
  1. oneilwiz

    Does cycling an aquarium with Brightwell Start XLM and Caribsea Life Rocks cause any Problems?

    Hello Fellow reefers, Has anyone used the Brightwell Start XLM bacteria to cycle their aquarium while having new Caribsea Life rocks in the aquarium? This aquarium is running with Caribsea dry sand and Caribsea Life rocks. I have been reading the label on the Brightwell Start XLM stating "Dry...
  2. Natedogg1978

    How efficient is your bacteria?

    Specifications: 45 gallon cube/ 14 gallon sump Bare bottom (No sand) Roughly 40 lbs of Caribsea Life Rock Kessil A360x (turned off during this cycling time) Reef Octopus Essence 130 skimmer (also turned off during cycling time) sitting on top of 6x6in acrylic skimmer stand 1 AI Nero 5...
  3. H

    Found these on my glass today

    Found these and there’s a few on my glass, anyone know what they are?
  4. BeltedCoyote

    Setting up a reef tank as a stable ecosystem

    Hey all! I’m not normally one to start up a discussion, but due to current events and changes in life I’ve had to place setting up my display on the back burner. It’ll be my first reef tank (typical story, had a small freshwater tank as a child. In my case saw an antennata lion and thus began...
  5. lazycouch

    bacteria question

    hey guys i recently saw this reefer post that he got a 2 liter bottle of microbacter7. his tank seems pretty big around 150g but i was wondering why some people religiously dose so much bacteria? is it the large water changes? i myself have a 500ml bottle for my 30 gallon tank that i thought i’d...
  6. D

    Some type of growth in 1/5 month aquarium setup

    So today I noticed a white growth in my aquarium, the salinity is still 1.006 I was planning on starting to increase this today when I noticed a bloodworm I just fed stick to something, when I looked closer theres this weird white sludgy thing growing on the side where the bloodworm is and the...
  7. QuarantinedCorals

    Can I reuse Biological media that has been used in a QT tank with copper power?

    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well! I recently treated a couple fish with copper power in my quarantine tank, however, the quarantine tank used to be my main display so I left half of my biological media in that quarantine tank and added copper power to the system (copper levels register at...
  8. Janesreef

    Redoing aquascape after big move

    **ATTACHED PICS** I have a 75gal reef tank with live rock, 3 fish (coral beauty, clown, mandarin goby), 5 coral (three of which are attached to rock) and a clam that is also attached to rock. I did a big move into a new home and because of the pandemic I wasn’t able to hire movers for my tank...
  9. gavinb612

    Upgrading tank question

    I unfortunately made the mistake of settling for a lesser than because it was cheaper, and now I am switching to what I wanted, but my question is, will me moving all my rock, ceramic, marine pure, and possibly some of the water cause a cycle in the new tank? I’m moving from a 24g Aquatop that’s...
  10. T

    Very high salinity

    I have been trying to cure some very fresh very live rock I obtained. I set it up at the right temperature and salinity and prepared for the bad smell. It never happened. Every once a while I topped off the tub with RODI. Several weeks ago, i added a shrimp and did 50% water change. It has...
  11. LEOreefer

    Let’s talk RODI

    Simple question, if a TDS meter is reading 0 on output source water , the membrane is 2.5 years old and the other filters are about 8-9 months old can harmful bacteria grow on those filters contaminating the water? Why should you change the filters even if tds is reading 0?
  12. B

    Stupid kids

    So I went to work at 3.30 and no one told me anyone was throwing a party so I left home and all my medicine by my QT. I came back and a group of children broke my glass lid and let it fall in the tank. All fish were fine but then they dumped my whole bottle of keneplex and left it in the tank So...
  13. Z

    Sponge filters in sump

    Hello I was wondering if I could put a couple of sponge filters in my sump so I would have them established for quarantining but was wondering if I would have to have the air stone in them to have water moved through or if I could just place the sponges right in it. Thanks for any responses!
  14. S

    Sick/dead coral

    Hi, quick intro, I’m new to reefing, about 2 months into my nano 10 gallon, everything is going smooth, stable parameters and such. I have purchased a few frags of LPS from a local hobbiest a couple of weeks ago and he threw this Favite (I believe that’s what it’s called) in for free. A few...
  15. Rick Gaas

    Bacteria maintenance. What do you dose?

    Just getting an idea of what bacteria people dose. Please list what products, how often, and why you dose them. Do you have a specific bacteria product you dose for dirty sand, algae, to lower nutrients??? Share what works fo you! Thanks!
  16. Byrd's Reef

    I wanna identify whatever this is so i can treat it appropriately

    I've treated with copper for 2 weeks, malachite green and ruby Can someone please identify this
  17. Rogued_Reefer

    Dino’s Battle

    Alright Guys & Girls, like the title says I have encountered a new roadblock in the hobby. This thread will show you guys every step I take to battle this annoying pest and hopefully after I win this war you guys could look back to this thread to follow my steps and not make all the mistakes I...
  18. MnFish1

    Anecdote vs. reality

    So I was sitting here thinking about some 'maxims' - that are promulgated here often - and wondered - whether they make sense. Note - I'm not criticizing or discounting anecdote - that said - I wonder about some common sayings in the reefing community (which are usually supported by anecdote -...
  19. shahprincea

    To start or to wait

    Hi Guys, I bought 4 feet by 2 feet tank from waterbox and at this point ready. I need some help in deciding "to start or to wait". Since I am starting with dry rock (carib sea liferock) and bare bottom I wanted to start the cycling process. I know it will take some time to stabilitize as I am...
  20. Scape

    If you had to choose, which one would it be? Fluval or Api?

    Hello all, Just a quick question to all my fellow reefers, if you had to choose between one of these two products of nitrifying bacteria like if you had no other choice (gun to head type situation...bit extreme but you get my just)..what would it be: Fluval biological enhancer...
  21. Peter K

    During cycle, nitrates have risen to 30ppm but nitrites are stalled at 1ppm

    Hi all, I just finished up week 6 of our cycle but am still detecting nitrites at around 1ppm (using salifert test kit. I have no ammonia, or very little, according to salifert ammonia test kit) but my nitrates have risen from 5ppm on August 5th to around 30-35ppm now. Nitrites have...
  22. BGrand

    Please Help ID

    Could you all help me ID this. It was growing around my mushroom plug. I pulled the plug and scrubbed it off the plug. I put the mushroom in a different local. I scrubbed the plug hole but it is growing back. Also if you can, please let me know how to remove it. For the record this entire rock...
  23. MnFish1

    A somewhat long 'myth busters' Poll

    There are a lot of truisms (some would say myths) - in this hobby. Note - the word myth - is not meant to suggest anything negative about any of these points. Just that they are 'common' things we read every day on the forums. In the poll there is a 'commonly expressed 'statement' and its...
  24. w2inc

    STN Cant figure out why?

    It hits some corals and others look like they love life. Tank is 2 years old. Over the past two months I had made changed to lights, replaced GFO, and removed one of two overflows. I run a skimmer, GFO, Cheato with a bright light, calcium reactor, 450 par on the top shelf and 100 on the floor...
  25. D

    White slime?

    I've been battling with this since I started a new 20g. I used Dr.Tim's ammonia to start the cycle and the tank cycled properly, went through the diatom phase and all. I had a bacteria problem with the tank being cloudy that REFUSED to go away with time. Every SINGLE post I found that "solved"...