
  1. Brakaan

    Feeding strategies for fish (What? When? How?)

    I’m new to the hobby and I’m struggling to make sense of one of the most important aspects: feeding! I’m sure I’m not the only one who could benefit from a discussion on this so please reply with your feeding strategies, specifically answering these questions: What food do you feed? How do you...
  2. Megan Mathis

    USA 18 Inch Tweezers Ultraviolet/Neon Patterns

    Ultraviolet 18 Inch Tweezers For Sale Handmade- Painted & Cured Private Message Megan If Interested Or For More Details
  3. Joe Batt

    Feeding polyp’s

    When you feed a colony, do the various polyps share the food internally within the colony or does just the head that gets the food get fed?
  4. Perpetual Novice

    Wrasse aggression help needed

    I have a tank with two resident female leopard wrasses. I recently added an ornate leopard wrasse (a different species than the ones I have) and a yellow coris wrasse to my tank at the same time. The yellow wrasse adjusted well and the established wrasses accepted it without a second thought...
  5. Enchanted Reefs

    This is my youtube video of me feeding my corals. What do you all think? :)

  6. B

    feedin coral question

    I am new to the reefing hobby and recently picked up a torch from my LFS. it is currently in my 10 gallon IM nuvo fusion that have been cycling for about 2 months. While I was at my LFS I picked up some reef-roids. How often should I feed my coral with them?
  7. Bhor217

    What is your ideal feeding schedule for predators?

    hey all, Was wondering what an ideal feeding schedule would be for my 150G FOWLR tank. Current stocking list (all very small juveniles currently) -porcupine puffer -Picasso trigger -black Volitans Lionfish -harlequin tusk -mappa puffer -snowflake eel I’m use chunky mix, fresh shell on shrimp...
  8. Bhor217

    Ideal feeding schedule

    hey all, Was wondering what an ideal feeding schedule would be for my 150G FOWLR tank. Current stocking list (all very small juveniles currently) -porcupine puffer -Picasso trigger -black Volitans Lionfish -harlequin tusk -mappa puffer -snowflake eel I’m use chunky mix, fresh shell on shrimp...
  9. Cherry Bomb

    What to feed baby Rock Flower Anemones?

    Hi all! One of my RFAs had babies a few weeks ago. Looking for good feeding ideas. Anyone have any successful tips? I would like to keep them healthy and happy. Currently adding Mini Mysis with Selcon every 3 days and Phyto Feast every 1-2 days. Is there something else I can feed? There must be...
  10. Lylelovett

    Feeding macro algae to fish?

    Hi all, My refugium grows chaeto like crazy. So I though maybe I'd dabble in growing some other macro in my sump to feed the fish in the DT. Bio load: 5 Chromis, 2 Clowns, 2 Banggai Cardinals, 1 Convict Tang, 2 Sand sifting stars, a crew of snails, 1 cleaner shrimp, and a handful of corals...
  11. Christopher Presley

    Bottle feeding hippo, pull the plug?

    It is with great frustration and discouragement that I’m posting, I’ve had several fish go through rounds of prazi, copper power, general cure and antibiotics after going fishless due to ich. Every fish is doing great now two months out from the start but my hippo. He had his ups and downs...
  12. Steven91

    What do you feed?

    Hey everyone, was wondering what everyone feeds their lions? Mine eats frozen mysis shrimp and once a week gets live feeder shrimp to mix it up. Thought about doing some fresh cocktail shrimp once for him. But what do you feed yours?
  13. LilElroyJetson

    Do You Feed Your Corals Before or After Your Water Changes?

    Do you prefer to feed your corals before your water changes? Some seem to prefer to reduce what stays in the water column after feeding by doing a water change after, others seem to look at it as leaving fresh food available for their livestock after a water change, and some feed their tank so...
  14. DanSavesTheDay

    Any tips on getting LawnMowerBlenny to eat?

