Usage for hash tag: reefsquad

  1. powers2001

    Build Thread Red Sea REEFER 250 ALL Pre-Conditioned and most CAPTIVE-BRED Fish, SPS, Zoanthids. Slow Poke Reef. WE HAVE WATER!! start page 61.

    #reefsquad @saltyhog Realized the mistake that got me into this dilemma. Wasn't rinsing the swing arm hydrometer BEFORE and AFTER use. Arm got stuck in the down position with an observed measurement. Assumed the salinity was very low do to the observation. Chucked in a small amount of salt and...
  2. Soren

    Zombies?? Fish coming back from the dead

    ...low oxygen levels in the tank? Normally, I would agree that stray voltage does not effect the fish, but maybe stray voltage is messing with their lateral line sensing systems? This seems a far shot in the dark, but maybe worth checking. I'm really not sure about your case. #reefsquad @Jay...
  3. Jay Hemdal

    Interceptor treatment and dosage

    #reefsquad I mainly work with fish diseases, I've only dosed Interceptor a couple of times, so I'll see if others can chime in here. Jay
  4. powers2001

    Reef Tank 365 Reef Tank 365 - New For 2023

    #reefcentral j/k did anyone here on R2R ever get anywhere on ReefCentral? So glad I'm here now! I've been here many years and still have no complaints. #ReefTank365 #reefsquad
  5. L0L_Z

    Wonky tank stocking (please give your input if you can)

    ...and maybe a UV sterilizer. This is a wishlist, and strike off stuff i won't be able to keep, suggest alternatives and exact number of fish #reefsquad So dream wishlist regal angelfish or bellus angelfish pair goldrim or powder blue tang scopas tang dragonhead pipefish mandarin pair Red...
  6. Alex's Nano Reef


    Here is a better photo of what’s going on #reefsquad
  7. ReeferHD


    almost looks like a bacterial infection, but im not a zoa guy so i'm not sure. #reefsquad
  8. powers2001

    Zoas ID please

    @Shyn Can you tell us what color temperature the lights were in degrees Kelvin shining on the Zoanthids when you took the pictures? #reefsquad ?
  9. powers2001

    Build Thread Red Sea REEFER 250 ALL Pre-Conditioned and most CAPTIVE-BRED Fish, SPS, Zoanthids. Slow Poke Reef. WE HAVE WATER!! start page 61.

    #reefsquad @saltyhog THANK YOU !!!!! So now how to adjust salinity in small increments without the extreme swings? Just use minute amounts of dilution and minute additions of salt?
  10. TK_KW

    I.D please?

    #reefsquad Good/bad?
  11. TK_KW

    Build Thread Tyler's 220 gallon in wall build thread!

    #reefsquad #reefsquadleader #Reefsquadleaders #plumbing I need help. So I decided to add a Redsea roller mat 1200, to get away from socks. Today I ripped the baffles from my first chamber in order to make room for the mat. My problem is my primary siphon gets airlocked with the new...
  12. Perthegallon

    ICP results

    Any help #reefsquad
  13. TK_KW

    Where did the quality go?

    #reefsquad #Neptune UPDATE So not long after my ticket went through. I got a personal phone call straight from Neptune. Right off the bat apologizing for this happening. And they wanted to make things right. They clearly acknowledged somewhere in their repair process, something went wrong...
  14. sharkyahd

    EMERGENCY Heater malfunction

    Oof, I honestly don’t know, I’m a coral guy, rarely deal with fish but we can use the bat signal and tag the @ReefSquad and I’m sure they can help. #reefsquad
  15. sharkyahd

    Acan Lords vs Micro Lords?

    ...lords. I know some reclassifications happened recently. When they were shown on this live auction the size was the same, but I don’t want to put them all together and have some warfare going on. My build is not big enough to have disagreements between cousins. thanks in advanced! #reefsquad?
  16. Perthegallon

    Chalice coral bleaching

    #reefsquad I’m thinking to much flow because of the edges
  17. R

    145.5 Waterbox Frag/Water Change

    ...on having 5 fish: Regal Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang and 2 clownfish. I currently have a Waterbox 25G and I do a 20% change every 7 days. My question is.. with my new tank (145.5) stocked with the 5 fish, how often should I do a water change? And at what percent? #reefsquad #reefingainteasy
  18. nereefpat

    Help with ID

    I'm not a dino ID expert. Let's bump this up. #reefsquad
  19. R

    IM 150 Lagoon or IM 120 AIO.. help!??

    ...between these 2 tanks.. I want a mix reef with tangs. What are the differences? Advantages? Etc.. INT 150 Lagoon Aquarium w/ APS Stand - Black (Made to Order) SR Pro 2 | 120 AIO Aquarium w/ APS Stand - Black (Made to Order) #reefsquad #tankchallenge #tankspiration #tank #reefing #Reef2Reef
  20. R

    New Fish/25 G

    ...Peninsula, and I freaking LOVE IT!! I have 2 juvenile clowns, 1 nice Azure damselfish, and one baby Green Chromis. I know it might push it but do you all think I could add a Bangai Cardinal?? My water parameters are always perfect and I have lots of hiding places.. #newfish #reef #reefsquad
  21. Perthegallon

    Candy cane coral help

  22. Pete Luna

    v2 Pump Coding

    I have a Neptune v2 pump, I want to use it to flush the line fort my Avast Kalk-Stirrer I can't get it to turn on when my DOS turns on. I want to turn it on when the stirrer DOS comes on and Defer 10 seconds than turn off #reefsquad Thanks - Pete
  23. TK_KW

    Poor sps polyp extension? You be the judge.

    #reefsquad Which of these two do you believe could be causing this? Coincidentally after adding the regal I noticed, but at the same time my phos were also high. I've been having poor poylp extension for almost all my sps. For months now. Parameters are in check, for the most part. My p04 is...