nano 15

  1. wendyay55

    Still Cycling…We are patiently waiting

  2. Common Blevil

    Segmented blenny in 15 gallon?

    My LFS is selling this fish, and i love it the most from all of the other available reef blennies. It is also pretty cheap compared to blennies in the ecsenius genus. Should i get one? I also have two yellow clown gobies, and maybe in the future will sell one(they do not want to pair up)...
  3. tasandkrs

    F/S IM Fusion 15 Gallon AIO Cube w/IM APS Stand Running Reef w/everything

    SOLD For Sale: Complete Fusion 15 AIO Cube Aquarium Setup with Livestock - $900 $500 I'm offering my fully equipped and thriving Fusion 15 All-in-One Cube Aquarium, along with the IM APS Black Stand and a plethora of high-quality accessories and livestock. This system has been meticulously...
  4. N

    Hermit crab behaviour? (Red legged)

    First time poster here & new to the hobby of saltwater aquariums. So far, all has been well.. I’m curious as to what these little red leg hermit crabs are up to if anyone could shed some light? When I approached the tank my Nassarius snails were circling the pair of hermit crabs as if...
  5. santeeeyyy

    Cube Build Best external cube filtration?

    Hey everyone, I have a 15 gal cube. I have a canister filter and I was hoping to hopefully do something to swap out my filtration. My canister is a zoomed nano and I feel like it is no longer upkeeping as it used to. What would be a better way to filter out and have a cleaner tank? Please...
  6. R

    Nano Build One more fish?

    I have a 15 gallon tank and the current inhabitants are 2 wide bar black ocellaris clowns. In the future I will also add a cleaner shrimp. Is it reasonable to add any more fish to such a small tank? If so what would be good options for an additional fish?
  7. K

    Any thoughts on putting corals on backside of live rock?

    Hey guys! I recently started a nano tank, I converted my fluval flex into a saltwater tank. I just want everyone’s thoughts on wether it’s ok to put corals on the back side of live rock. I feel kinda bad cause they’ll be kinda hidden. I recently ordered more frags from TSA due to their Black...
  8. T

    Build Thread IM Fusion 15 AIO - First Reef Tank Build

    Hi everyone! Here’s to my first reef tank and build thread. I’m using an Innovarive Marine Nuvo Fusion 15 Cube. I recently graduated from USC (Fight On!) and started working, so I finally have the money to afford this hobby after waiting for many years. At this point the tank has been running...
  9. danielm5

    Build Thread My first reef tank: IM Fusion 15 AIO

    Hello everyone! Yes, this my build thread ;-) I'm beginning on this adventure and I've so many questions. I've setup an IM 15 at the end of June (about a month ago). I started with dry rock and cycled with fish food. About 2 weeks in, I moved a couple of rocks, one nassarius, and one turbo...
  10. R

    Should I buy a Tuxedo Urchin?

    I have a fair bit of Brownish colored algae in my tank on my sand and green algae on my rocks. It’s a new tank cycled for about 2 months, but livestock only added 3 weeks ago. 15 gallon nano with SPS. a few snails and hermits cleaner shrimp clown and 6 line I am wondering if I should add a...
  11. stephanjupillat

    Pennsylvania Aquariums Drygoods Waterbox Cube 15 Peninsula with everything needed, Reefloat Nano & Bashsea ATO

    Bought and set this tank up late last year so it's 8 or 9 months old. I have a larger 65 gallon and having 2 tanks is too much. Plus I'm in the process of replacing the 65 with a 240. I wanted a clown/anemone and zoa tank but instead got an aptasia tank. haha I have a small UV which I used for...
  12. Huddy_

    Nano Build 15G nano reef setup, help!