    I am adding a chaeto reactor on Friday to help with nutrient control and I am worried it may rid my tank of film and GHA which is the only thing my LMB seems to eat. I am also worried if he only eats mostly film algae he will waste away. What are some solution to get him eating I have tried...
  15. Lylelovett

    Fish always hungry?

    Hi all, My tank is about 6 mos old and I'm slowly adding fish... 4 Chromis, 2 Cardinalfish, 2 Clownfish, 1 Convict Tang... (along with corals and a clean-up crew)... And it seems like they are ALWAYS hungry! :) I currently feed them about twice a day and each time they are ravenous... And...
  16. MnFish1

    Aggressive Fish....

    So I bought a 4 or so inch harlequin tusk - who is friendly - healthy and beautiful. He doesnt do any of the 'bad things' that they are supposed to do - he doesnt kill shrimp, snails, crabs, etc. However - he and his beautiful blue teeth when he expects to get fed - literally attack he will...
  17. Jcat2k

    Yellow Coris Wrasse doesn't follow the tank schedule!

    Hello! I have had 2 clowns, a royal gamma, and a purple firefish for about 4 months. 3 weeks ago I added a flameback angel and yellow coris wrasse. The tank schedule is that the original fish sleep until about when the lights come on at 12:30 pm (they must be teenagers) - and are up and...
  18. Crested

    How to get a fish to eat pellets? Feeding advice?

    Hey everyone! I just got my first saltwater fish yesterday (a beautiful firefish goby) and tried feeding him omega one marine pellets this morning and he just sort of watched them float by and wasn't too interested so I gave him a pinch of mysis shrimp out of curiosity and I was surprised to see...
  19. nightmarepl

    Feeding bubble tip nems

    hey yall, i got a light rose bubble tip anemone and a rock flower anemone hoping they split but havent had any luck 3 months now, was told people feed them directly trying to figure out what to feed them and how to feed them. i buy small cubes of mysis shrimp which i feed twice weekly and...
  20. Jake Tully

    Lionfish/ Eel Not Eating

    About 2 weeks ago I bought a snowflake eel from an LFS that had it eating krill just dropped into it's small tank (not from tongs or skewer). I introduced him into the tank and he has not eaten yet. At first I attributed it to getting accustomed to the tank and I did change my rock work a few...
  21. smartwater101

    [video] Feeding a Popeye Catalufa Soldierfish and eels while one is greedy for attention.

    Catalufa Soldierfish Banded Moray Snowflake Moray Flame Hawkfish I feed the Catalufa everyday and the eels every couple of days. The snowflake has gotten to the point where he won't leave me alone while feeding. Even after hes gorged himself. :)
  22. Seahorsekelly69

    What do you feed seahorses?

    Thanks to captive breeding efforts, hobbyists can keep seahorses in aquariums much more easily these days. We have it so much easier than keepers 10 years ago, who had to struggle through "figuring things out", work with wild caught seahorses and learn mostly through mistakes. Today, we can...
  23. JMarsh

    Food coming back out of acan mouth?

    This may be normal, but it's the first time I've seen it. It looks like some Reef Roids was coming back out (last feeding was 8hrs prior). The suspected food has been taken in and protruded once again after the photo was taken. Can anyone confirm my suspicion and if this is normal behavior? Thanks!
  24. Ramiro Casal

    Mandarin fish in my 20 Nuvo fusion gallon tank

    SO today I got a mandarin in my nuvo 20 gallon tank and added some copepods from the trigger pods brand I was just wondering how long will it be till i have to add another batch as I am worried my boy will starve. He is doing fine and he has eaten a couple off the wall already , also if you have...
  25. ThunderGoose

    Feeding flasher wrasse

    I have a Carpenter Flasher Wrasse in QT right now. He's eating LRS great right now. I've heard they need to be fed several times a day, which I'm doing right now but Later this year I won't be home to feed multiple times a day. If I have a healthy pod population do I need to feed multiple times...