brine shrimp

  1. T

    Brine Shrimp fun!

    I just wanted to share my grow out area. It is a plastic tube that some Christmas decorations came in, a plastic aquarium box, a 3D printed corner bracket to hold the tube and a light on top. I put the babies in there once they hatch. They swim up the tube to the light. I can feed them as...
  2. R

    Why don’t I see people feeding cultured brine skimmate?

    I have a culture of brine shrimp and they are breeding beautifully. I’m not really wanting to buy F2 fertilizer to start a culture of phytoplankton to feed the brine So I was wondering if I can feed my brine skimmate ?
  3. Doctorgori

    Coral Foods Fish Foods Chillers Dry Goods SOLD Brine Shrimp eggs, sketchy hatch rate

    Yes these eggs hatch but not at the original 90% … looks closer to 50% see pics 1/2 cup of eggs is $7 shipped ….. in ziplock bags in a yellow envelope 9 bags available if interested pm me, ref “bbs”
  4. A

    Feeding about for clowns

    Hey guys I have 2 small clowns, bout 40mm and 30mm and a scooter. How much should I be feeding them. I've been giving them 1/4 of a brine shrimp cube. I also have a spotted leopard wrasse but the little **** is still hiding in the sand (2nd day in the tank)
  5. J

    Blenny doesn’t seem to be eating! Help!

    As the first fish in my tank I was steered towards getting a lawnmower blenny. I’ve seen online that some people feed them frozen brine shrimp although i understand that they are herbivores. I kept this in mind when buying. Picked him up and the guy at the store told me that they feed him...
  6. R

    USA Fish feeding port with defrost cup- will ship!!

    **REEF SAFE** PETG Fish feeding port for mesh lids! The defrost can be removed to feed other foods like flakes or just to access the tank. Fully 3D printed in reef safe PETG. Shipping included! ***Make sure the defrost cup “mesh” is submerged under water. I’ve included measurement in...
  7. ReefLegends

    Ocean delight bottles back on site!

    If you want a one stop package, treat your reef tanks with our Ocean Delight bottles. Each bottle is packed with Tigriopus, Apocyclops, Tisbe copepods, with marine L type rotifers and all stages of brine shrimp. These bottles are intended to be used the same day and added while the lights are...
  8. HankstankXXL750

    Nebraska Live Goods SPONSOR Plankton Buffet Copepods and Phytoplankton now available

    PLANKTON BUFFET What is it you say? It is a combination of our two newest offerings Reef Buffet and Phyto Buffet. We are expanding our production and product offerings. As a fellow reefer I love it when I'm cleaning my tank and I find a little water flea flitting across my hand. In the 80's...
  9. HankstankXXL750

    Livestock Copepods Amphipods Phytoplankton! All your reef can eat!

    PLANKTON BUFFET What is it you say? It is a combination of our two newest offerings Reef Buffet and Phyto Buffet. We are expanding our production and product offerings. As a fellow reefer I love it when I'm cleaning my tank and I find a little water flea flitting across my hand. In the 80's...
  10. HankstankXXL750


    PLANKTON BUFFET What is it you say? It is a combination of our two newest offerings Reef Buffet and Phyto Buffet. We are expanding our production and product offerings. As a fellow reefer I love it when I'm cleaning my tank and I find a little water flea flitting across my hand. In the 80's...
  11. Reef By Steele

    Nebraska Live Goods SPONSOR Phyto and Pods! ALL YOUR REEF CAN EAT

    FINAL DAYS SALE ENDS SOON 25 MORE FOR 25 25% MORE COPEPODS IN EACH BUFFET TO KICK OFF 2025! WE GOT THE REEF! For a limited time, we will add an additional 25% volume of our exclusive and unique Harpa Pods to every pod buffet we sell. EXPERIENCE THE STEELE ADVANTAGE!! Pods, Pods, Pods...
  12. Reef By Steele


