velvet outbreak in my actual nano tank all of those fish involved in thst outbreak had passed away and the tank has sat without fish for over a month now but I’m still needing it to go through the rest of its period. I know velvet won’t really kill inverts so I’ve just let the tank sit fishless for the 76 days. My question was as I can’t add the yasha goby to the tank since the tank has velvet I was going to put the yasha in my qt tank whilst I wait, but this qt tank has copper in it, so in Order to qt the yasha with the candy cane I would need to remove the copper.


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No no! My wording must of been wrong the yasha and pistol shrimp are fine! But previously I had a velvet outbreak in my actual nano tank all of those fish involved in thst outbreak had passed away and the tank has sat without fish for over a month now but I’m still needing it to go through the rest of its period. I know velvet won’t really kill inverts so I’ve just let the tank sit fishless for the 76 days. My question was as I can’t add the yasha goby to the tank since the tank has velvet I was going to put the yasha in my qt tank whilst I wait, but this qt tank has copper in it, so in Order to qt the yasha with the candy cane I would need to remove the copper.

ahh! I never bought mine as a pair. I would buy a goby and a shrimp but at separate times or from separate tanks (LFS does not keep them together) and they always paired fine so I would assume your pair would just re-pair again once they find each other in the tank.

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