IT's finally over. 6 months of hard work is coming to the End Game. (Working Alk Monitor)
A crazy idea I came up with, actually works.
All started because I couldn't get a Apex Trident (none available),
nor or was I will to shell out the money (and throw out two perfectly working two Apex Classics).
Posting a Thread now... since it's Finished/Finished 100%.
Works perfect and Tested/Debugged/Proven. (No more worries I would be embarrassed with a failed attempt)
I just filmed the VIDEO Demo PROOF (posted on YouTube)...SEE YouTUbe LINK at Bottom of this Post.
IT's Call the TANK MATE ( AquaMon LAB ) .... (Aqua=Water Mon=Monitor)
"Tank Mate" is my Brand Name for all my DIY Controllers.
What is it?
A Triple Tank Automatic Alkalinity Monitor for my 3 Tanks. (DT-#01, DT-#02, FragT-#03)
- Raspberry PI as the Master Controller (THE BRAIN, Network, Scheduler & Web Server)
- Ardiuno Mega as the Secondary Controller (The WORKHORSE to control the Motors, Servos, Pumps, and Lighting)
- PI CAMERA for Computer Vision (Digitization)
- 4x Displays (Touch Screen, LCD, Green OLED, and Color OLED) for Human Interface, Status, results, etc
- 5x Kamoer Pumps for (Fluid transfer).
- 4x Servo Motors for Robotics, 1 DC motor for Mixer (removed from Printer Paper Feeder)
- Digital I/O DC Control (PWM Module, LN298 Dual-H Bridge, LM296 Buck DCtoDC converter) via Digital, I2C, SPI.
- A few LEDs (Lighting), Buttons, Contact Switches,and some Pennies for position markers. (Plus lots of wire, and Hot Glue)
- Build on the Foundation of a (Broken) HP All in One DeskJet 6968 Printer/Fax (Torn apart for Parts)......[ A HANNA Alk Egg Tester located on the Printer Head for lateral movement ]
- Too much to describe all the code but a combination of Integrated:
--------> Python, C, Perl, Linux, Driver/Libraries, OpenVision, MatLab, Apache Web, CSS, CGI and scripts, with Custom Jpeg images.
- Accuracy: As accurate as a Hanna HI755 (Consistent Results)
- Auto Alk Testing auto scheduled (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, anything you want for each Tank)
- Hanna ALK Reagent (30 Test bottle @ reasonable cost for Weekly Testing, or as Needed)
- Remote Access via Web Interface (WiFi), Touch Screen, or BlueTooth (Mouse/Keyboard)
- No distance limitation on Sample Lines from Water Source (distance Calibration)
- Data Storage local, manual input, edit, Can Combine External Tests (ie Calc, Mag, NO3, PO4)
- Graphical Presentation, with Tables, Graphs, Thresholds/Targets, Alerts, and color coded results.
- Software Calibration of Dosing Lines (lengths), Samples Volumes, Pumps, even re-calibration of Test Results for Offsets.
- Manual mode for On-Demand testing (External Samples), and SW controlled maintenance Functions.
- Self Cleaning.
- Doser Control ...future integration..
- and more....(eg. works with Apex Fusion, tested, proven with a D/A module with cable into Apex Probe input port)
PERSONAL PURPOSE: I get busy and my SPS tank has paid the price. 4 Years, and always something busts after a while of positive progress.
LPS/mixed tank has no issues (Forgiving). It's only the Sensitive SPS.
Automation is the answer for me (and over last few years worked to build a few Controllers, (to my spec) to keep things humming)
This Alk Monitor is the Last of the Series after completing the Water Changer, ATO , Doser, and Maintenance Minder.
I have a 90 Gallon Very Successful LPS/mixed Tank
and also the **Failed many times *** 110 Gallon SPS Tank (few frags alive)
Finally years later I did figure out SPS with Tank above.
This is my Basement Home Office Tank (Front Side)
All run from my Central Basement Custom Built Sump Room. (SPS tank behind Home Office wall)
With Alk Monitor finish, I'm Ready to start Fresh again (NEW SPS Frags)..... *** ONE MORE TRY **
Hope things go right with Automation on Key Aspects of SPS Success. (Don't need Mag/Calc since I dose A/B two Part and they balance with Alk)
Below Photo is the 35 Gal Frag Tank. next to SUMP ROOM . No SPS Frag has ever survived long (no time for maintenance), so for now Fish/Live-Rock.
Here is the DEMO VIDEO. (Pardon the quality, I just wanted it out-of-way after months of effort) no Edits, Re-Takes, stills, or music, and I have a cold so not the best voice over. (Might make a better video someday after running it for a few weeks/months)
OR HERE to watch on R2R.
** (below) A much Better Demo/System Tour On AmroAzul You Tube CHannel **
After all this R&D/New-Skills, plus code ready for re-use.... Might make a better, compact, Single Tank/Portable Alk Monitor. (Kleenex box sized)
Some of my other Controllers projects.
Will it work to improve my 3 Tank Setups?
Find out....Follow along on a New Tank Thread.
Link to Tank Thread ★ Project-Genesis-(II)-2020-★-Re-engineered-REBOOT