    Hey fellas, hope your holiday weekend is treating you well. I’m planning to start the process of building a 15g nano reef w/ fish after a couple year hiatus coming from a fresh water cichlid tank. I have very little experience with saltwater tanks so I am doing my due diligence and researching...
  13. GrizzReacts

    Nano Build First 15 gallon tank is coming together nice

    Live rock is here and added to tank now just have to go to local fish store and pick up saltwater and rso praying this 15 gallon cycles fast ‼️ I’m ready to grab my clowns
  14. GrizzReacts

    Nano Build Setting up my first saltwater nano

    Here’s everything set up for my first tank. Getting live rock and water this weekend and start cycling tank very nervous / excited! I’ll take any tips if you have any
  15. GrizzReacts

    Mocha in 15 gallon

    Will my mochas be ok in a 15 gallon? Might put a dart fish in there but for now it’ll be the mochas and some coral is this ok?
  16. R

    Stocking advise IM fusion 15

    New to the hobby, started a innovative marine fusion 15 nano reef. The tank has been running just over a month now. Since the tank cycled and I added a pair of clown fish which have been doing great and the levels in the tank have been holding great for two weeks now. My plan for this tank is to...
  17. Hatuey

    Nano Build 15 NUVO Fusion AIO Cube Aquarium - Innovative Marine Build

    As I wait for my Waterbox, I decided to get the 15 NUVO Fusion AIO Cube Aquarium - Innovative Marine. Could you let me know what your thoughts on the aqua scape?
  18. APLATN13

    Nano Build APLATN13's Innovative Marine Fusion 15 AIO Build

    I have own a few tanks in my life but 4 years ago I gave it all up. This past year my daughter was gifted a IM Fusion 15g AIO tank. Build Specs: IM Fusion 15 AIO AI Prime HD16 Jager 50w Heater Tunze ATO AquaRocks Scape Kraken Reef Lid 10lbs Pink Fiji Sand More pics and progress to come...
  19. ScurvyFrog

    Build Thread IM 15 Cube - Rookie Build Thread

    Hello all! Getting back into the hobby after about 20 years - (I last maintained a tank for a marine biology class back in high school). Picked up the IM 15 Cube (basic package with the filer sock and tiny pump) and added a few upgrades to my set up. - Built a home water station for RODI and...
  20. Stupidkitty84

    AIO Build Slightly Unlevel Stand Top for IM Nuvo 15g

    I'm setting up a IM Nuvo 15 gallon rimless AIO tank on a pine nightstand that has slight unevenness on its top. I put a cut-to-size 3/8" finished plywood sheet between the tank and nightstand and a sliver of a shim under the front left where there was less than a 1/8" gap. The tank also came...
  21. ShaunMc

    Nano Build Sp's IM Fusion 56.78L Build

    Intro: I've been away from reefing for a decade. With the fast pace of life, I have missed the patience and focus that this hobby required for success. I'm excited to get connected back into it. I have never done a build thread, but felt it would be a good practice to record the activity for...
  22. phillipsjo21

    Hello Hi from Indiana

    Hello, I have been reefing for about a year now. I only have a nano tank but am working on starting more tanks hopefully soon and am looking to learn from others! Thanks
  23. W

    Best Heater for a 15 gallon nano?

    Hey all I have a 15 gal nano reef with several LPS corals and no fish and my heater is getting a bit old (about 7 years) and I’m wanting to replace it. What is the best option for a reliable heater for a tank this size? Let me know!
  24. feresadas

    Nano 15 gallon build: advice needed

    I have purchased this tank, and aim to build my first aquarium. The goal is to have a primarily Euphyllia dominated LPS tank, with one or two islands of pulsing Xenia (to avoid spreading). with a small(?) amount of fish. I live in upstate NY with temps ranging in home from 65-74℉ (18-23°C). if...
  25. 777_Aquatics

    new tank

    Hey guys new tank set up here, i got a Waterbox 15 peninsula. So far the water has been cycling for 3 days straight, i have had a couple days already where i had to add some water because the pump was running dry. I am assuming that it is evaporating? either way the water is staying clear and...