The One Reef

Reef Wizard

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The One Reef

As a lover of LOTR...

The One Reef to rule them all is being forged.

Waterbox Infinia 190.5 Mixed Reef

Chapter 1 - Genesis Age
Chapter 2 - The Wet Update
Chapter 3 - Cabinet lighting/Cycling Update
Chapter 4 - Three Steps forward One step back
Chapter 5 - The First Fish Age
Chapter 6 - Worms the white
Chapter 7 - Reefing is mountains high and valleys low
Chapter 8 - Its a chaeto morphic time
Chapter 9 - The Shade over the Reefi's
Chapter 10 -
The White hand of the Reef?
Chapter 11 - The Coral Shire (coming soon)
Chapter 12 - The Tangs, CUC, and man band together (coming soon)

Stocking List
Orange Storm Clownfish (male) *In QT
Orange Storm Clownfish (female) *In QT
Purple Firefish *In QT
Pink Spotted Goby
One Spot Foxface *In QT
Copperband Butterfly *In QT
Dispar Anthia (male)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Dispar Anthia (female)

Purple Tang *In QT
Convict Tang *In QT

Astrea snails
Cerith snails
Skunk cleaner shrimp *added
Fire shrimp *added
Fighting conch
Emerald crab
Blue Porecelain Crab
Scarlet Hermit
Blue legged hermit

Return Pump- Sicce Syncra SDC 9.0 *In use
Lighting- Three Reefi Uno 2.0 Pro's *In use
Skimmer- Reef Octopus Elite 200-INT 8" *In use
Roller Mat- Red Sea Reefmat 1200
Wave Maker- Two EcoTech MP40's *In use
Heater- 800w Finnex *In use
UV Sterilizer- 55 Watt Pro-MAX High Output *In use
ATO-Hydros ATO Kit *In use
Sand- CaribSea Special grade at 2" depth *In use
Reactor- Two AquaMaxx Fluidized GFO Biopellet and Carbon

3D Print Index (coming soon)
My own designs plus links to others I have used.
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Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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The Genesis Age

Aquascape is complete.

I went with an HNSA of sorts. This is my first-time breaking rock down. Then gluing and mortaring it back together into the shape that I find appealing while trying to keep fish and coral growth in mind. I kept the rule of thirds at the forefront of the scape as well as lots of swimming space for anthias and tangs. The rocks have ample room between the glass. I also made an Island for coral. I have posted some pictures for everyone to check out.

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Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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The Wet Update

Sand has been added and tank is filled.

I put about 80 pounds of Carib Sea Special Grade sand in this tank. It took one week to fill up the tank with saltwater using my 30 gal Brute trash can. I added the lid from Waterbox to the tank as a temporary solution I will get my custom lid at a later date. I will be starting the cycle soon on this tank.

Tank full.png
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Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Cabinet Sensor lighting and Cycling Update

Cabinet Lighting
I added some LED strips underneath the cabinet to have some bright LED Lights come on when I am under the tank. They are really awesome and if you want to pick up some for yourself here is the link on amazon. They have a ton of add-ons and extensions. - Door Activated Lights

P.S. I added the skimmer and also ignore my mess of cables and dangling control boxes. It's all temporary :)

Today marks week 2 of cycling the tank. Ultimately the tank is ready for fish due to 0 Ammonia and 8 nitrates however I am not ready myself. I would like to get my full plumbing completed and cabinet control area setup before I transfer my two clowns over into this tank from my Fiji Cube.

Video Attached of the cabinet lights.

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Nice build, following along. You have to be nervous this time of year because, you know, you being a turkey and all. I hope you and your family stay safe and off of someone’s table as they argue about politics and religion.
Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Nice build, following along. You have to be nervous this time of year because, you know, you being a turkey and all. I hope you and your family stay safe and off of someone’s table as they argue about politics and religion.
haha! Thank you and to yours as well. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:


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haha! Thank you and to yours as well. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
Thank you we should be fine as not being turkeys and all. Also we are all on the same page with politics and religion so it won’t come up. Have a great holiday.
Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Three Steps forward One step back

I have been busy making progress on getting this tank up to speed.

Updated Aquascape

I kept looking at the tank and felt like it was a little lacking. So I ended up adding more rock work. I did not double it like many have said as coral will fill in more nicely this way. The end goal is mixed reef not rock heap FOWLR. However, I think it looks way more complete and I am even more happy with it. More rock can always be added if needed later.

