
  1. LandlockedZissou816

    Eheim canister filter broken

    I bought a Eheim Classic 250 from Amazon and it arrived with a broken piece shown in picture. I’ve never used a canister filter, but after taking it apart and looking it over I don’t think the broken piece will affect the functionality, but someone with more knowledge might be able to tell me...
  2. D

    EMERGENCY Clownfish stopped eating

    I’ve had my clown fish for over a month now they are a breeding pair according to the previous owner the female is significantly larger than the male and they’ve been eating just fine they are the biggest fish in the tank and are left alone the water parameters are almost at zero and today I...
  3. TheWhiteFord

    Can my floor support it

    I need some help from the builders and structural engineers on here. I stumbled across a ridiculous deal on my dream 300 gallon deep dimensions tank (6ft L x 3ft W x 27” T). I was initially gonna put a 150 gallon tank in this spot (hence the plumbing). I am concerned if my floor can support it...
  4. N

    RFA Looking Extremely Puffed Up?

    I'm not sure what's going on with my RFA and it has me concerned. He was vibrant green with a bright orange foot when I brought it home about a month and a half ago. It grew extremely quickly and eventually decided to detach from the corner it was bunkered down in and I woke up to seeing it...
  5. M

    Clownfish Fry Schooling in Corner?

    Hello all, I’m new to the clownfish breeding scene and this is my first attempt at raising the fry. This group is on day 18 post hatch and have been moved to a 20g grow out tank since they are no longer on rotifers. Should I be worried that they are all schooling in the corner of the tank close...
  6. nford1987

    Margarita Snail Flaking/Turning White

    I'm assuming that this is a bad sign. I've had a margarita snail for about a month, and I noticed that in the past few days it appears the coralline growth and patterning of its shell is flaking away to reveal a pearlescent white shell. I've only used pre-made Saltwater and distilled water...
  7. N

    Help with Duncan Growth

    I’ve had a Duncan for a half a year is so now, and after a friend over feeding the tank a few things showed up. There appears to be something new growing on it, but it doesn’t look like a new Duncan head. Additionally, I think there is some sort of black bubble algae, should I just leave that...
  8. aquamann

    First SPS Corals Am I on the right track?

    So after a year and a half I finally decided to try some sps corals. I picked up Forest Fire Digitata, Green Birdsnest, and a Grafted Monticap. They have been in the tank for about 10 days and was just wondering if they look healthy or not. At the moment I am still slowly raising alk to 8.5 and...
  9. I

    Cutting fleece rolls in half

    Does anyone know if its possible to cut a fleece roll in half? I'm thinking about 3dprinting and designing a reefmat for my waterbox cube 10. But all the fleece roll I can find here are a minimum of 8cm.. which should fit but barrelly. I want to cut let's say a red sea 250 in half but want to...
  10. taytay_1119

    Damsel aggression diversion in 20g

    I have a 20g with a talbot damsel who I think is maturing and turning out to be an butt (yes I know who woulda thunk). It’s starting to kind of target my bar goby when it’s swimming near his rocks. I was wondering if there’s a fish I could add to disperse the aggression perhaps like a royal...
  11. N

    Does anyone know what are these corals?

    Got them in a pack, so i’m not sure what kind of corals they are. Thanks.
  12. Luckyduck

    Want a second Harlequin shrimp. Info please

    Hey guys so I currently have what I'm 99% sure is a male Harlequin Shrimp as his tails underside is all white. I absolutely love this guy. They are such fascinating creatures and I really want to get him a mate. I have a steady supply of food from my LFS and I have a large sump with live rock...
  13. N

    RS 525 XL G2+ lip to support front glass

    Can anyone with a red sea 525 XL g2+ (the newest ones that don't come with ATO reservoir) tell me if your tank has and aluminum lip on the front that supports the front panel? Just got delivery of a new tank and stand (to replace a g1 with an issue) and the support rep had said 525 and up now...
  14. R

    Emerald crabs in a reef

    I recently cycled my tank and I entered the ugly stage so I got some clean up crew. My LFS recommended some emerald crabs along with a handful of other things. After I took them home and put them in the tank, I did some research because I thought that I’ve heard emerald crabs aren’t reef safe. I...
  15. M

    Don't Worry This is The Beginners Guide!!

    Hello Reef2Reef Community! As I was cleaning my tank yesterday, I realized that in two months it will be 1 year in this hobby! I was thinking about how much I have learned throughout this experience and how many errors I have made along the way because I was not properly educated. Some of my...
  16. F

    A very stupid and embarrassing question… is my cat causing ammonia in my tank?

    Long story short, got a new tank, purple life rock, and aragonite substrate. I tested my ammonia to get a base reading and I was showing 1.0 ppm on the api test and .8 on the Red Sea ammonia test. I was puzzled to why I’m showing ammonia within a few hours of setting up my new tank (20g nano)...
  17. S

    How do I light this tank?

    I really like this tank someone is selling used. It would match the look of my house and would be an upgrade from my 20 gallon long. But how would I light this tank? Someone please help before someone else buys it before me!
  18. F

    Salt Brand

    I have a Fluval Evo 13.5 gallon and I have been trying different salts to see which one I like the best. I currently am about to try tropic marin which is what the local shop uses and a lot of people like it. A lot of people also like reef crystals and say it works great. I just want something...
  19. reefsaver

    Australian Victorian Live Rock

    In Victoria, Australia we don't really have vibrant Coral Reefs, although I was wondering if the rock under the tide line would be as good as say rock in Queensland where there're Coral Reefs. My best guess would be no they're not definitively the same, like Victorian Live Rock would probably...
  20. Troyer15

    Plastic Aquarium Trim

    I am resealing a perfecto aquarium and when I removed the top plastic frame of course I broke it. Does anyone know where I can purchase a replacement? The dimensions I'm looking for is 36x18. Thanks!
  21. M

    Palytoxin in corals

    I’m new to this hobby, I’ve been searching about corals and I have found that palys and zoas have a deadly toxin called palytoxin, my question is that if all corals have this toxin or only that type of corals?
  22. ThatFishEnjoyer

    Lighting settings for 29gallon Anemone tank

    I have a 29 gallon bio cube that I wish to put bubble tip anemones in and I had some questions about the light settings. I have a 100 Watt Hipargero Aquarium Light. Does anyone have any experience with this light and nems? If so what settings do you have on your light? Or any advise would be...
  23. Macsreefs

    Wave maker decision help

    So I had the “current USA” 660 gph wave maker for my 22 gallon reef tank … of course a month after the warranty ended it burned out like all the reviews said online… shoulda took there word for it. There’s so many options ranging from little 20$ ones all the way to 100$ ones with a complete...
  24. NoAhoysLeft

    To clown or not to clown?

    So around a year ago I saw some awesome clownfish videos where the clowns were bouncing around in anemones and even Euphyllia. Those videos were a pretty big motivator for me to want my own clowns. Those bright orange fish bouncing up and down in the beautiful flowing corals or anemone was...
  25. SaltyCabbage

    60g breeder or 125g for a mixed reef?

    I’ve been wanting to setup my 125g for a while and I just finished moving so it’s finally time to start planning everything. My issue is that I only plan on staying in this house for 3 years before I move into a more permanent home, I hate moving tanks and moving my 125g the first time made me...