IOWL's IM Nuvo 200 EXT build


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So it turns out one of the benefits of moving from a condo to an actual house is getting to upgrade tanks, too. This will be our first big tank and, in contrast to previous builds, we're planning on...well, planning this one out better, and trying to make it as clean and high-QOL as possible. We'll be assembling this over the next 6+ months; since we ordered the tank in late January 2023 and probably won't receive it until around May or June.

Current equipment list


Sump, filtration, and life support
  • Powerheads: Ecotech MP-40s (x4)
  • Neptune Apex 2016
  • Neptune Trident
  • Tunze Osmolator 3155 ATO
  • Display lighting: G6 Radion XR30s (x4)
  • Refugium lighting: Kessil H380 refugium light (x1)
Prospective fish stock list
  • Desjardini tang
  • Powder blue tang
  • White tail kole tang
  • Foxface lo
  • Copper banded butterflyfish
  • Firefish
  • Midas blenny
  • Royal gramma
  • Lyretail anthias (x3)
  • Mandarin pair
  • Watchman goby/shrimp pair
  • Melanurus wrasse
  • Lawnmower blenny

Been paying close attention to this thread , as well as @bayarea_reef's phenomenal build thread that's given us a lot of ideas to work with.

Innovative Marine's received my order, and now I play the waiting - and planning - game.

Some updates/tidbits from other places I've posted this journal:

Refugium versus scrubbers?

I've waffled back and forth about whether I wanted to do a refugium in the center chamber of the RFS50 sump, or if I wanted to plumb in an algae scrubber to free up the center chamber for a miniature frag tank. For posterity's sake, I started a discussion in another thread: Algae scrubbers vs refugium: DIY, pros/cons? After the discussion, I'm set on the refugium option due to a combination of cost (ready-made scrubbers are expensive) and ease (I don't really want to DIY this, and refugiums require a bit less hands-on maintenance than scrubbers).

Making water changes simple


(This picture was taken immediately after we moved in, so I apologize for the mess.)

The wall the tank will rest against shares a wall with a bathroom (yellow circle is where a sink is on the other side of the wall), so I'm getting some help from a plumber buddy of mine to run a drain line from the tank into the existing plumbing there so that I can easily drain water from the tank for water changes.

Additionally, I'd like to pour some concrete just outside that window (red circle) for a platform, then put a small shed up. There's a nearby (~20 feet) spigot that I can run water from, so I'll just try to get an oversized booster pump, mix saltwater in the shed, and then run a hose through that window to the tank so WCs will (hopefully!) be super easy. And minimize the number of holes we have to put in the new place.

Modifying the sump

Two minor points of frustration with the RFS50 sump so far, though. The first is that it was very clearly not designed with roller mats in mind, but I made my peace with that before buying it. The second is that, unlike some other sumps, it does not have a ready-made bulkhead for a second pump in the return chamber, which means I either need to run it with the cover off, put the plumbing linking them underwater, or drill a second hole.

I'd prefer to run it with the cover on to minimize noise and evaporation, and I don't think it's a good idea to run the plumbing underwater, so that means I'll need to drill. Best place I've found is here (circled in red, next to the existing return line + emergency drain), so...anyone have any tips on drilling relatively thin acrylic?

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So it turns out one of the benefits of moving from a condo to an actual house is getting to upgrade tanks, too. This will be our first big tank and, in contrast to previous builds, we're planning on...well, planning this one out better, and trying to make it as clean and high-QOL as possible. We'll be assembling this over the next 6+ months; since we ordered the tank in late January 2023 and probably won't receive it until around May or June.

Current equipment list


Sump, filtration, and life support
  • Powerheads: Ecotech MP-40s (x4)
  • Neptune Apex 2016
  • Neptune Trident
  • Tunze Osmolator 3155 ATO
  • Display lighting: G6 Radion XR30s (x4)
  • Refugium lighting: Kessil H380 refugium light (x1)
Prospective fish stock list
  • Desjardini tang
  • Powder blue tang
  • White tail kole tang
  • Foxface lo
  • Copper banded butterflyfish
  • Firefish
  • Midas blenny
  • Royal gramma
  • Lyretail anthias (x3)
  • Mandarin pair
  • Watchman goby/shrimp pair
  • Melanurus wrasse
  • Lawnmower blenny

Been paying close attention to this thread , as well as @bayarea_reef's phenomenal build thread that's given us a lot of ideas to work with.

