My 3XL900 with my angel fish turned cloudy. I determined it was small bubbles, looked in the sump and saw my skimmer overflowing (like when newly set up). All the fish seem to be breathing way fast, ORP dropped from 293-237 from 10PM-11PM.
Only thing I did different tonight was the krill I fed had been soaked in garlic guard. Set that up for a different fish to get it eating better, decided to feed it to these guys so it didn’t go bad. Has been in fridge 24-48hr tops.
Any ideas what might have happened?
I immediately put to battery powered air pumps in.
Only thing I did different tonight was the krill I fed had been soaked in garlic guard. Set that up for a different fish to get it eating better, decided to feed it to these guys so it didn’t go bad. Has been in fridge 24-48hr tops.
Any ideas what might have happened?
I immediately put to battery powered air pumps in.