Uronema marinum


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I have Uronema in my QT and have lost 2 Anthias and a wrasse in 3 days. I have CP from my local vet. Should I use it to treat the empty qt or use bleach as mentioned here instead?
See my question above. Please please give me feedback on this.

I wouldn't be too concerned with the possibility of having cross contaminated the empty DT. You will inevitably end up with uronema in your system whether you realize it or not. It's usually only a problem for fish that have a compromised immune system or are highly stressed. It's definitely more of an issue with newly acquired fish so it is certainly best to continue to quarantine new arrivals.


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I wouldn't be too concerned with the possibility of having cross contaminated the empty DT. You will inevitably end up with uronema in your system whether you realize it or not. It's usually only a problem for fish that have a compromised immune system or are highly stressed. It's definitely more of an issue with newly acquired fish so it is certainly best to continue to quarantine new arrivals.

Ok, thank you.


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Yes - 14 days worth of therapeutic Chloroquine + metro soaked food daily should clear uronema. Both externally and internally.

Where did you get your CP from?
sorry, I cannot view your profile to send a PM. I had all my chromis die from Uronema. My issue is in the QT I have a Yellow tang, star blenny and a dragonet still. What should I do to eradicate the Uronema, so the fish remaining won't transfer to DT? thanks!

Brian Kennedy

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sorry, I cannot view your profile to send a PM. I had all my chromis die from Uronema. My issue is in the QT I have a Yellow tang, star blenny and a dragonet still. What should I do to eradicate the Uronema, so the fish remaining won't transfer to DT? thanks!

Metro in QT
Humble.fish has a very good write up.


Dr. Fish
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The original post of this thread has been updated with new information.


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MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed into the water or combined with Focus™ in a medicated food mix. It will treat both internal and external infections regardless of the delivery method. When used in a medicated food mix, it is excellent for treating parasites in tanks that contain invertebrates. MetroPlex™ is gentle and there little danger of overdosing.

Don't really need to feed the fish apparently. Just dump it in the water and cross your fingers! Get a microscope and see if uronema is still there after the regiment.


Dr. Fish
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MetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). It does not adversely affect the filter bed and is easily removed with carbon. It can either be dosed into the water or combined with Focus™ in a medicated food mix. It will treat both internal and external infections regardless of the delivery method. When used in a medicated food mix, it is excellent for treating parasites in tanks that contain invertebrates. MetroPlex™ is gentle and there little danger of overdosing.

Don't really need to feed the fish apparently. Just dump it in the water and cross your fingers! Get a microscope and see if uronema is still there after the regiment.

Technically true, but food soaking a med gets more of it in their system. When dosed into the water the only internal benefits come from the fish drinking the water. Which is diluted and metro will decompose within 24-48 hours.

Coral Keeper

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Does NFG - Nitrofuracin Green work on eradicating this disease as well? Got a group of chromis that i placed in QT that seem to have it which looks like it's passing onto the other fish in the QT...


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Does NFG - Nitrofuracin Green work on eradicating this disease as well? Got a group of chromis that i placed in QT that seem to have it which looks like it's passing onto the other fish in the QT...

there is a thread on R2R where one guy claims that nitro is the only thing that works for him and that it is present in most tanks already it just doesn’t affect other fish as much. You got photos of the other fish you suspect are infected... not the chromis photos but the others. The chromis are easy to tell.


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Here is a picture of the Purple Tilefish, as you can see there are some red sore spots.. @HotRocks

My first impression. Not uronema. When my chromis got it... it was in one big spot. It appears your tile fish has these smaller reddish dots in a few places. Is there anything he could have scrapped himself on? I currently have a yellow tang in my qt that has uronema in it. I see no signs of it on the fish, yet it remains on the waste at the bottom of the Qt. Actually under a microscope yesterday.... I didn’t see the uronema present under multiple samples. I’ve done rid ich plus baths. CP in qt water and I’m also dosing metroplex into the water. I couldn’t save a single chromis with all this stuff. I have also not seen a single photo of another fish that wasn’t a chromis with uronema. Trust me I googled hard to find it. Nothing. I’m beginning to suspect uronema isn’t really an issue unless you want a few or these sensitive fish. Plenty of great fish that aren’t chromis. Keep us updated. Hope these conversations help people in the future. I’ve also read acceiflavine-ms to be good. I personally like the challenge at this point. I want to see this uronema crap eradicated. I hope the fish can handle the treatments. So far so good.


