So I’ve made the choice to build a 75 gallon tank out from scratch when we move to our next house at the start of the year. I currently have a 40 gallon breeder that I’m going to source live rock sand, and half the water from. Going to use the 40 gallon as a quarantine tank or frag tank. Essentially besides seeding the new 75, it will be a brand new tank (to me.)
I have no problem with sourcing used equipment or tanks based on recommendations. So the first question is, what equipment is “safe” to buy 2nd hand? I plan to get a used 75 gallon aquarium. Build a custom stand+cabinet, and do a 20 long sump.
So second question, what compartments are an absolute must, and which compartments are optional or even contradicting?
Other than that, the final question, if you could do everything over from scratch, what’s one thing you’d have changed about your current process? And why?
I have no problem with sourcing used equipment or tanks based on recommendations. So the first question is, what equipment is “safe” to buy 2nd hand? I plan to get a used 75 gallon aquarium. Build a custom stand+cabinet, and do a 20 long sump.
So second question, what compartments are an absolute must, and which compartments are optional or even contradicting?
Other than that, the final question, if you could do everything over from scratch, what’s one thing you’d have changed about your current process? And why?