Innovative Marine's received my order, and now I play the waiting - and planning - game.

Some updates/tidbits from other places I've posted this journal:

Refugium versus scrubbers?

I've waffled back and forth about whether I wanted to do a refugium in the center chamber of the RFS50 sump, or if I wanted to plumb in an algae scrubber to free up the center chamber for a miniature frag tank. For posterity's sake, I started a discussion in another thread: Algae scrubbers vs refugium: DIY, pros/cons? After the discussion, I'm set on the refugium option due to a combination of cost (ready-made scrubbers are expensive) and ease (I don't really want to DIY this, and refugiums require a bit less hands-on maintenance than scrubbers).

Making water changes simple

(This picture was taken immediately after we moved in, so I apologize for the mess.)

The wall the tank will rest against shares a wall with a bathroom (yellow circle is where a sink is on the other side of the wall), so I'm getting some help from a plumber buddy of mine to run a drain line from the tank into the existing plumbing there so that I can easily drain water from the tank for water changes.

Additionally, I'd like to pour some concrete just outside that window (red circle) for a platform, then put a small shed up. There's a nearby (~20 feet) spigot that I can run water from, so I'll just try to get an oversized booster pump, mix saltwater in the shed, and then run a hose through that window to the tank so WCs will (hopefully!) be super easy. And minimize the number of holes we have to put in the new place.


Modifying the sump

Two minor points of frustration with the RFS50 sump so far, though. The first is that it was very clearly not designed with roller mats in mind, but I made my peace with that before buying it. The second is that, unlike some other sumps, it does not have a ready-made bulkhead for a second pump in the return chamber, which means I either need to run it with the cover off, put the plumbing linking them underwater, or drill a second hole.

I'd prefer to run it with the cover on to minimize noise and evaporation, and I don't think it's a good idea to run the plumbing underwater, so that means I'll need to drill. Best place I've found is here (circled in red, next to the existing return line + emergency drain), so...anyone have any tips on drilling relatively thin acrylic?

12-17-12 035.jpg
Welcome to the 200 EXT club! I’m on week 16 of a 12-16 timeline but fully expecting it will be another month.

I plan to do the same as you for the dual returns and drill the sump. The nice thing is that piece comes off I think, which will make it easier


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another IM 200 here I am on week 12 so maybe by April i'll have mine might be the best for me anyway.
I went with the peninsula model.

not sure if you know but i was just looking on there site today and now they offer them with full plumbing and return pump, of course the price went up.

BTW I think you posted the wrong pics I believe you where trying to post the sump pics?
but yeah the sump not being roller mat ready is wired. I think you still can do it. but not ideal. I did not even notice that there is only one bulk head for the RT pumps odd as it is common to run 2 these days, even more so on larger tanks.

congrats on the tank. I think you will be just in time for all the sales for BF/CM deals!


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Welcome to the 200 EXT club! I’m on week 16 of a 12-16 timeline but fully expecting it will be another month.

I plan to do the same as you for the dual returns and drill the sump. The nice thing is that piece comes off I think, which will make it easier
Well. Poop. That sucks; so I'll probably be looking into a June timeframe then. I saw the piece comes off, so hopefully that'll help. Worst case scenario, I'll brace the plumbing with straps/etc on the stand and eschew the bulkheads there.

another IM 200 here I am on week 12 so maybe by April i'll have mine might be the best for me anyway.
I went with the peninsula model.

not sure if you know but i was just looking on there site today and now they offer them with full plumbing and return pump, of course the price went up.

BTW I think you posted the wrong pics I believe you where trying to post the sump pics?
but yeah the sump not being roller mat ready is wired. I think you still can do it. but not ideal. I did not even notice that there is only one bulk head for the RT pumps odd as it is common to run 2 these days, even more so on larger tanks.

congrats on the tank. I think you will be just in time for all the sales for BF/CM deals!
I looked back and saw they'd introduced the plumbing kit/return pump, but didn't realize that meant they were *only* offering the tanks with that option now. That's pretty crappy, and I'm extremely glad I pulled the trigger when I did!

As for BF/CM sales, I'm looking forward to coral sales, but I'm aiming to have everything I need by June-ish. I've got everything but the skimmer, UV sterilizer, and return pumps, but I've already got a line on those and will pick them up in the next couple months-ish.

