
  1. HomeSlizzice

    Red Sea RCP vs BRS vs ESV B-Ionic dosing breakdown

    Like the title states, I decided to break down the recommended dosing instructions per brand to help me (and possibly others) when deciding on what supplements to use and dose (and how much if switching). Also Randy, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. I decided to do...
  2. D

    24 hour 2 part dosing?

    My current 2-part dosing schedule splits Alkalinity and Calcium into 2 separate times utilizing the Reeftronics program generator to program my Apex and BRS 1.1 mL peristaltic pumps. I dose 60ml of Alkalinity over the course of 12 hours from midnight to 1200 - my logic being to help buffer the...
  3. cwb_reeftank

    Red Sea Salt

    why can't I find any reviews on red sea salt. all I can find is red sea salt pro. does anyone on here use it? I just got some because my alk is to high for my system and I don't like doing a water change and it bring it back up. i'd rather keep it low at like 7-8 and not at 12.
  4. What is Alkalinity?

    What is Alkalinity?

    Most reefkeepers know they need to measure alkalinity, and most know it has something to do with carbonate. But what is alkalinity exactly? Why is it important? How is it measured? This article will answer those questions and give you all of the information that you need to fully understand one...
  5. My Triton Testing Results

    My Triton Testing Results

    There are many different ions in seawater, and as reef aquarists we generally only test for a small number of these. Calcium, magnesium, “alkalinity”, nitrate, phosphate, and ammonia, for example, are relatively easy for hobbyists to test at home using kits. Other ions, however, are more...
  6. A DIY Alkalinity Test

    A DIY Alkalinity Test

    Alkalinity is one of the most important measurements that a reef aquarist can make. It can become rapidly depleted in many aquaria, requiring frequent measurement in order to maintain stable levels. While hobby test kits for alkalinity can be simple to use, some aquarists find them either...
  7. The Many Methods for Supplementing Calcium and Alkalinity

    The Many Methods for Supplementing Calcium and Alkalinity

    There is no aspect of reef aquarium chemistry more important than calcium and alkalinity. Many of my previous articles have described various aspects of these systems in detail. In reading those articles, aquarists will note one pervasive theme: that maintaining appropriate levels of each are...