The I'm moving tank - Red Sea REEFER XL 300


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Hello everyone, its time for a new build thread. I will be moving into a new house in the next two months and instead of moving my old tank I decided it would be easier for me to purchase a new one and move the inhabitants to that. I currently have a 60 gallon cube but will be ordering shortly a Red Sea Reefer XL 300. The idea behind this is keep all the Aiptasia from my old tank hopefully out of this new one. The equipment list is going to be essentially the same as my old tank minus a few small changes.

Current Equipment List
Ecotech Marine XR 15 - 2
Maxspect Gyre XF-230 - 2
Ecotech Marine MP-10 - 2
NYOS Quantium 160
Ecotech Marine M2
Apex EL
Apex Trident
Apex DOS
Apex VDM
Apex B/O with custom 3d printed box and switches
Apex FMM
Apex ATK V2
BRS Co2 reactor
BRS Media Reactor
Since 1.5 pump

Most of this is going to stay the same but some could change. First thing Im going to be doing is ordering some new rock and getting it aquascaped and then putting into a brute and getting it cycled. After that I will order the new tank and get the stand assembled so Its all prepped and ready for the new house.

Stock List
Foxface (owned)
Scopas Tang (owned)
6 line Wrasse (owned)
Platinum Clown (owned x2)
Diamond Goby (owned)
Firefish (owned)
Flamehawk (possibility)
Mandarin (possibility)

I dont know exactly what kind of other fish I may want. I might move my current wrasse into the frag tank and purchase a different one that is possibly less problematic with tank mates. If anyone has a suggestion please let me know!

Somethings I have thought about but really know until I get the tank and can look at everything (I've never had a Red Sea tank or even really looked at one) is turning the ATO into a separate refugium and getting a larger ATO container (I don't like filling them up as often). Im also trying to figure out if I want a controller board or just want to use the inside of the cabinet to store everything in. I will keep everyone updated as things happen.


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I have an XL300 and love it! As far as the ATO, I suppose you could use it as a refugium. I’m just not sure how to plumb it to the sump as it sits above it.
I concur on having to fill the ATO though. I feel like I’m filling it every few days. A larger reservoir would be great.


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I have an XL300 and love it! As far as the ATO, I suppose you could use it as a refugium. I’m just not sure how to plumb it to the sump as it sits above it.
I concur on having to fill the ATO though. I feel like I’m filling it every few days. A larger reservoir would be great.
Yeah once I noticed it was only just over 3 gallons I knew that would be way to small. I live in Florida where it stays hot what feels like yearly. I have a closed 10 gallon reservoir now and I can usually go about 1.5 weeks to 2 weeks without having to refill it and I like that.

Like I said I haven't seen a Red Sea setup ever so I might be horribly wrong haha but from what I can tell from pictures the top off sits above so Im assuming there's some sort of hole in it that allows water to go into the sump. My idea was to increase the hole to 1/2 and use a small pump to plumb water up into it. Use a 1/2 pipe as an overflow and a small gate valve. This way water pumps into the top and drains from the bottom back into the sump, keeping the refuge mess contained to that one spot.


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Yeah once I noticed it was only just over 3 gallons I knew that would be way to small. I live in Florida where it stays hot what feels like yearly. I have a closed 10 gallon reservoir now and I can usually go about 1.5 weeks to 2 weeks without having to refill it and I like that.

Like I said I haven't seen a Red Sea setup ever so I might be horribly wrong haha but from what I can tell from pictures the top off sits above so Im assuming there's some sort of hole in it that allows water to go into the sump. My idea was to increase the hole to 1/2 and use a small pump to plumb water up into it. Use a 1/2 pipe as an overflow and a small gate valve. This way water pumps into the top and drains from the bottom back into the sump, keeping the refuge mess contained to that one spot.
You’re right, the top off does sit above the sump. And there is a small hole with a plastic fitting that you insert a tube on to that is located on the back left side of the reservoir.
I suppose you could increase it to 1/2”. I’d have to see how close to the corner it is.
I’ll try to get pictures for you once my top off level is low enough.


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I went ahead this morning and placed the order for some rock as well as some additional goodies.

I ordered 60 lbs of Marco rock as well as a medium base rock. I also ordered the grey mortar from marcos rock so I can give that a shot. I also got some Dr Tim’s to get the cycle going once I have figured out the aquaescape. According to BRS it should all be here Tuesday!

For the aquarscape I’m considering a larger structure that makes kind of a valley off to the side. Im not a huge fan of the minimal scape look or having lots of negative space. I like to provide places for fish to hide but also a good amount of rock for bacteria to colonize as well as plenty of coral mounting options. Since I’m doing this so far in advance I should be able to take my time and really come up with something I really enjoy.

Since I’m reusing the equipment from my current tank, after this there won’t be much left to purchase. Of course I’ll have the tank itself which I’ll order closer to the end of the month. And I also need the Ecotech light rail and hanging kit for the XR15s I plan on mounting but that’s going to be pretty much it. Just going to hangout and wait to do the actual deed.

One thing I’m currently trying out currently is the Trident Controlled DOS on my apex. I set it up last night and letting it do it’s thing currently. Interested to see how well it works now while there’s fewer coral in the tank before I get the new system and jam pack it full of goodies.

And lastly I need to figure out what to do with all these RBAs in the current tank once it’s broken down. The obvious answer will be to sell as many of them off as I can. I started with one now I have about a dozen in a year. I’m not entirely sure if I want to put any in my new tank or not. My dream is to have an anemone tank where they can do whatever but this isn’t going to be that for them. Maybe my Biocube?