This means I've got a lot of gear in the garage, though, which is taking up way too much space...

(And thanks for the heads up on the photos; fixed!)
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another IM 200 here I am on week 12 so maybe by April i'll have mine might be the best for me anyway.
I went with the peninsula model.

not sure if you know but i was just looking on there site today and now they offer them with full plumbing and return pump, of course the price went up.

BTW I think you posted the wrong pics I believe you where trying to post the sump pics?
but yeah the sump not being roller mat ready is wired. I think you still can do it. but not ideal. I did not even notice that there is only one bulk head for the RT pumps odd as it is common to run 2 these days, even more so on larger tanks.

congrats on the tank. I think you will be just in time for all the sales for BF/CM deals!

another IM 200 here I am on week 12 so maybe by April i'll have mine might be the best for me anyway.
I went with the peninsula model.

not sure if you know but i was just looking on there site today and now they offer them with full plumbing and return pump, of course the price went up.

BTW I think you posted the wrong pics I believe you where trying to post the sump pics?
but yeah the sump not being roller mat ready is wired. I think you still can do it. but not ideal. I did not even notice that there is only one bulk head for the RT pumps odd as it is common to run 2 these days, even more so on larger tanks.

congrats on the tank. I think you will be just in time for all the sales for BF/CM deals!
I too went with the peninsula a few weeks ago. I elected not to get the sump. I'm too spoiled with my roller mat. I called to find out about the roller mat and option on the sump and possibly buying the pre-fab plumbing, but was told the there are no plans for a rollerat to be incorporated intonthe sump any time soon, and that the plumbing wouldn't work, because they holes are a different size on the new tank with the stock plumbing. Like others, glad I pulled the trigger when I did. I'm probably gonna go with something that allows.a roller, like the Banshea 60" or a Geo's.


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I too went with the peninsula a few weeks ago. I elected not to get the sump. I'm too spoiled with my roller mat. I called to find out about the roller mat and option on the sump and possibly buying the pre-fab plumbing, but was told the there are no plans for a rollerat to be incorporated intonthe sump any time soon, and that the plumbing wouldn't work, because they holes are a different size on the new tank with the stock plumbing. Like others, glad I pulled the trigger when I did. I'm probably gonna go with something that allows.a roller, like the Banshea 60" or a Geo's.
I wouldn't take their comment re: "no roller mat" at face value given they've made it very clear they 1) want their own ecosystem (see: locking people into their sump and mandatory plumbing kit for a short period) and 2) roller mats are growing in popularity.

It doesn't make a huge difference to me, but I do think it's a glaring oversight and limits their sump's appeal.


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I wouldn't take their comment re: "no roller mat" at face value given they've made it very clear they 1) want their own ecosystem (see: locking people into their sump and mandatory plumbing kit for a short period) and 2) roller mats are growing in popularity.

It doesn't make a huge difference to me, but I do think it's a glaring oversight and limits their sump's appeal.
I can see that. They are already releasing the fleece roller for the desktops and midsize tanks. So, you may be right. I still cannot see a way to integrate a roller into that sump with tje current design. I like the new sump a lot...bit not enough to chamge filter socks. If they come out with a new one before my tanks gets here, I will def consider it.


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I'm waiting on a custom Geo sump to arrive any day now as tracking shows still in transit but it makes me think not just IM but all these companies are kind of missing the boat with sales possibilities. Locking people into a whole setup is bad to me... The new IM sump wasn't announced until after I ordered my tank, however, I did'nt want a sump with the tank anyway. Looking at prostar, Red Sea, and Waterbox as I considered all of their peninsula options, IM was the only tank that didn't automatically force me to buy thier sump and either deal with their setup or still buy the sump I wanted and be stuck with a second basically useless one. Toss on top of that the IM measuerement of 30" wide and the 40 off sale and I had an instant winner.
I've gone out of my way to take care of a now 4 year old 180 system in my office done in all black and it just always looks dirty (no matter how often I wipe it down) from salt stains, creep, and now even paint starting to peel on some egdes of the wood stand. My theory is some salt drips and such on a white cabinet will be like a white car vs a black car... yeah its still dirty, but doesn't jump out in your face the same. I want my sump the same... all black is kindof a turnoff for me as I'll always feel like its never clean after that first month or two of running.
I think IM slightly missed the boat with the new sump by not having an option for a roller as well as it seems like it could be a knock off of Hmalli... maybe that's just me.
If I was new to the hobby, I'd probably love the all included setup of these companies, but for me, at this stage of some experience, and spending this kind of money, I want what I want... not what a factory thinks I should have.


