
  1. J

    Red Sea Trace color dosing

    I just got the trace color ABCD from Red Sea. My question is can I equally mix all four together in a separate bottle and dose it all at once using my Neptune doser? Or do I have to keep them separate and individually dose? Thanks in advance
  2. fishface1003

    Dosing solution for smaller tanks

    I have a Red Sea 200xl and couldn’t find a dosing container that wasn’t huge or really expensive. Came across this website that 3D prints reef accessories and made my own little dosing setup out of the smaller Voss bottles. Don’t have a need for the third bottle as of yet, but I’ll think of...
  3. Lylelovett

    Replenish your RHF 2-part dosing liquids?

    So it's time to replenish my RHF 2-part solutions... I cook my new batch of baking soda, mix up the solution and am ready to refill my reservoirs. The new mixture is not going to be EXACTLY the same strength as my previous batch (human error, precision, etc) although it will be close. My...
  4. chipchipbro

    Best dosing solution for nano reef tanks

    hello guys I am currently in the process of deciding what dosing product I will be using. Actually I started with ATI Nano Essentials 2 Part. However, I dont think it is worth the money since the containers are pretty expensive per litre. What would you guys suggest dosing? I do have a 20g...
  5. C

    Help diluting trace elements

    Hi everyone! Need some help diluted trace elements properly. I'm heading out for a week, and have been dosing an AIO trace element at 0.3 ml daily. If I dilute at 1ml of trace element, to 7 ml of RODI, this would be correct? Or 2ml to 14ml if need larger amount. Any issue with liquids separating...
  6. akurt928

    Dosing help !

    Hi Everyone, I recently had a spin test done on my reef tank, its generally ok parameters but some can definitely use a little boost. My PH is 7.8 , nitrates are 4 , salinity is 1.025 , phos 0.2, Calcium 365, magnesium 1191, Alkalinity 6.1. I purchased the red sea line of calcium, alk and...
  7. M

    APEX Trident Fluctuations without dosing or water change

    My apex calcium and magnesium seem to be fluctuating a good bit without any dosing. The only thing I have needed to dose is alkalinity and that's spot on to my hanna checker. Calcium is hard for me to reference against another test as my hanna is all over the place and my eyes don't do colors...
  8. akurt928

    HELP! whats the best dosing setup?!

    I have a Red sea E-170 and I wanted a dosing setup that can stay in the cabinet. I’m looking to Dose Calcium, Alk, and Magnesium. Any suggestions?
  9. M

    Help dosing Red sea foundation A & B

    Hi all im need to reefing and have limited knowledge and know chemistry and water parameters work but i get the gist of it. background: information about my tank. Tank Size: 45 Gallon (running for 9 months) Salt mix tropic marine pro reef salt (weekly 12% water change @ 1.025 salinity) my...
  10. Schraufabagel

    How much are you dosing in your nano tank?

    If you have a nano tank (for argument sake, let's say under 40 gallons), how much do you dose daily of each element? And what kinds of corals do you have? I have a 25 gallon mixed reef spread pretty evenly between LPS and softies, and will be adding a decent amount of SPS soon. Currently I dose...
  11. Schraufabagel

    Suggestions for a doser?

    I'm considering getting a dosing pump. I'm intrigued by the new Red Sea dosers the most, but I have also heard good things about the Kamoer X1 pumps. Anybody have any thoughts on these or suggestions on others? I like the Red Sea one because it is a more compact option for 4 dosers. Currently I...
  12. unchaotic

    Dosing Ammonia with Prime

    I don't want to start a debate on whether or not (and how) Prime detoxifies ammonia. There are plenty of raging debates on that already. I want to ask a purely hypothetical question. Now, assuming Prime does what it says (remember, we're not here to debate this), would a person be able to...
  13. Thawman

    Trident/DOS dosing and Alk swings

    Howdy! Hopefully an appropriate place to post. I've noticed over the last week or so my Alk has started to swing a fair bit from low of 8.46 to high of 9.05 with my set point 8.6 I've adjusted the dosing baseline to the average over the last month and just today increased my testing from 4/2...
  14. Schraufabagel

    Should I start dosing? 25 Gallon

    I have a 25 gallon tank that's going on 7 months old now. I just recently have been tracking my parameters more regularly, along with feeding and water changes. I have a small refugium with chaeto, and codium macro algae and mangroves in my main tank that may influence NO3 and phos. For corals...
  15. padilla95624

    Build Thread Reef Showcase Will's 100 Gallon Reef Tank

    Posting my 100 gallon mixed reef tank here. I have been at it for years but recently figured out that good lighting means I can grow more corals. Now its time to move the tank to replace the flooring in the house. Maybe I can get some tips on how to improve upon the tank. I have some great ideas.
  16. R

    Dosing before corals?

    New reefer here. Currently I am cycling my tank 525xl. The question I have is do you begin dosing in anticipation of adding corals once the cycle is done? Or should I wait until I start adding? Does it matter? thanks

    Af life source

    Anyone dose af life source on a weekly basis? Heard it’s good for cyano and bio diversity… Cheers
  18. Uzair Aiman

    Dosing nutrients questions

    Hi. Im planning to add SPS corals to my tank soon. Ive come to realise after some researching that I need to ensure my Alk, Calcium and Magnesium should be on point. For now, I only have and Alk tester which reads around 7 before a water change and at 8dkh after a water change. People say that...
  19. Uzair Aiman

    Potassium Nitrate dosing questions.

    Hi. As the titles says, how would you guys dose potassium nitrate to raise nitrate levels? I am currently having a situation here, after some research Ive found out that my tank is "nitrate locked". I have 0/undetectable nitrates and 0.5 phosphates, which is high. Im planning to add SPS soon so...
  20. P

    Dosing Tubing Issues

    So I setup the BM-T11 to dose Alk, Calc, and NOPOX a few months ago. Hoping to dose trace elements etc. by adding a BM-T12 Slave in the future, but I need to resolve this issue before I dedicate more money to dosing. I have to re-prime the lines every 2-3 days due to air getting in. I added...
  21. attiland

    Dose but when?

    After a while you will end up dosing alkalinity, magnesium, calcium and other minerals corals use to build their skeleton. Most of us will employ a doser to do this job but how to spread out the doses throughout the day? Some just do it equal portions in the 24 hours but it would make...
  22. dr1271

    High Calcium with All For Reef!

    Established tank, but recently switched from Tropic Marin Balling Method to All for Reef. Change was made about a month ago, and at the time my calcium was around 460ppm. Since dosing the A4R (36ml/day), my calcium just came back from ICP at 547ppm! Mag is at 1417ppm. Alkalinity is stable at...
  23. M

    Hammer Coral closed up

    Hi reefers, My 50G has been doing great with just a walling hammer coral and a small mushroom frag. Hammer was doing well & I was able to replenish whatever trace elements it needed with weekly water changes. I decided to add some more coral and recently purchased a Torch and a Duncan. Since...
  24. Elbereth

    Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium with Tropic Marin Carbocalcium?

    I'm a relative newbie to dosing and I'm trying to educate myself as much as I can but with limited time to read up on it, I can't make an informed decision on my own right now. I've been dosing with baked baking soda and calcium chloride but I'd like to try Tropic Marin's Carbocalcium because it...
  25. twhit030

    Dosing question

    okay r2r got a question for everyone. I’m a fairly well versed and experienced reefer at the age of 27 currently been in the hobby for 12 years. Most everything I’ve learned (like most others) has been through trial and error and research. currently my tank is an all acro 75 gallon reef tank...