    FINAL DAYS SALE ENDS SOON 25 MORE FOR 25 25% MORE COPEPODS IN EACH BUFFET TO KICK OFF 2025! WE GOT THE REEF! For a limited time, we will add an additional 25% volume of our exclusive and unique Harpa Pods to every pod buffet we sell. EXPERIENCE THE STEELE ADVANTAGE!! Pods, Pods, Pods...
  13. lanpennmm

    Ways to preserve brine shrimp

    Hello everyone, how is it going? Well, currently I have a small culture of Artemia franciscana and there're many, many "shrimps" (indeed they are not real shrimp), several adults. Soon I'll have some freshwater fish but, since artemias are also used for marine organisms, I would like to ask...
  14. L

    New to Anemones

    I’m brand new to saltwater aquariums and my brother gave me a live rock with a bunch of very very tiny red anemones on it. All of them are maybe about 1cm or a half inch in diameter. I already have a tank of just sea monkies (it’s 5gallons with a FluvalSmart nano UV light, an air stone with a...
  15. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse

    The Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse is not commonly seen within the marine aquarium hobby. This beautiful species will grow to be about 14 inches in length, so they will need substantial swimming space. Use caution if adding to a reef aquarium because the Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse is known to nip...
  16. O

    Live brine shrimp hatching

    Can brine shrimp eggs survive shipping in low temperatures? (As low as 8 F) I’d like to start a hatchery but no stores near me have eggs in stock.
  17. BrookeAMullis

    Brine shrimp breeding

    I have recently become the proud mom of a 300 gallon brine shrimp culture, unfortunately the person who was previously in charge of handling our cultures is no longer working at our facility so I’m just kinda winging it ATM as far as trying to keep the culture healthy. There are thousands of...
  18. L

    Will this work as a dragonet feeding station? Thoughts appreciated

    Hi All, Made the classic mistake of buying an unresearched species at the LFS this weekend. All of my gracillaria macroalgae disappeared without a trace over the course of 2 weeks and at the same time I had an amphipod explosion so my theory is that they ate it all. I have a 20 gallon AIO and...
  19. J

    Frozen food auto feeder

    Hey y’all starting a build(can document if interest) I am building an auto feeder for my seahorses. I am planning on using a mini fridge along with magnetic stirrer and dosing pumps/peristaltic pumps. Any recommendations for pumps? I was planning on going with jebao pumps, I know this isn’t a...
  20. S

    Brine shrimp and ammonia spikes. What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys. Been harvesting baby brine for a while and all is very successful. I do about a gram a week in a one liter bottle with great success. My struggle is that I set up a 10 gallon breeder with just an air line and heater to try and raise them to adults. I use freshly mixed salt water that I...
  21. S

    Brine shrimp and ammonia spikes. What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys. Been harvesting baby brine for a while and all is very successful. I do about a gram a week in a one liter bottle with great success. My struggle is that I set up a 10 gallon breeder with just an air line and heater to try and raise them to adults. I use freshly mixed salt water that I...
  22. Karen00

    How do people keep baby brine shrimp in the water column?

    Hello fellow saltines, I've been hatching baby brine shrimp for my fish for awhile which has been going well. The fish also eat frozen food so the bbs isn't their only food but I add it twice a day to the tank so they have setting to hunt (or so I thought). I just recently watched my tank after...
  23. Perthegallon

    Brine shrimp hatchery

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Brine shrimp hatchery. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  24. Current Tides

    Brine Shrimp Culturing

    Hello! I've recently gotten into the realm of culturing live foods. Starting with brine shrimp as my fish and coral seem to enjoy them, and because theyre cheap and nutritious. I've been feeding Zoo Med's spirilina 20, and have read you can use a variety of foods (that I havent tried). but saw...
  25. Karen00

    Can Selcon be added to phyto mixture for gut loading brine shrimp

    Hello fellow Saltines, More often than not I hatch out more brine shrimp than what I need (it's only a 5g) so a lot of them grow out beyond their nutritious nauplii stage. After a day I feed them with phyto and continue to add them to my tank. Can a bit of Selcon be added to the phtyo to feed...