To wrasse or not to wrasse? That is the question I am wrassling with.


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Melanurus i would only add as last wrasse or only wrasse. They can be more aggressive then a lot of others and don’t always play well with wrasse tank mates. I love them but zero luck with two try’s. Both murders once bigger.

If it’s a very pretty wrasse it might be a jerk. “Melanurus”. If it’s very pretty and on cheaper side of wrasse it’s definitely a jerk “six line”.
Also recommend any wrasse to get them young and female. They have shorter life and are better behave as females. Also younger wrasse ship, acclimate to new tanks better.


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I ended up going with the yellow wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus) and a blue star leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon bipartitis). I think it I had a 4 foot tank, I'd have gone with a melanurus or maybe both a chrysus and a melanurus. They seem to do fine in a lot of peoples' tanks. @i cant think @Slocke @Crabby48 @SaltyT @Tcook can probably give you more insight on the risks of a melanurus.
Chrysus is a good sized wrasse with a very nice demeanor. Always moving


i cant think

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You are the first person I seen mention the Melanurus! Funny about switching from a six line, cuz I was dead set on a six line being my final addition, until I came across the Melanurus. Now of course, I am dead set on that! I can't wait to get one.
How big is the tank (dimension wise)? I may have missed it.

If it’s larger than 4’ I would say go for a Mel with caution. As said above, they can be somewhat boisterous to other smaller species of wrasses and also some small species such as certain gobies and blennies can be a risk with these.
If you have a tank that is around 3-4’ I would avoid a melanurus and go for either an iridis or other small species of Halichoeres wrasse as generally the smaller species are just as good at pest hunting as the larger species are but also they’re a lot less boisterous. If you want a good pest hunter I’d say go for either the Iridis or Leucoxanthus. The iridis can be 50/50 and more of a flatworm hunter but the leucoxanthus seems to go for almost everything in terms of the smaller pest inverts (flatworms, red bugs, bristleworms etc).
If your tank is smaller than 3’ go for a Pink Streaked Wrasse. These are just as gorgeous as a six line but don’t hold a nasty behaviour. The only downside to them is they want a peaceful tank to go into (even a blenny’s aggression can cause them to hide).

And just generally avoid the six line unless it’s your only wrasse and the smallest rock dweller in the tank (no grammas, gobies, blennies, etc).


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I was recently having the same question myself.

I could find too many stories of various wrasse's that I liked causing problems in smaller tanks. I had a lubbock's wrasse, and it was nice although somewhat shy. Seems most people have success with this species in small tanks. Definitely looks better in person than in photos, kind of has a holographic effect on it in person.

For my current tank I am skipping the wrasse. Too many of them are wild cards.

Sophie"s mom

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How big is the tank (dimension wise)? I may have missed it.

If it’s larger than 4’ I would say go for a Mel with caution. As said above, they can be somewhat boisterous to other smaller species of wrasses and also some small species such as certain gobies and blennies can be a risk with these.
If you have a tank that is around 3-4’ I would avoid a melanurus and go for either an iridis or other small species of Halichoeres wrasse as generally the smaller species are just as good at pest hunting as the larger species are but also they’re a lot less boisterous. If you want a good pest hunter I’d say go for either the Iridis or Leucoxanthus. The iridis can be 50/50 and more of a flatworm hunter but the leucoxanthus seems to go for almost everything in terms of the smaller pest inverts (flatworms, red bugs, bristleworms etc).
If your tank is smaller than 3’ go for a Pink Streaked Wrasse. These are just as gorgeous as a six line but don’t hold a nasty behaviour. The only downside to them is they want a peaceful tank to go into (even a blenny’s aggression can cause them to hide).

And just generally avoid the six line unless it’s your only wrasse and the smallest rock dweller in the tank (no grammas, gobies, blennies, etc).
Wow, thank you so much for such detailed info! My tank is 90, so 4’ x 24” x 18”, I am definitely going for a more peaceful tank whips why I got away from the idea of a six line. In my last tank I had a lunar wrasse and just loved him. But I now need one that will not bully tankmates. I do plan to have both gobies and Blennies. So any advice is greatly welcomed. I just love wrasse‘s personality


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.1%