Tomato Clown Eating Torches


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Feb 21, 2023
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San Francisco
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I have many torches and a LTA hosting a couple of Clarki Clowns. The bigger (2 inch) of the 2 Tomato Clowns bullies everything in the tank and i've seen her nipping at the LTA tentacles as well as the Torches. Every morning i have another torch eviscerated. I've seen her picking at the Torches aggressively. This may be Displacement behavior; I don't think the tank isn't too overcrowded: 3 1 inch clowns and the bigger 2 inch Tomato, 2 1 inch ruby mandarin gobies, 2 1 inch filefish, 6 Peppermint Shrimps, a 1 inch Royal Gramma, and a 4 inch LTA. The Frogspawn haven't been touched so far. I haven't seen the Peppermint shrimp picking on the corals (i observe them at night as well as the day), nor the Filefish picking at them. I feed them very well. Has anyone heard of clowns chowing down on anemones or torches? I have a 2yo 75 gal. tank w/o sump. Water parameters are WLN. I will be trapping the peppermint shrimp and the file fish now that my aptasia is nowhere in sight for the past 2 months, and returning them to my LFS.