live rock

  1. Hugo Garcia

    What is the best way to glue your live rock?

    Hi guys, I was wondering what was the best to glue and stack live rock, to create taller columns on my tank? Right now I have a very plain and simple aquascape, but was think in buying more live rock to make it more complex This is how it looks now: I'd like to make a column higher on...
  2. Hugo Garcia

    New to all this.

    Hey guys, how is it going? This is my first time at reef2reef, and my first attempt at a saltwater tank. I've had a freshwater tank with goldfish for about a year now, and decided to take the leap and start a saltwater tank as well. So what I'm paling to have is a 20 Gallon tank with 2 clownfish...
  3. NathanNarr

    Advice On Purchasing Rock

    Any ideas on who has the best prices on live and dried live rock in the area? Any that can beat the prices on eBay or other online retailers? I am just starting a 60 gallon tank and I'm looking for 80 - 100 lbs. I am thinking of doing mostly dried rock with some "starter" live rock and live...
  4. C

    Sump Drain

    I normally drain my sump when doing water changes but up until last week it had no live rock in it. Will the live rock start to die off during water change?
  5. Renelope

    Build Thread 90 gallon newbie- build thread

    Hello everyone! I live in Denver CO, and am brand new to the aquarium world, and while I've been wanting to get into it for years, finally got our tank up and running a few weeks ago! My BIL lives across the country (FL) and does tank maintenance / builds for a living- came out on vacation and...
  6. T

    Long time coming

    So I've been battling an outbreak of bubble algae for quite some time now, and have tried all of the natural methods of removal (manual, emeralds). Unfortunately, my tank is too small for me to introduce some of the more aggressive bubble algae eating fish. I'm trying to weigh my options at...
  7. Iballhog

    Real Reef Rock - 21 lbs - Cured -

    I have 21 lbs of Real Reef Rock, this is the man made rock. It was left over from a new build. I've had this rock curing in a tank. It's never had anything other then saltwater and bacteria in a bottle added to the tank. 100% pest free, cured rock. Total 5 Rocks; weighting indidually...
  8. Skoch

    New to Reefing & This Forum

    Just wanted to say hello and thank you all for all the years of great information on this site. It has been so helpful to search through as I've had questions setting up my own tank. I have an IM Fusion Peninsula 20 up and running now and I couldn't have done it without the online communities...
  9. magicstix

    Is Florida aquacultured rock *really* all that bad?

    I'm in the process of setting up a 40 breeder, and I was at the LFS today picking up some "live" rock (live only in the sense that it got wet for several months in their curing tank) to get things started. I figured I'd ask them what their opinion was on the Florida aquacultured stuff. They...
  10. Sammi Mi

    Aquascaping struggles

    My tank is 60 gallons... kinda skinny as far as depth is concerned. I'm having a hard time getting an aquascape setup I like without touching the walls of my tank. I'm thinking about breaking up some of my larger rocks. Also, I'm thinking about taking the sand out and keeping it in a plastic...
  11. Sammi Mi

    New Tank setup

    Hi! My name is sammi, new to this hobby. I've done a lot of research over the past few months prior to even buying anything. Got the tank started last week, water, live sand, all equipment (canister filter, protein skimmer, power heads, heater, etc...) Finally bought some live rock today and got...
  12. Justin poirier

    Is these more anonmes or critters?

    So I bought 2 RBTA for amazing price with a huge rock plus 2 clowns that I think are black ice Oce and frostebite or snowflake but this rock has the 2 large anonmes but I can not tell if these are tiny extra ones or something else
  13. BlueWorldJeff

    Flow in my 180g

    My current tank setup is a 180 gallon (6'x2'x2') mixed reef. I have four large rock pillars that are centered in the tank and equally spaced, with the smaller two forming one in the middle I have two Tunze 6105s that provide the flow, along with 4 loc line nozzles from the return (Waveline...
  14. HugoRR

    What are these things ?

    I bought some premium live rock from ARC Reef. I actually ordered 15lbs and they sent me 7 lbs more and it was free so yeah, I noticed a lot of critters and what not but I need help Id them and those are just a few, I'll post more as soon as find more. So if anyone know what those are please...
  15. Rookums Reef

    Keeping rock alive in a tub

    A friend of mine's tank broke due to a defect in the glass all the livestock was lost I was able to find the anemone a home after 18 hours without water he's alive, that's amazing. I have maybe forty pounds of live rock some of it had waving hand coral on it that didn't make it so I took...
  16. Reef2zach

    Build Thread Zachs 220 "In Wall" Display

    I have a 220 gallon display with 75 gallon sump. this is my 2nd reef tank and and its taken me almost a year to get it up and running. It has pretty much sat empty in my basement untill i had enough funds to get it fixed and in my wall. Finally have it up and running and in the past few months...
  17. Sdiesel77

    Nano 15G/60L - Using Live Rocks in filter or not

    Hi Guys, My nano tank 15G/60L has been running great for over a year, water parameters look alright however I start noticing a caulerpa racemosa invasion and some dino. I am using crushed live rocks in my back filter and was wondering if I should keep it this way or if it could be generating...
  18. Biznizface

    Cycling and Aquascaping fears

    Hi, Have had my upgrade which is a TMC signature 900 cycling for 6 weeks now. 5 of those weeks I was away in Asia but a friend kept eye on the tank. I used some established live rock from a smaller tank which i put in the sump and some new live rock from my LFS which I attempted to putty...
  19. M

    LR, leather, zoa's for sale

    I have LR up for grabs. Tank has been established with me since 95. Never aptasia, but I do have some mild green hair now due to no clean up crew, and maintenence less. LR 3.00 per lb, leather 30.00. located near Hartford
  20. M

    LR, leather, zoa's for sale

    I have LR up for grabs. Tank has been established with me since 95. Never aptasia, but I do have some mild green hair now due to no clean up crew, and maintenence less. LR 3.00 per lb, leather 30.00. located near Hartford
  21. Manchild

    Aquascaping help

    So i have had my tank up and running for about two week now and noticed that with my rocks against the back glass it has been a black hole for detrius and other particles of junk to collect as there is no flow. I purchased the tank from someone who used it just with coral so the rock was cut...
  22. Idoc

    Curing Live Rock - Freshwater vs Saltwater

    There are so many differing opinions on this topic! So, I'll just lay out what I have been doing and see if you all think this is correct, or if I am way off on my thinking! I'm in the beginning processes of setting up a 75g tank. I purchased 50lbs of Pukani dry rock from BRS knowing that...
  23. audikers

    Switching a tank from Freshwater to Saltwater

    Hello! I am new to this hobby, and I will be converting a 150 gallon tank from fresh water to salt water. It is a beautiful clean tank and already drilled for saltwater. First. The tank has black sand in it from Hawaii. Can this sand be utilized for a saltwater set up? What do I need to do to...
  24. Sarah007

    ID small crab and snail

    bought a new 11 pound Fiji rock a couple days ago and am seeing a small snail and crab, probably more critters yet to be discovered. The snail is probably 1/16 of an inch across and the crab is about 1/8 of an inch across (very rough estimates). Please let me know if either of the guys are...
  25. L

    Live Rock ?s

    I am new to the hobby and I feel I was lucky and got some live rock with plants on what is the best for my rock with plants on it away from current and closer to light or close to current and away from light? I have 50lbs of rock in my 29Gallon tank and feel there isn't much room else in...