A crazy idea I came up with, actually works.
All started because I couldn't get a Apex Trident (none available),
nor or was I will to shell out the money (and throw out two perfectly working two Apex Classics).
Posting a Thread now... since it's Finished/Finished 100%.
Works perfect and Tested/Debugged/Proven. (No more worries I would be embarrassed with a failed attempt)
I just filmed the VIDEO Demo PROOF (posted on YouTube)...SEE YouTUbe LINK at Bottom of this Post.
IT's Call the TANK MATE ( AquaMon LAB ) .... (Aqua=Water Mon=Monitor)
"Tank Mate" is my Brand Name for all my DIY Controllers.
What is it?
A Triple Tank Automatic Alkalinity Monitor for my 3 Tanks. (DT-#01, DT-#02, FragT-#03)
- Raspberry PI as the Master Controller (THE BRAIN, Network, Scheduler & Web Server)
- Ardiuno Mega as the Secondary Controller (The WORKHORSE to control the Motors, Servos, Pumps, and Lighting)
- PI CAMERA for Computer Vision (Digitization)
- 4x Displays (Touch Screen, LCD, Green OLED, and Color OLED) for Human Interface, Status, results, etc
- 5x Kamoer Pumps for (Fluid transfer).
- 4x Servo Motors for Robotics, 1 DC motor for Mixer (removed from Printer Paper Feeder)
- Digital I/O DC Control (PWM Module, LN298 Dual-H Bridge, LM296 Buck DCtoDC converter) via Digital, I2C, SPI.
- A few LEDs (Lighting), Buttons, Contact Switches,and some Pennies for position markers. (Plus lots of wire, and Hot Glue)
- Build on the Foundation of a (Broken) HP All in One DeskJet 6968 Printer/Fax (Torn apart for Parts)......[ A HANNA Alk Egg Tester located on the Printer Head for lateral movement ]
- Too much to describe all the code but a combination of Integrated:
--------> Python, C, Perl, Linux, Driver/Libraries, OpenVision, MatLab, Apache Web, CSS, CGI and scripts, with Custom Jpeg images.
- Accuracy: As accurate as a Hanna HI755 (Consistent Results)
- Auto Alk Testing auto scheduled (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, anything you want for each Tank)
- Hanna ALK Reagent (30 Test bottle @ reasonable cost for Weekly Testing, or as Needed)
- Remote Access via Web Interface (WiFi), Touch Screen, or BlueTooth (Mouse/Keyboard)
- No distance limitation on Sample Lines from Water Source (distance Calibration)
- Data Storage local, manual input, edit, Can Combine External Tests (ie Calc, Mag, NO3, PO4)
- Graphical Presentation, with Tables, Graphs, Thresholds/Targets, Alerts, and color coded results.
- Software Calibration of Dosing Lines (lengths), Samples Volumes, Pumps, even re-calibration of Test Results for Offsets.
- Manual mode for On-Demand testing (External Samples), and SW controlled maintenance Functions.
- Self Cleaning.
- Doser Control ...future integration..
- and more....(eg. works with Apex Fusion, tested, proven with a D/A module with cable into Apex Probe input port)
PERSONAL PURPOSE: I get busy and my SPS tank has paid the price. 4 Years, and always something busts after a while of positive progress.
LPS/mixed tank has no issues (Forgiving). It's only the Sensitive SPS.
Automation is the answer for me (and over last few years worked to build a few Controllers, (to my spec) to keep things humming)
This Alk Monitor is the Last of the Series after completing the Water Changer, ATO , Doser, and Maintenance Minder.
I have a 90 Gallon Very Successful LPS/mixed Tank

and also the **Failed many times *** 110 Gallon SPS Tank (few frags alive)
Finally years later I did figure out SPS with Tank above.

This is my Basement Home Office Tank (Front Side)
All run from my Central Basement Custom Built Sump Room. (SPS tank behind Home Office wall)

With Alk Monitor finish, I'm Ready to start Fresh again (NEW SPS Frags)..... *** ONE MORE TRY **
Hope things go right with Automation on Key Aspects of SPS Success. (Don't need Mag/Calc since I dose A/B two Part and they balance with Alk)
Below Photo is the 35 Gal Frag Tank. next to SUMP ROOM . No SPS Frag has ever survived long (no time for maintenance), so for now Fish/Live-Rock.
Here is the DEMO VIDEO. (Pardon the quality, I just wanted it out-of-way after months of effort) no Edits, Re-Takes, stills, or music, and I have a cold so not the best voice over. (Might make a better video someday after running it for a few weeks/months)
OR HERE to watch on R2R.
** (below) A much Better Demo/System Tour On AmroAzul You Tube CHannel **
After all this R&D/New-Skills, plus code ready for re-use.... Might make a better, compact, Single Tank/Portable Alk Monitor. (Kleenex box sized)
Some of my other Controllers projects.

Will it work to improve my 3 Tank Setups?
Find out....Follow along on a New Tank Thread.
Link to Tank Thread ★ Project-Genesis-(II)-2020-★-Re-engineered-REBOOT

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