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So an update on my situation. I never knowingly cross contaminated my DT with any item that was used in the QT. The only thing would have been a bleached tube for water changes and that was in September. I doubt these critters can last long in a bleach bath and sun bathing for three days. My clowns/Watchman Goby have been in there since that time of suspected transfer, but I'm leaning toward i already had it from god knows where. I checked leftover food in my DT between now and bleached tube use and didn't see anything. Then tonight I said what the heck, let's look again. And sure enough... I had the same critter in my DT as I am seeing in my QT. Needless to say. I dropped a bag of carbon in the QT and I'm moving the fish to DT. I suspect most already have this crap floating around in their systems. Look at it this way. Live Aquaria sells me Chromis. They have uronema. So does Live Aquaria only use one dedicated water system for Chromis? Their water system must have it and other fish could be carriers, because I spent over a week dosing CP and metro in the fish food. I swapped them to a formalin dip and into a fresh QT with CP, pre bleached and all. Well guess what... Uronema was back in the new QT. At this point, I think it is safe to say that unless you want to keep chromis, then work hard on trying to kill it, but if you don't who cares? My fish are fine. They eat and are healthy. Also, for some that say they killed it, I would like to know if they used a microscope. To each their own. Oh I will say this. I tested a sample of uronema on some detritus. Confirmed there was quite a few present. I then used a half drop of food grade 35 hydrogen peroxide on the slide. The uronema started going into cardiac arrest. They started attacking one another in a way. They were on like meth. It was wild. After about 10 minutes they all stopped moving. Some were torn apart. I should have taken photos. A drop of this stuff on your skin will turn it white and burn for a little bit. So I'm not sure if this would okay for the fish. Hope all this helps anyone that finds themselves in the same boat as me. Don't sweat it is what I say. Don't nuke the tank. Don't freak out. Just go with it. Avoid CHROMIS!!!! I may test a few common items that are fish safe on the uronema to see if they die from it. Maybe I'll nail it and sell my own personal snake oil!


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Oh and I would like to mention this. My clowns sleep on the bottom of my bare-bottom tank at night. So You think the uronema would be down there, at least that is where I always found it. My clowns are feisty and bite me. They are doing great. So are my corals. Snails are fine. Pistols shrimp are fine.


Dr. Fish
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Does NFG - Nitrofuracin Green work on eradicating this disease as well? Got a group of chromis that i placed in QT that seem to have it which looks like it's passing onto the other fish in the QT...

There's some evidence that Nitrofurazone and/or Methylene Blue is effective at treating Uronema. Both chemicals have antiparasitic properties. This has always been known about MB, but recently Nitrofuran was proven effective against Trypanosomiasis parasites in humans.

Is it safe to mix Metro + NFG? @Humblefish


I tested a sample of uronema on some detritus. Confirmed there was quite a few present. I then used a half drop of food grade 35 hydrogen peroxide on the slide. The uronema started going into cardiac arrest. They started attacking one another in a way. They were on like meth. It was wild. After about 10 minutes they all stopped moving. Some were torn apart.

Purely anecdotal at this point... But a public aquarium I advise successfully cleared a system of Uronema by dosing 1 mL per 5 gals of 3% H2O2 every 12 hours for 10 days. I cannot wait for 2020, so I can begin experimenting full-time with H2O2 myself. I think its gonna be a real game changer for our hobby.


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There's some evidence that Nitrofurazone and/or Methylene Blue is effective at treating Uronema. Both chemicals have antiparasitic properties. This has always been known about MB, but recently Nitrofuran was proven effective against Trypanosomiasis parasites in humans.


Purely anecdotal at this point... But a public aquarium I advise successfully cleared a system of Uronema by dosing 1 mL per 5 gals of 3% H2O2 every 12 hours for 10 days. I cannot wait for 2020, so I can begin experimenting full-time with H2O2 myself. I think its gonna be a real game changer for our hobby.

keep us updated on your research. good luck! Make it reef safe!

Coral Keeper

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There's some evidence that Nitrofurazone and/or Methylene Blue is effective at treating Uronema. Both chemicals have antiparasitic properties. This has always been known about MB, but recently Nitrofuran was proven effective against Trypanosomiasis parasites in humans.


What dosage should I be dosing NFG? Since I'm already dosing 2 spoon fulls per 10 gallons of metro every 48 hours.


Acropora Farmer
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What dosage should I be dosing NFG? Since I'm already dosing 2 spoon fulls per 10 gallons of metro every 48 hours.

I've tried Nitrofurazone several times and have video of clownfish dropping like flies in a treated QT. I think it's great for certain things, but I haven't had luck treating Uronema with it. Once it gets internal I feel like Metro is about the best way to go (from a hobbyist prospective), but the problem is getting sick fish to eat. Treating the water column isn't enough.

The best way is by injection, but none of us are really setup for that. I feel this is the only hope for some fish. I've literally treated the water with everything, scope the fish....nothing on the body...get a fecal sample on the slide and it's a Uronema party going on inside the fish- completely protected from all the medications you're sending into the water column.

Coral Keeper

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How would I go about feeding them live black worms/frozen mysis with metro? Just tap them dry with a paper towel and sprinkle them with some focus/metro and simply feed?

Also, how would I go about dosing metro and NFG since NFG requires 25% water changes every 24 hours right before the dose and metro dose every 48 hours? Won't that dilute the metro? Should I dose 1 spoonful of metro after each 25% water change with the NFG on top of the metro dosage of every 48 hours? If all that made sence.. lol


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I cannot wait for 2020, so I can begin experimenting full-time with H2O2 myself. I think its gonna be a real game changer for our hobby.
I'm curious humble what are you expecting it to do? I've dosed my aquarium 1mL/10gallons for 2 weeks on a few occasions for algae issues.