Updated Scape.jpg

3D Printed Hex Grid Wall Controller Area

I originally ordered a control box and was going to fit in the tank it did fit but ultimately it took up more space than I liked so I returned it and DIYed my own mounting space. Ladies and gentleman I present the Hex grid wall. Picture below. I'm really trying not to modify anything original from Waterbox as I do not want to void the warranty. I printed it and used another STL file that was for command strips and I used some Velcro to secure it to the cabinet panel. I then used Fusion 360 to print my own CAD created controller mounts to fit the hex wall. Next Video you can see the completed controller wall. I ran out of black so had to make do with white but in the future all Holders will be black for aesthetic.

*I did not make this STL myself*
HexGrid wall.jpg


Now for an unfortunate step back... And a step forward

I had originally plumbed in the manifold and still have the glued section stored away but I could not get the manifold to hold with the Velcro to the top of the stand like I wanted. With no water it would falter. However, I am not so easily defeated, and will return at a later time for manifolding events. I did however get the UV Plumbed. I just made some VERY simple holders to hold the UV on the back of the stand. Right now there is two very rudimentary printed ones and two backups a little more underneath. The setup has been running for over 24 hours now and we are in business.

The next update should be fish in tank :)

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The One Reef

As a lover of LOTR...

The One Reef to rule them all is being forged.

Waterbox Infinia 190.5 Mixed Reef

Chapter 1 - Genesis
Chapter 2 - Wet Update
Chapter 3 - Cabinet lighting/Cycling Update
Chapter 4 - Three Steps forward one step back
Chapter 5 - The Pioneers

Stocking List
Leopard Wrasse
Melanurus Wrasse
Copperband Butterfly
Dispar Anthia (male)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Dispar Anthia (female)
Green Mandarin
White tail Bristletooth Tang
Yellow Tang

Astrea snails
Cerith snails
Trochus snails
Turbo snails
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
Fighting conch
Emerald crab

Return Pump- Sicce Syncra SDC 9.0
Lighting- Three Reefi Uno 2.0 Pro's
Skimmer- Reef Octopus Elite 200-INT 8"
Roller Mat- Red Sea Reefmat 1200
Wave Maker- Two EcoTech MP40's
Heater- 800w Finnex
UV Sterilizer- 55 Watt Pro-MAX High Output
ATO-Hydros ATO Kit
Sand- CaribSea Special grade at 2" depth
Reactor- Three AquaMaxx Fluidized GFO Biopellet and Carbon

Items Index

**Sample Mock Drawing of layout**

Love it! Shouldn't this be described in "Ages", though? Obviously you're making the music of creation now. How is discord being sown into the design? I can see a few turning points through the ages along with epic battles, the uglies being your dark lord(s). An alliance of tangs and CUC and men will overcome!
Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Love it! Shouldn't this be described in "Ages", though? Obviously you're making the music of creation now. How is discord being sown into the design? I can see a few turning points through the ages along with epic battles, the uglies being your dark lord(s). An alliance of tangs and CUC and men will overcome!
You are absolutely right haha. "One reef" was a mere play on words of sorts I suppose.

That last sentence is amazing hahah!
Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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The Age of the First Fish

I have updated the build to be in "Ages" as it fits the theme more appropriately as JoJo mentioned.

The first fish have been added to the tank and thus begins the age of the first fish. Enclosed is a video and FTS. They have since moved from the middle of the tank over to the left side. I have had this pair of orange storms 6 months now in my 32g Fiji cube and they are awesome.

They are pretty chicken though and don't really leave their home spot in the tank. I did notice the female venture off to the overflow box and back without her main squeeze so that's progress. I am hoping once more fish get added they come out of their shell a bit more.

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Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Worms the white

I bought a culture of white worms to add to my options for foods. This is the beginning of my worm farm. I used Eco earth substrate for the worm bedding and got a small 8 qt tub to house them in. I hopefully can do this but before I was primarily a reptile keeper in the last decade. I could not breed crickets or Dubia roaches to save my life haha. Hopefully this will kick off.

