So I brought home a Yellow Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp 4 days ago. The YWG came from one store, and the Pistol Shrimp came from another. I've been having a very hard time to find a pair at LFS around me, so when I found one of each I decided to go for it.
I obviously want my YWG and shrimp to pair up. Should I be concerned that they haven't yet? It seems like for some people they pair in a day... and for others it takes months. The only reason I'm concerned about them not finding each other is that I haven't seen that shrimp since the 2nd day... and my goby just sits there. On the opposite side of the tank. Should I be concerned that he isn't digging, spitting sand, or sleeping in a cave at night? There's plenty of caves for him to sleep in, yet he just sits on the sand bed and occasionally moves around. Is this normal for YWG? He's possibly still stressed? I had a Randall's Goby before and he was much more active, and always darted into caves.
I obviously want my YWG and shrimp to pair up. Should I be concerned that they haven't yet? It seems like for some people they pair in a day... and for others it takes months. The only reason I'm concerned about them not finding each other is that I haven't seen that shrimp since the 2nd day... and my goby just sits there. On the opposite side of the tank. Should I be concerned that he isn't digging, spitting sand, or sleeping in a cave at night? There's plenty of caves for him to sleep in, yet he just sits on the sand bed and occasionally moves around. Is this normal for YWG? He's possibly still stressed? I had a Randall's Goby before and he was much more active, and always darted into caves.