
  1. S

    Arrow crab stages??

    I made this account to ask if anyone has bred Arrow Crabs before? We had brittle stars, fire worms, tube worms, bristle worms as hitchhikers in the live rock but now there is hundreds of tiny things running all over. The arrow crabs had babies twice and is pregnant again. The tadpoles were...
  2. tailoftwogobies

    our yellow watchman gobies finally laid eggs!

    not the best picture, i know.. but our yellow watchman gobies have quite a large group of eggs.. they are constantly swimming around it and swishing it around. the cluster is around an inch wide and in a ‘safe’ spot in their burrow.. is there anything we can do to help this process or do the...
  3. Atrumblood

    Turbo snail laid eggs, all of them just hatched. Now what?

    Hey everyone, Like the title of this post reads, my turbo snail apparently laid eggs and they all seem to have hatched today. Is there anything I need to be doing about this? I'd imagine that letting them all grow up in my small 55 with limited algae to feed on will result in a lot of...
  4. LAA

    What are these on my hammer coral?

    Hello everyone! just thought I’d start with water parameters…. They are all good. I have noticed these little lumps on my hammer coral and over the last week they have grown bigger and began to grow what look like small tentacles. Are these new heads growing?!
  5. H

    EMERGENCY Black Storm Clownfish NOT EATING

    Hey Everyone, New to this page and was hoping to get some insight or advice to help myself out. I recently purchased 2 captive bred baby black storm clownfish from my LFS. Size is around 1 Inch or less so super small and my first fish to introduce into the tank. I purchased them back on Friday...
  6. L

    Conditioning diet

    What can i use for conditioning banggai cardinals? i know chopped squid, mysis and even baby guppies??? If I bought baby saltwater mollies from my LFS would that still be the same as the guppies? would it have the same effect? and "wild" cherry shrimp, there are people in my area selling...
  7. ridgeburyreefer

    Thoughts on multiple clownfish

    Backstory- I’ve set up my first saltwater tank, it is currently cycling, plenty of live rock, open space, and hiding space. I have won two “grade A” clownfish and also 5 baby clownfish (slightly smaller) of random picking. They will be sent to me when I’m ready for them. I had intended on the...
  8. MJV15

    Frogspawn / octospawn babies bailout? Ideas help

    So looking to get some help or ideas from you smart people out there. I’m about 7 months into the hobby and I’m at a research dead end. My frogspawn/octospawn (what ever you want to call it) is, from what I can tell happy. It gets nice and fluffy every day. It’s heads have split from 2 to now...
  9. dzolot

    Cleaner shrimp spawn

    I apologize for the horrible video and picture quality, but i think my cleaner shrimp spawned tonight!!?? These are pictures of the pregnant mamma moments before. Video is of the spawn, but not sure it’s loaded correctly anyway, my question is - how can i harvest some of these babies so that...
  10. vokrey09

    Did my BTA spawn in my zoas?

    I bought a BTA (which was sold to me as a LTA :/ ) and it would not stop moving around my tank at first. It eventually walked all over a patch of zoas. I noticed after this a pink slime-like substance at the roots of the zoas, and honestly thought they had been stung and were as good as dead...
  11. Cherry Bomb

    What to feed baby Rock Flower Anemones?

    Hi all! One of my RFAs had babies a few weeks ago. Looking for good feeding ideas. Anyone have any successful tips? I would like to keep them healthy and happy. Currently adding Mini Mysis with Selcon every 3 days and Phyto Feast every 1-2 days. Is there something else I can feed? There must be...
  12. nightmarepl

    clown breeding attempt first timer

    hey guys, so my girlfriends been begging me to try and breed our clown fish we have saddle back and ocerellis clown in our mini reef weve had them for months now with an bubble tip anemone that they both hang out in, unfortunately no luck on the eggs yet is it possible something is eating them...
  13. Gator2019

    Kenyan tree dropping babies.

    About a year ago I bought a $5 frag of a Kenyan tree and it was TINY. Like 1”-2” y’all when it was out. Then about a month later I bought a rock of mushrooms from someone and she said she threw a Kenyan tree frag in the bucket that was just floating around in her tank. I honestly didn’t even see...
  14. Melia

    Clownfish breeding- what the heck do I do?

    I first started my reef tank in October 2017, with two clownfish and a damsel, and now (February 2018) I have the same two clowns, same damsel, with an addition of a Valentini puffer and two chromis. My clown fish have always been like a cute little couple, I’ve never seen them fight and one is...
  15. Dalton Hunter

    My RFA finally spawned!

    Came home tonight from the beach and got to catch this!
  16. S

    Baby anemone?

    Hello guys! We're new to the site but we been reading a lot of cool stuff so we're excited to be here. Today before going to be we saw that next to our Condy anemone there was a pink small thing that was moving. Is that a baby? If you could let us know that would be appreciated!
  17. N

    Are these fish eggs?

    I have a 180g saltwater tank. I bought it 6 weeks ago. It was already a 3 year established tank. So far everything survived the moved. As well as a few new editions. We have three clowns, 2 blue damsels, 2 black damsels, 2 white striped damsels, 1 yellow tang, 1 mandarin dragonet, 1 lawnmower...