I recently switched from Red Sea dosing products to Seachem products.
I emailed Seachem and they were nice enough to send me a calculator excel sheet on how much to mix with RO water to make a stock solution…
this is where I’m struggling I am now almost double the daily dose of the Seachem products than I was the Red Sea products and my ALK and Calcium are still falling.
im using reef builder mixed 67grams per 2000ml
And reef advantage calcium mixed at 400 grams per 2000ml
For comparison
system is 100 gallon total water
ALK 8.55 dosing 90ml a day and dropping
Calcium 442 dosing 50ml a day and dropping
Red Sea:
ALK 9.0-9.5 dosing 50ml a day and stable
Calcium 450-460 dosing 10ml a day and stable
thoughts? I switched because I though the Seachem products were more potent.
I emailed Seachem and they were nice enough to send me a calculator excel sheet on how much to mix with RO water to make a stock solution…
this is where I’m struggling I am now almost double the daily dose of the Seachem products than I was the Red Sea products and my ALK and Calcium are still falling.
im using reef builder mixed 67grams per 2000ml
And reef advantage calcium mixed at 400 grams per 2000ml
For comparison
system is 100 gallon total water
ALK 8.55 dosing 90ml a day and dropping
Calcium 442 dosing 50ml a day and dropping
Red Sea:
ALK 9.0-9.5 dosing 50ml a day and stable
Calcium 450-460 dosing 10ml a day and stable
thoughts? I switched because I though the Seachem products were more potent.