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I'm waiting on a custom Geo sump to arrive any day now as tracking shows still in transit but it makes me think not just IM but all these companies are kind of missing the boat with sales possibilities. Locking people into a whole setup is bad to me...

If I was new to the hobby, I'd probably love the all included setup of these companies, but for me, at this stage of some experience, and spending this kind of money, I want what I want... not what a factory thinks I should have.
This pretty much sums it up. Given the growing trend in the major manufacturers, though: if every company is doing this, where are you realistically going to turn? I don't have any special insight, but my guess is that companies offering non-made-to-order tanks are likely going to go further down this route versus companies custom-making tanks. Easier to make a sale + lock an ecosystem on someone new to the hobby who just wants something that works, versus someone who is willing to buy a custom build and tailor it.

That being said, Innovative Marine only offering the tanks with plumbing kits and return pump was mind-bogglingly stupid.


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This pretty much sums it up. Given the growing trend in the major manufacturers, though: if every company is doing this, where are you realistically going to turn? I don't have any special insight, but my guess is that companies offering non-made-to-order tanks are likely going to go further down this route versus companies custom-making tanks. Easier to make a sale + lock an ecosystem on someone new to the hobby who just wants something that works, versus someone who is willing to buy a custom build and tailor it.

That being said, Innovative Marine only offering the tanks with plumbing kits and return pump was mind-bogglingly stupid.
If you check their website they have the standard tank and stand only options now lol.


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Great discussion. I have an IM 75g and looking into the Ext200 also.

But I not liking the sump design. I incorporate a mat roller into my current sump and I really can't go back.

Wondering if you could modify the IM sump to fit a matt roller. Might take some DIY skills.


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Great discussion. I have an IM 75g and looking into the Ext200 also.

But I not liking the sump design. I incorporate a mat roller into my current sump and I really can't go back.

Wondering if you could modify the IM sump to fit a matt roller. Might take some DIY skills.
You’ll need some mad skills and tools I’m assuming by the way that thing looks. I wouldn’t risk it personally, just buy or build a sump the way you want.


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Great discussion. I have an IM 75g and looking into the Ext200 also.

But I not liking the sump design. I incorporate a mat roller into my current sump and I really can't go back.

Wondering if you could modify the IM sump to fit a matt roller. Might take some DIY skills.
Nah, the sock chamber is too narrow.


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I made one of the more boneheaded mistakes I've made (fortunately without consequences): I somehow put the holding tank's return pump into feed mode well over a week ago, and just noticed it last night while doing a water change. Pump was set properly last night, the tank's looking really happy, and everything's looking good, but...yeesh. Lesson learned.

I've also been a busy bee the past month or so, and have acquired nearly all the equipment we'll need for the build. So far I'm missing:
  • 70.5" RMS rail
  • Diffusers for the lights
  • Heaters
  • One Vectra M2

Finally, we've also worked on the stock list, and opted to go for a 'laboratory'-themed naming spree on all the fish. Tentative stock list:

  • Desjardini tang
  • Achilles tang (or an achilles hybrid...or a powder blue/gold rim hybrid)
  • Yellow tang
  • Yellow eye kole tang (Beaker)
  • Foxface (Erlenmeyer)
  • Copper banded butterflyfish (Pipette)
  • Firefish (Bunsen)
  • Midas blenny (tempted, but we REALLY want the firefish, and not sure if it's a good idea, even in a tank this large given how bloodthirsty our last one was)
  • Royal gramma (Geiger)
  • Either Lyretail or Bartlett's anthias (x3) (Xenium, Chromium, Visium)
  • Mandarin pair
  • Watchman goby/shrimp pair
  • Melanurus wrasse
  • Lawnmower blenny (Coverslip)

Finally, we're at 8 weeks of a 14-20 week waiting period. Based on delivery times for other people on this board and others, I've officially crossed the halfway point. Now to continue the waiting game.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 7 12.3%