First off, if you do not agree with my methods, my stocking list or how I run my tank, move on. This is to document how "I do things that work for me". Questions on these things or the live stock is fine, but I will not listen or respond to junk posted about how I run "My" tank.
Last Update: 07.19.2022 (New FTS)
Doing a build for this tank, as the Fish Barn is soon to be no more. This tank has been through about 100 different setups over the years, and even a dual 180 setup sharing the same sump, so will outline a few of those and then the current state of things. This tank will make a move from TN to FL sometime late next year, so figured would add that in as well to show that process once it happens.
The setup currently is the following. Note: I may have missed some things, so will edit if I did and report those edits.
Old Marineland 180 dual corner overflow with return over the back and dual full siphons with an E-Drain in each overflow.
Custom display sump (shout out to @Joe Glass Cages for taking a crazy idea and making it a reality)
Simplicity Return Pump (2100DC)
Jeabo UV in line with return. Helps with keeping phyto from going nuts, as I feed the tank alot of live phyto. (newer model and no black sludge yet)
Reef Octopus 110int Skimmer hooked to a hose that runs outside. Mainly used to help with PH and is set to skim very dry, as I am already nutrient limited.
ApexEL (mostly just to monitor things)
2x Gyre 4ks and old style dual wifi controller
3x MP40s using individual MP controllers (Hidden behind rocks on back glass and used to keep the macro flowing and clean)
3x Hydra 32hd
1x Grow light for fuge
Jeabo 4 head doser
20g high tank as ATO reservoir
Cheap amazon dosing container
Gyre 1k in sump for flow
2x 300w heaters set to 79 and then Apex set to maintain between 77 and 78
Mix of KP, TBLR, Old Fiji rock that has never been dry, old Marshall Islands rock that has never been dry and a few pieces of BRS Reef Saver to fill in some gaps.
Live Stock (Coral/Nems)
A little of everything lol.
7” Achilles Tang
4.5” Yellow Tang
4.5” Purple Tang
4” Dussumieri Tang
4” Half Black Mimic Tang
3x Talbot Damsels
2x Springerii Damsels
5x Sunburst Anthias
1x Decorated Goby
2x Pink Spotted Scorpionfish
1x Seaweed Blenny
1x Mandarin Pair (Mated)
2x Tomato Clowns (18 year mated pair)
1x Blue Chromis
1x Slippery Dick Wrasse
1x Leopard Wrasse
2x Moyeri Leopard Wrasse
1x Carpenters Wrasse
1x Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
1x Katherines Fairy Wrasse
1x Splendid Pintail Wrasse
1x McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse
1x Gold Nugget Wrasse
1x Kuiter’s Leopard Wrasse
1x Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse
X Barnacle Blennies
X Hairy Blennies (Think their are 2 that are a pair, as there was some aggression in QT)
1x C. brunneus wrasse (thank you @Crabby48 for helping my dead brain on this one)
Fish in Sump
26 year old Clarkii Clown
3 year old Clarkii clown
2x Pinfish (one is 3" and the other is 1.5")
1x Springerii Damsel
1x Yellow watchman goby
1x candycane pistol shrimp
1x Leaffish
1x hawkfish
~6-7 random blennies from tide pools in FL. Not sure on exact ID, but they look very similar to Goldline Blennies
5x green pistols from FL
Yes that is a lot of fish, but I have zero aggression and do not have any nutrient issues. It helps to have macro that grows behind the rocks and houses pods along with other things. This gives the tangs all the grazing they want and the wrasse a constant supply of food. That combined with feeding 6 times a day even sweetens things a bit. Even with all of that, I have to dose NO3 or it bottoms out lol.
Current FTS 07.19.2022
Last Update: 07.19.2022 (New FTS)
Doing a build for this tank, as the Fish Barn is soon to be no more. This tank has been through about 100 different setups over the years, and even a dual 180 setup sharing the same sump, so will outline a few of those and then the current state of things. This tank will make a move from TN to FL sometime late next year, so figured would add that in as well to show that process once it happens.
The setup currently is the following. Note: I may have missed some things, so will edit if I did and report those edits.
Old Marineland 180 dual corner overflow with return over the back and dual full siphons with an E-Drain in each overflow.
Custom display sump (shout out to @Joe Glass Cages for taking a crazy idea and making it a reality)
Simplicity Return Pump (2100DC)
Jeabo UV in line with return. Helps with keeping phyto from going nuts, as I feed the tank alot of live phyto. (newer model and no black sludge yet)
Reef Octopus 110int Skimmer hooked to a hose that runs outside. Mainly used to help with PH and is set to skim very dry, as I am already nutrient limited.
ApexEL (mostly just to monitor things)
2x Gyre 4ks and old style dual wifi controller
3x MP40s using individual MP controllers (Hidden behind rocks on back glass and used to keep the macro flowing and clean)
3x Hydra 32hd
1x Grow light for fuge
Jeabo 4 head doser
20g high tank as ATO reservoir
Cheap amazon dosing container
Gyre 1k in sump for flow
2x 300w heaters set to 79 and then Apex set to maintain between 77 and 78
Mix of KP, TBLR, Old Fiji rock that has never been dry, old Marshall Islands rock that has never been dry and a few pieces of BRS Reef Saver to fill in some gaps.
Live Stock (Coral/Nems)
A little of everything lol.
7” Achilles Tang
4.5” Yellow Tang
4.5” Purple Tang
4” Dussumieri Tang
4” Half Black Mimic Tang
3x Talbot Damsels
2x Springerii Damsels
5x Sunburst Anthias
1x Decorated Goby
2x Pink Spotted Scorpionfish
1x Seaweed Blenny
1x Mandarin Pair (Mated)
2x Tomato Clowns (18 year mated pair)
1x Blue Chromis
1x Slippery Dick Wrasse
1x Leopard Wrasse
2x Moyeri Leopard Wrasse
1x Carpenters Wrasse
1x Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
1x Katherines Fairy Wrasse
1x Splendid Pintail Wrasse
1x McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse
1x Gold Nugget Wrasse
1x Kuiter’s Leopard Wrasse
1x Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse
X Barnacle Blennies
X Hairy Blennies (Think their are 2 that are a pair, as there was some aggression in QT)
1x C. brunneus wrasse (thank you @Crabby48 for helping my dead brain on this one)
Fish in Sump
26 year old Clarkii Clown
3 year old Clarkii clown
2x Pinfish (one is 3" and the other is 1.5")
1x Springerii Damsel
1x Yellow watchman goby
1x candycane pistol shrimp
1x Leaffish
1x hawkfish
~6-7 random blennies from tide pools in FL. Not sure on exact ID, but they look very similar to Goldline Blennies
5x green pistols from FL
Yes that is a lot of fish, but I have zero aggression and do not have any nutrient issues. It helps to have macro that grows behind the rocks and houses pods along with other things. This gives the tangs all the grazing they want and the wrasse a constant supply of food. That combined with feeding 6 times a day even sweetens things a bit. Even with all of that, I have to dose NO3 or it bottoms out lol.
Current FTS 07.19.2022
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