diy stand

  1. M

    Mid-Century Modern Walnut Nuvo 10 Stand Build

    Hey! I decided to build what I hoped would be a piece of high end furniture for my new Nuvo 10. One of my other hobby’s is woodworking but I’m fairly new to it, and this was definitely a huge learning experience and the nicest thing I’ve made so far. I took inspiration from some cabinet builds...
  2. underthereef

    Aquarium Stand Doors Are warping?

    Hi, I built my aquarium stand myself, and bought prefabricated wood panels for the doors from my local hardware store. I cut them to size, sanded them, and finished them with india ink and then polyurethane. My problem is it looks like the two middle doors (in front of the sump) are warping...
  3. O

    OHReef's DIY 20 Gallon Long Stand - Build Thread

    Hey Everyone, This is going to be the build thread for my DIY AIO 20 Gallon Long Reef. Everything was built from scratch. This idea has been in my head for years, and has finally come to fruition. To begin, I designed the stand. I work from home (even before COVID came around) and wanted to...
  4. S

    Build Thread 155g Build

    Hi! I think everyone can use a diversion now and this is a great hobby for it. Like many others, I’ve been a lurker for years and thought it was time I shared my build experience. I started in this hobby about 20 years ago with a 65g. Over the years I upgraded to various tanks when I could...
  5. Andrew_NYC_Reef

    Build Thread Andrew’s 100g Build - Max automation, Min space

    I have been wavering for months on whether this build warrants a R2R build thread but after pulling the trigger over the weekend on a pneumatically actuated salt doser setup for my mixing station, I knew that exchanging ideas and advice related to this project would be highly valuable for myself...
  6. nautical_nathaniel

    Build Thread Nautical Nathaniel's Innovative Marine 30 EXT

    It has been 6 years since I started reefkeeping, and in that time I have had two AIO aquariums: an 8 Gallon Cube and an Innovative Marine Nuvo 20. However, I have always wanted to have a sump and a refugium, and all of my equipment in one spot underneath the stand. I've seen hundreds of other...
  7. H

    Build Thread Custom Building 100G reef from scratch. *WHERE TO BEGIN?*

    So i seen a few threads of members showing off their tanks and i enjoyed it very much! So know i want to share my build with everyone so i go and start digging up videos and pictures and wow i have so much documented i really dont know where to begin and i feel like i have too many pictures and...
  8. Seahorsekelly69

    DIY Contest! Share your coolest DIY project!

    Anything aquarium related works! I will check in R2R for any posts titled "Seahorse Whisperer DIY Contest" also, so uploading here works too. $40 gift card to the video that gets the most likes (cross-media likes not counted). I'll announce the winner live on June 19th, but the real point is...
  9. Ariton

    Help about my stand !! Please

    I want to build new stand for 72 x 24 x 18 tall acrylic tank, around 130gal. I have the stand but I like to build something more elegant, like Red Sea Stands. So I was wondering if I can make it only from 3/4 plywood. Without any 2x4 or 1x6. I’ll post picture how I was thinking to build it. I...
  10. Jerry Ebner

    Build Thread 60 gallon marineland build

    60 gallon marineland build DIY stand. Cube tank eshoops cube sump Kessil h80 refiguium light Reef Oct various 6 dc return pump Reef Oct skimmer Dry rock curing currently Dry sand in box. Stuck waiting on rock :(
  11. Will Perry

    Build Thread Building on a Budget - 42 Gallon 2nd hand Oceanic Hexagon

    Hey guys! I'm new to the community and out to earn a spiffy new Build Thread Badge!! I don't have all of my supplies just yet, but most of the things I do have at my disposal (well, all of them so far) are 2nd hand. So far my supplies are as follows: An Oceanic 42 Gallon Hexagon Aquarium A...
  12. Streetdoc77

    Build Thread 120 gallon Nice and slow

    Hello all ! It’s been awhile, I finished up a move over the summer from Memphis Tenn to mid Michigan and tore down my sps dominator tank ..... I was heartbroken but .... with heartbreak comes new beginnings!!!! Ever since I’ve moved into my place I have gone back and forth on how big ? Where to...
  13. Keith_0011

    Ideas for tank set up on Mexican tile??

    Can I set up a 92gal corner tank on a Mexican tile floor? A little background here. I recently moved and sized down to one tank, a 36gal bowfront. (The 36 is currently on the Mexican tile, for better or worse). I am now looking to size up to a bigger tank, a 92gal corner tank. The room where I...
  14. FLAdaboy

    Cube Build 60g Cube

    So, I haven't posted my build because life happens. I managed to acquire my cube from a fellow reefer when I was in FL. Traded 6 zoa frags for it. I feel like I came out on top. It took a few months to build then stock. I got the rock while I was in FL as well. I've always wanted a cube because...
  15. zachtos

    Build Thread Zachtos 300G in wall SPS reef - Wisconsin

    The tank partition/stand build progress The family room/finished basement is the chosen room. Introduction: I'm an Electrical Engineer living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, living out my dream job designing laser tag gear for a living! Basically get paid to go in every day and...
  16. crstlblu2002

    Build Thread Innovative Marine Nuvo 50 Lagoon reef build

    recently about 4 month ago I upgraded from my 20 gallon JBJ shallow frag tank to a brand spankin new Innovative Marine Nuvo 50 Gallon Lagoon tank. I ordered the tank from and cant say enough good things about those guys! I repurposed and furniture piece into a tank stand...
  17. V

    90 build new and old ...

    So i got a 90 tank on sale on a whim at my local pet store while getting supplies for my fw tank.. Then I attempted to refresh my memory of my sw aquarium keeping from my teenage years ( 27 yrs ago )...perusing the forums, alot has changed ! Not wanting to deal with all this new equipt$ and...
  18. nerdymunky

    Structural Ideas: Building a stand for a 40B tank and sump

    Hey DIYers! Later this month, I am going to be back in the reefkeeping after moving across the country and buying a house. I have a larger skimmer from previous builds and would like to use this with a refugium. Doing so, I have decided to run a 40b tank with a 40b sump until I inevitably...
  19. Antics

    Build Thread 80 Gallon Shallow Reef - 48 x 24 x 16

    Current FTS 12/24/16: I will try to keep this updated but I am rather lazy about taking and editing photos, so we will see. :) I broke down and sold my previous tank because I was a little disenchanted with the size and the way filtration was handled. I still consider it an excellent tank...
  20. Sub-Z3ro

    Oversizing a Stand

    So normally a stand is built to mirror the rim of the tank. I plan on upgrading later on and I know the size I want to upgrade to. Right now I am in the process of setting up a 40B (36X18) but my end goal will be a 80gal deep blue rimless (48X24). I am buying most of the equipment with the 80 in...