pistol shrimp

  1. Schwartzy

    Pistol Shrimp Cleaning Watchman Goby

    Okay guys, this is my first post so bear with me... I noticed something interesting in the tank tonight. I saw my yellow watchman goby hanging around the main burrow of my red banded pistol shrimp. This was moderately exciting because they haven't paired yet. (The goby has been hanging out on...
  2. Omarons

    Sand sifting starfish needs help

    My pistol shrimp took large chunks off of my sand sifting starfish Some of the legs are torn and the mouth seems to be impaired do you think the starfish could live ? It is still moving for now the pistol shrimp will be donated , this is the 3rd fish/invert he has murdered
  3. Z

    Gobies and clean up crew

    Hello everyone, I’m new to the hobby and just set up my tank a couple of days ago. After cycling I was looking into getting some clownfish and a goby. I know there is multiple different types of gobies and was wondering what you guys think is the best one? I want to pair the goby with a pistol...
  4. R

    Nano Build The Fluval Evo 13.5: The Full Journey

    Hello! I am new to saltwater and to this forum, however I have done extensive research on the hobby and have decided to setup a fluval evo 13.5. This will be a thread following the progress of the tank, which I recently bought for only $60. For stocking, I was thinking a few easy corals and a...
  5. Eve

    Goby and Saddleback

    Okay guys, so I know saddleback fishies are aggressive or at least semi aggressive. Lately, I have been noticing that the saddleback has been bothering the goby and pistol shrimp, but not attacking the goby, just getting next to him and just swimming around him. However, the saddleback it is...
  6. Mrussell

    What’s your favorite pistol shrimp goby pair?

    I have had a couple different pistol shrimp goby pairs over the years. I just picked up a pair of red banded high fin gobies and a candy cane pistol. Although these guys are cool I think I liked my Randall’s goby a bit more. The Randall’s seemed to really look out for the pistol shrimp while...
  7. B

    Ohio WTB a few different fish and inverts.

    I am currently looking for a few different fish to add to my collection. I'm rather particular about patterns with clownfish so if you have any WYSIWYG that would be awesome to see photos. I'm hoping to find a bonded pair of MochaVinci Clownfish Grade B x Davinci Clownfish Grade B. If someone...
  8. Isleofzoa

    Missing Pistol Candy Cane Shrimp

    Hi Reefers, I bought a red banded pistol shrimp 2 weeks ago and haven't seen him since. The LFS said that the Tiger Goby I purchased with them would pair up once they met. This never happened :( I was advised since the pistol was very tiny that I should not just let him go at the top of the...
  9. O

    Starting a New Hobby with my Significant Other

    Hi all! I have a 32-gallon biocube that my SO and I started. This is our very first tank! It's been cycled for a few months now. We have a firefish named Ember....get it?! A yellow watchman goby named Hamilton (like the watch brand), a pistol shrimp named Pistol Pete. Unfortunately, Hamilton...
  10. Reckotch

    Multiple gobies, multiple pistolshrimp?

    My qustion is about how it might go with a Yellow Watchman goby and a magnus goby in the same tank, as well as a threespot pistol shrimp (Alpheus parvimaculatus) and a tiger pistol shrimp. I ordered what I thuought was a yellow watchman+tiger pistol shrimp but recieved a threespot pistol (does...
  11. Nikko

    Is This Even Possible???!!!

    I have a 90 gallon tank with a mature tank full of live rock packed with corraline algae. Very healthy parameters and has been going great. My tank has the following inhabitants which have all been in the tank 9-12 months and have been very very healthy. Two frostbite clownfish Hawaiian...
  12. Tigweldpro

    Help catching pistol shrimp/goby pair

    I am reposting this question here to see if I can get some help with this. original post https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/canadian-90-gallon-mixed-reef-tank-build-lots-of-pics.336420/#post-4192132 Edit: the 2 green spotted mandarin fish are using the trap as a feeding station now...
  13. donny619

    Build Thread 3.7 gallon build for desk

    Hi All, When I set up my first 60 gal tank, I was a lurker who used the information from the members to educate myself and help build the tank. When I finally registered to post on forums, I didn't have the necessary pictures organized to do a build thread. I wanted to at least share a picture...
  14. nautical_nathaniel

    Surprise! It's not dead!

    Hey folks, My girlfriend just texted me and told me that the pistol shrimp we had thought had died and had replaced with a new pistol shrimp is actually still alive and had just molted. I thought it had died since I saw a lot of shrimp bits all over the tank one morning and the last one I...
  15. 1

    How can pistol shrimps hunt at night if they can't see well?

    Feel like getting my mind blown. So can anyone explain to me how these shrimps can see at night enough to hunt? In my tank, the pistol shrimp is virtually nonexistent until its completely dark in the tank and in the room. In the pitch darkness I can hear all the snaps. I was always told that the...
  16. ThunderGoose

    Pistol Shrimp and Watchmen Goby not paired

    I've had a pistol shrimp in my tank for a while now. About 2 weeks ago I added a watchman goby. I released the watchman goby near (ish) the place the pistol shrimp calls home. Now I have the pistol shrimp in her original location under a large rock toward the left side of the tank and the...
  17. SaltyHandz

    Help! Removing pistol shrimp safely

    My watchman goby jumped out (I got a new lid from artfully acrylic now), but my lfs gave me a pistol to pair. I have tried to pair him with other goby's but he seemed to make them disapear. As you know they can be a nuisance. Now my pistol is burrowed under a ton of love rock with set coral...
  18. metrokat

    Build Thread Lonely Hearts Reef Club

    Classified Ad My name is Juu. I'm a Japanese Cherry Red Pistol. (Alpheus bisincisus) I'm a big guy and I can snap really loudly. I've been lonely for a while now :( I really need somebody to pet with my antennas. Can you help me? I came in as a hitchiker to my humans tank, about 3 years...
  19. Sarah007

    Burrow/Tunnel contruction

    Hello, I thought I'd share the results of my burrow build for my watchman/pistol pair. In my previous tank I used PVC pipe cut down the middle to accomplish the same thing. I wanted to make something that looked more like a natural cave system this time. They have been living in the burrow...
  20. Sarah007

    SHRIMPOCALYPSE! Help Water Testing. Mean Clownfish.

    Hello Reefers, So within a couple days I've had all my shrimp (4 year old pistol shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp) die. I've also had 9 out of 10 hermit crabs die off. The shrimp and the crabs seem to turn over on their backs and then slowly kick around and die over the course of a couple days...
  21. M

    Beginner need some help and tips

    Hello there :) So I am a couple of months going into reefkeeping and I have been loving it so far. So far, I only have frogspawn and some zoas in my 20 gallon right now. When I started the tank, I also had xenia in it when I first started to put some corals in it. My first Xenia died overnight...
  22. Benthopelagic

    Tiger tail sea cucumber and pistol shrimp

    Hey everyone so this is I think my first post. So I was contemplating getting a tiger tail sea cucumber and was curious about whether it and my already present pistol shrimp would get along. Would the pistol shrimp cause it to get stressed enough to release toxins? I have a 180 gallon tank and...