If anyone's interested into where I got the culture. They seem hard to come by from what I could find on the internet but Here is the link to it: White Worm Starter Culture

white worms.jpg

worm bedding.jpg



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Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Reefing is Mountains High and Valleys Low
Second Age of fish
The second batch of fish has been added to my display I have updated the stock on post one of this thread.
I purchased some fish from Dr Reef QT and they spent last two weeks in observation.

Those additions are as follows:

- Copperband Butterfly - link to my preparation thread for him here in case you want to read. This so far is a Reefing mountain high. He went on hunger strike for 4 days after shipment but now he is eating Frozen bloodworms and Masstick on occasion and is really pigging out on the worms. Coming from Dr Reef QT eating frozen I feel was already a good chance for eating frozen. He really didnt want to touch the worms unless they were seasoned in garlic guard, But can you blame him?

- Foxface Rabbitfish - This guy is doing well and he is swimming with the CBB in the tank. Hes eating like a champ but he is very skittish and doesnt like anything coming in the tank unless its food. I have read Foxface can be skittish im hoping in time he will get better and be social and not so scared. *Fingers Crossed*

- Melanurus Wrasse - The valley low hits home on this one link to thread here on discussion again if you want to read. While in observation with my foxface it appears he was either slashed by the fox or had UNWD. He was really doing great and declined very quickly. I had a dish for him with sand that he would happily sleep in. See Picture :) Ultimately I will get another at some point in the near future as I love the color.


- Mystery Wrasse - This guy gave us a scare upon shipment he didn't handle the salinity raise to well but pulled through. I first figured it might be UNWD but it was not but read about it here. He did become a bit of jerk I was hoping Id get a nice one as they can be a bit mean. He actually nipped my foxface when they were in observation together and appears like he was stressing the foxface out. So this guy currently is sumped and I am trying to decided if I should rehome or not.

- Cleaner shrimp and Fire shrimp - These two went straight into the display upon shipment arrival and have been living their best life. So far in two weeks they have both molted twice which a growing shrimp is a happy shrimp.
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Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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Its a chaeto morphic time
Good Evening,
I just wanted to update my build as I have been busy with other things in life. Hope everyone is doing well!

Refugium started
I have got the refugium setup with macro algae. I chose Chaetomorpha for this one and I took some rock rubble out and added a dozen bio media cubes as its a little bit more of a clean look and extra surface area. I moved the heater out of the 'Fuge chamber and put it behind the skimmer as I didn't think it would be good for the algae to grow and smother the heater. I will be adding more pods to the refugium chamber soon. The light im using is the Tunze Eco Chic Waterproof Refugium LED Light. I have it set to turn on 9pm to 5am overnight and it seems to be growing the Chaeto pretty good not too fast not too slow. :)


Fish update
All the fish are doing well and eating great. (looking at you Foxface) :face-savoring-food:. The Copperband happily chomps down frozen bloodworms and is slowly showing interest in other foods. While he has gained some from when I got him a couple of months ago I wish he would gain more weight so in conjunction with that I'm going to up the amount of feeding for the tank in general starting this week.


Reef Wizard

Reef Wizard

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This has been a very enjoyable thread to read! Great build, I'm getting the same tank, how're you liking yours overall?!
Hey thanks so much! Its do for an update soon actually lol. There is only three cons I have with the overall system while not a dealbreaker by any means for me it might be for some.

1. To not VOID the warranty for waterbox you cannot drill into the stand.
-Its made it difficult to do a nice custom manifold with the hard piping versus soft tubing which I will probably end up doing creatively lol and hanging things hasnt been easy.

2. The stand is pretty much filled with Sump and ATO reservoir.
-They made the decision to have large socks area to be replaceable with a filter roller. The fuge and skimmer area is pretty large which is nice but all space is compensating for something else so it kinda cancels each other out.

3.This is probably the most controversial thing to date with atleast the Infinia systems from waterbox.
- This isnt a huge deal for me but it is for a TON of people. The overflow is not quite as some would like. The plumbing is like right in a grey area for the overflow box. the main drain is Kinda a little too tall and the emergency drain is too close to weir teeth of the overflow.

I have spent a long time dialing it in to where its almost silent. I did this and it became loud in the sump refugium baffle but once it runs for a while both quieten down considerably. Some have went to lengths of modifying the emergency drain with two 45 degree elbows. Which Im not sure if it voids warranty but likely.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%