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I finally got my rock in yesterday! When I got home my wife had already unloaded it all so I could sit down and play with it. Am I the only one who has this grand vision when you start aquascaping but it just never turns out how you planned? Playing with rocks drives me crazy. So I came up with a possible way I can sort of live with. Any input would be great.


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Looks like a good build plan, I have the same set up. The cabinet is the limiting factor for components. I went with a 10g banshee ATO reservoir but it limits space for reactors if needed. If you use a nice looking reservoir externally. You will give yourself much more options inside the cabinet like a doser eventually. Here is my cabinet but I'm going to move the banshee outside.


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Looks like a good build plan, I have the same set up. The cabinet is the limiting factor for components. I went with a 10g banshee ATO reservoir but it limits space for reactors if needed. If you use a nice looking reservoir externally. You will give yourself much more options inside the cabinet like a doser eventually. Here is my cabinet but I'm going to move the banshee outside.
Yeah its going to be tight but not as bad as my current setup. With my 60 cube I put the biggest sump I could find under it and that gave me literally zero room. I even had to maneuver the sump just to get it to fit under there. So have the extra 12ish inches of room is going to be a wonderful new things for me lol.


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So today was the day! I received my tank! I had to run about 15 miles away to a different city to get some things and of course the truck driver calls and tells me he's sitting outside the house. So I explain to him the situation and he was cool with just hanging out. I rushed over to meet with him.

Dude was awesome and got the tank into my garage for me. Here I was thinking that this shouldn't be an issue for me as the tank isn't "that big" and I should be able to handle moving it however I needed to. Well I was wrong and clearly my age and weight are getting the best of me.

After he dropped it in the garage I cut it open to get the stand parts out so I can get that situated. This was the first time I have ever built a Red Sea stand. I do believe the instructions Ikea gives you are better than the ones Red Sea provides. After some serious trial and error and roughly 3 hours of my day, I was able to say its pretty much mostly finished. The only thing really left to do is some door adjustments to get them completely perfect.

So after that lovely time I moved the stand into the garage as this is my moving tank after all. My idea was to have it completely ready for moving day. So tank transferring would be super simple. I also forgot to update that the rock has been cycling for a little over a week now. Its doing amazing and very glad about that.


Some stuff I have on order for the build is a Vetra Barb Kit for the return, a 200w BRS Titanium heater and some additional hose for my media reactor. Some things that I still need to order are the RMS Track and hanging kit, as well as some dry sand. I'm considering getting rid of the Maxspect Gyres and just using MP40s for this tank but that depends on how available they are when the time comes. After all that I think this system should be ready for the move.

Until the next update enjoy some OK macro photos I took with my new iPhone.


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So a few things. I received most of my stuff from Bulkreefsupply. I must say Im overly disappointed how often I dont ever get the cool stuff during the giveaways. No cool gear and no big discounts but its ok. I received my heater, M2 barb kit and Driver mount.

When it comes to the barb kit I should really consider reading the description little more. The barb is 1inch and I need it to be 3/4 of an inch. So I'm going to have to get creative when it comes to installing the return pump to the new Red Sea tank, I'm sure I can figure this out though.

The heater on the other hand. Wow am I impressed. I have never owned a titanium heater before and love the way it feels. The glass ones that I have always owned in the past have made me nervous because they just seem so fragile. This feels much more robust and premium, also has a small foot print than my other 200 watt heater does. Never thought I would get so excited over a heater before.

As the last few days go, I tend to walk out to the garage to check out my tank. I know some people have mixed feelings about the Red Sea tanks but it really is a great looking setup. One thing I don't care for is the instructions and the doors. The doors are hell to get right and aligned and my ocd is forcing me to get them looking perfect. And is it really saving money if in the instructions you don't include any words on the installation? Just some simple labels on the pieces and some general instructions on exactly what you need to do would have made that experience way better.

I can not wait for the tank to be officially up and running and its killing me not putting some rock and water in there and getting it going. Next week I will be ordering the hanging kits for my lights and then its just a sit and wait game from there.


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So a few things. I received most of my stuff from Bulkreefsupply. I must say Im overly disappointed how often I dont ever get the cool stuff during the giveaways. No cool gear and no big discounts but its ok. I received my heater, M2 barb kit and Driver mount.

When it comes to the barb kit I should really consider reading the description little more. The barb is 1inch and I need it to be 3/4 of an inch. So I'm going to have to get creative when it comes to installing the return pump to the new Red Sea tank, I'm sure I can figure this out though.

The heater on the other hand. Wow am I impressed. I have never owned a titanium heater before and love the way it feels. The glass ones that I have always owned in the past have made me nervous because they just seem so fragile. This feels much more robust and premium, also has a small foot print than my other 200 watt heater does. Never thought I would get so excited over a heater before.

As the last few days go, I tend to walk out to the garage to check out my tank. I know some people have mixed feelings about the Red Sea tanks but it really is a great looking setup. One thing I don't care for is the instructions and the doors. The doors are hell to get right and aligned and my ocd is forcing me to get them looking perfect. And is it really saving money if in the instructions you don't include any words on the installation? Just some simple labels on the pieces and some general instructions on exactly what you need to do would have made that experience way better.

I can not wait for the tank to be officially up and running and its killing me not putting some rock and water in there and getting it going. Next week I will be ordering the hanging kits for my lights and then its just a sit and wait game from there.
You probably already thought of it but your heater will be in your sump with your temp probe. I keep a secondary temp probe in my DT and the small digital screen in my sump with some velcro tape. It is like $20 on amazon but just gives some redundancy to monitor the water temp in both areas. There is a slight (.07) drop in temp from my sump to my DT.


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