I test SG, Ca, KH, NO3, PO4 myself and I was very impressed with how accurate my testing is. SG, CA, and PO4 were right on.
My KH test result was 0.3 dkh low. Close enough or maybe the KH went up during shipping?
My nitrate test result was the only real inconsistency. I have 30 and theirs came back 50. I use hanna nitrate HR and I get extremely consistent results. (now at 38 so I'm working on it!) I am not sure what I could be doing wrong or if it was their error.
I am not sure about the high strontium level but I'm very concerned. I only dose all-for-reef and soda ash.
Will manganese help my bernardpora and torch? Both have been struggling.
And I am not comfortable with the Aluminium level. It says normal but looks a lot higher than it should.
Thank you for your time reefers!